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#599595 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 15 January 2018 - 12:46 AM in Mega Mod Help

Using the latest update of BWS.


When I select the directories for BG1/BG2 I get an error telling me that my install is incomplete.


For BG1:


The "Baldur's Gate" folder you entered does not contain a full installation. The following files are missing:
Area000x.bif are BG2 files.
For BG2:
The "Baldurs Gate II" folder you entered does not contain a full installation. At least the file CD5\Movies\25movies.bif is missing...
That's a BG1 file.
I presume someone mixed the logic up and BG1 checks for BG2 files and vice versa?
Either that or I totally don't understand this program.

Your error in BG1 means that you have a version without TotSC installed?

#599708 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 21 January 2018 - 12:59 PM in Mega Mod Help

Many thanks for quick reply! Seeing your post, I am happy to know that I was thinking in the same direction.

I think I will even go with 35% as konva suggested.


What about the money? I assume there will be loads of it, with so much stuff from all these mods.

If I remember correctly, there were options in some tweaks to reduce money from selling stuff etc. Are those available for EET also?

The mod that used to be available was Aurora for the classic game. It never made it into EE/EET because it also did a lot of graphical stuff that has changed in the EE. Not sure there is any for EET.

I have to confess that I buy and sell very little myself, also I never use containers or carry loads of stuff around. Only interesting thing in such a modded game is probably amunition but I rather use e.g. returning daggers than slings so I need not care.

Once you are beyond 5000gp in BG1, it becomes irrelevant. In BG2 the only sum of interest is the money for Brynlaw which is set by mod to 80.000. In ToB, money is not relevant at all anymore.

#599562 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 14 January 2018 - 07:14 AM in Mega Mod Help

Okay, waited 5 days (travelled a lot) and nothjing changed with the valiant sword quest. And I remember that I go 2 attacks on me after I visited FAI(about 1-2 days after obtaining the sword)

These are two ways to have the Vault's ogre invasion on Gullykin



#599539 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Roxanne on 13 January 2018 - 10:17 PM in Mega Mod Help

What version you have?


How do I start the imoen big quest the kidnapping henning? I talked to him, brought him pelt.. he says something to imoen, but waited too long time and now i should proceed to bandit camp.


  • #599500 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 12 January 2018 - 09:57 AM in Mega Mod Help

    Hi, according to mine upload of weidu, i noticed few odd things. 1) Shar-Teel cannot be killed with regular ways..
    2) Shar-Teel initiate dialogue with Dorn, and they are at duel, but they stay at place and they cannot be clicked.

    I assume this is your first meeting Shar-Teel?

    She challenges your strongest male fighter for a duel - you agree - most likely that is Dorn. They start to fight. You sit back and watch. Do nothing.

    When either of the two has lost some hitpoints, then Shar-Teel gives up and offers to join your party OR Dorn gives up and Shar-Teel takes 20GP from you.

    #599834 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 28 January 2018 - 12:05 AM in Mega Mod Help

    Do you know which mod installs animal companion Hiass the wolf? It is strange,I am sure I didn't see this mod in my selection.

    How to get rid of him?

    Also, Imone appearance is mage, not thief when she joins me in front of the Candlekeep.
    She had thief avatar when I talked to her inside Candlekeep.

    I am sure I didn't select this option in any of the mods.

    Haiass comes with the Sandrah mod. Do not take Sandrah into the party and send the wolf away. Done. Otherwise he is needed for Sandrah's many quests and he is a useful companion as well.

    What did you say to Imoen in the Candlekeep dialogue about the type of companion you would find useful?

    #599901 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 30 January 2018 - 10:36 AM in Mega Mod Help

    Thanks, i'll try that later.


    Do I need to re-run BWS to get portraits? I selected a few portrait mods but they were skipped due to the MyDocs/BG-EET folder not having a portrait folder...which feels like the single dumbest reason for something in BWS to fail but I guess that is beside the point.

    It would be *the single dumbest reason* if it were true, which is not the case. The reason is something else.

    #600397 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 18 February 2018 - 12:48 PM in Mega Mod Help

    on Kerzenburg forum (...) Unless you have a 10.000GP worth tome, there is no way to enter there.
    Why do you keep on spreading this lie? I would be really interested. Did you have problems registering (the forum software causes problems time and again so the admins need to activate users by hand sometimes), were the admins mean to you, did you try to post there but got no answer, did I do something that angered you that you take out on Kerzenburgforum now? What it it?

    They tell me that my IP-adress is banned from their site. If that is weird forum software so be it. Or maybe I am really a registered criminal, who knows. 


    PS- what has that to do with you? Why do you take that personal?

    #600330 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 17 February 2018 - 07:25 AM in Mega Mod Help

    There are various hints you find in this forum about increasing memory etc. Just search for them.

    My own experience is to pause BWS before SCS starts (with a right click option in the BWS mod selection screen. When it pauses, I do the BWS install by hand doing one component I want at a time only. When I have it all, I continue BWS.


    As for adding things, just give an example, I may tell you what to do.


    I was thinking of adding W packmule and maybe eldritch magic...and Tome and Blood now that I think of it.

    Packmule does not work for EE due to the graphics (on top of the bugs it has per se).

    Not all of the eldricht components work in EE, the ones that work only effect BG2EE, that is why it is only in BG2EE and EET selections.

    Tome and Blood IS in BGEE selection.

    #600118 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 08 February 2018 - 07:45 AM in Mega Mod Help

    I've played through a BWS once before years ago and wanted to play again, but running the BigWorldsetup update  file results in an error message The system cannot find the file specified line 16 character 5 any help would be appreciated thanks

    How to use BWS is explained here


    #599970 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 01 February 2018 - 02:00 PM in Mega Mod Help

    Thanks for the updates and everything you do!

    * Sheena NPC v2.3 or later  I love this mod and always install it but there is no download link for this version that BWS can use (they host it on dropbox for reasons unknown)

    I want to find all the mods like this and politely request in the threads for said mods that they upload them to GitHub or even Google Drive or some place there can be a way to download it from a script. Dropbox will also eventually delete the file if it thinks it is inactive.

    Do not get disappointed. Alien, who used to maintain BWS until last year, has made this attempt in the past. The result was that many mods nowadays use github. This has the big advantage that users finding issues or bugs can even provide proposals for correction directly to the mod. In some cases where a mod never was updated by the original author, the BWS now uses the community enhanced mod version instead. In many other cases, his effort was in vain

    #599206 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 30 December 2017 - 11:05 AM in Mega Mod Help

    EET installs in several steps and BWS follows that.
    1. Game selection - this seems to work fine
    2. Download of mods - >>> here check in your download folder if BG2 mods e.g. EET itself is downloaded?
    3. Unpacking of BG1 mods - this seems to work fine
    4. Installation of BG1 mods - this is what your weidu.log confirmed as working
    5. Unpacking of BG2 mods >>>>>this is where in your case it breaks for unknown reasons do you leave BWS here and restart it or something like that? You should get a prompt at this time to start the BG2 part, just like you had before for BG1.

    EET-Master.zip is downloaded. I assume that is the main EET installer.

    I don't intentionally restart BWS or anything. Once it is done with the BG1 portion it asks me to launch BG1, create a new character and save. I do that. I return to the BWS installer and hit Continue. I see a new window with a progress bar pop-up for half a second, and then BWS closes. There is nothing in the BG2 folder and nothing else in the Weidu.log

    I'm going to copy everything to my work laptop and try there on another computer.

    I have a suspicion but I have no idea how to verify it or how to work around it for you.

    There are some mods that download as self-installing exe files instead of zip or rar archives. BWS has a special handling for those so that they do not self-install but work at the right point in install sequence. These mods appear in BG2 (so BG1 works fine for you). It may be this process that fails on your PC.

    #598820 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 12 December 2017 - 10:08 PM in Mega Mod Help

    I'm real dumb. How do I find out which mods I installed? I just chose the tactical version, which was supposed to have most amount of mods without regards to difficulty? It's bloody tough at times, too.

    There is a file *Weidu.log" in your game directory. You can open it with any text editor, it lists all your installed mods per component.

    #596250 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 03 August 2017 - 02:10 AM in Mega Mod Help

    Two minor annoyances:


    i) (This is probably a bug). Upon joining, Jaheira has four lvl 1 spell slots. Three of them are occupied by Cure Minor Wounds. The 4th one seems empty, but every time I tried to fill it with a spell, it didn't fill. Later I discovered that Jaheira also had the Entangle spell (I found this out when I clicked on the magic icon on her character UI).


    I suspect that the fourth spell slot is occupied by Entangle. However, the slot appears to be blank and the Entangle spell does not appear in her spellbook.


    ii) For some reason, both gems and potions are unidentified. The only thing I can think of is that I forgot to untick the "Gems and Potions require identification" in the Tweaks Anthology mod. However, when I choose the "My latest selection" option in the Big World Setup window, the option is unticked.


    Just in case the component was actually ticked, do I now have to re-install the whole thing in order to get rid of this, or can I manually re-run the mod?

    i) Without any information of which game you installed or which mods you selected, who can say?

    ii) The weidu.log in your game folder should tell you - open it with any text editor and look for *.Gems and Potions require identification*

    #596294 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 04 August 2017 - 01:43 AM in Mega Mod Help

    Well, here's a new bug. I have arrived in Nashkel and rested inside the local inn. No dream, no new powers. Since then, I've rested several times in Beregost, in Nashkel and at the Friendly Arm Inn. Still nothing. My weidu log is still https://www.sendspace.com/file/n0pbag.


    Has anyone seen this bug before?

    What is the bug?

    The first dream is after you cleared the mines, right?

    #596189 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 01 August 2017 - 09:34 AM in Mega Mod Help

    I also noticed these are not available for EET install:
    Is it possible to add them?

    Just look at the post below the one you quoted. BWS is supposed to support the mods accepted into EET (if technically possible) and not follow own selections.

    #596159 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 31 July 2017 - 04:03 AM in Mega Mod Help

    Hello , I am trying to install Enhanced Edition Trilogy in BWS and I have this error during the "TLK merging" process:


    TLK merging...
    Copying 1 file ...
    Appending to files ...
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    [setup-EET.exe] WeiDU version 24200
    Copying and patching 1 file ...
    ERROR: [EET/temp/append.tra] -> [EET/temp] Patching Failed (COPY) (Invalid_argument("String.create"))
    Stopping installation because of error.
    ERROR Installing [EET core - resource importation], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall   1 files for [EET/EET.TP2] component 0.
    Uninstalled      1 files for [EET/EET.TP2] component 0.
    ERROR: Invalid_argument("String.create")
    PLEASE email the file SETUP-EET.DEBUG to K4thos (swit)
    Note: I used modmerge (because I have the GOG versions) and the "Independet Installation Assistant" in BWS
    Thanks (and sorry for my bad english)

    I linked your report to the EET forum, as this looks more like EET issue rather than BWS.

    #596138 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 30 July 2017 - 07:53 AM in Mega Mod Help

    Well, I tried but then if I hit the "select all party members" button, it gets selected too. I was wondering if I can simply exclude that component from installation without problems. Edit: no, it is required. Not a big problem ;)


    I noticed another thing.. Imoen has an "inscribe scrolls" ability. I thought it was the "Allow mages to scribe memorized spells onto scrolls" component from aTweaks, but it turns out she scribes random spells not present in her spellbook. This is quite a cheat. 

    Anybody knows where does it come from?

    It is not a cheat, it is a regular game feature.

    #596333 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 05 August 2017 - 08:57 AM in Mega Mod Help

    No, I don't, and I tried a few times to reproduce the same conditions, to no avail..

    Who casts the spell and is from scroll or learned spell? Who is in party?

    #596400 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 10 August 2017 - 03:00 AM in Mega Mod Help

    HEADS UP to anyone installing Faiths & Powers in BWS: as of v0.74 it disables dual-classing to cleric or ranger.


    There are good reasons.


    BUT it also now ships with an .ini file that lets you enable dual-classing.  .ini files don't usually work with BWS but I'm trying something out: you can copy the .ini file from the FnP mod folder into your /override directory, and change the setting in this copy.  That way the mod folder size is unchanged and BWS won't freak out about the file size changing.


    That should work to set the setting, but I don't have Windows or BWS, so I can't test it.  So, be forewarned.  ;)

    I am not sure which (non-existing) BWS problem you try to solve, but putting ini files into override is a pretty weird solution.

    Why not do such a simple thing as to put *enable dual classing* as an install option? If selected, use your macro to set the variable. What does BWS have to do with it?


    Other than that it obviously serves as the cheap culprit for everything these days...*I don't have BWS but I know it freaks blablabla*..

    #597246 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 04 October 2017 - 08:55 AM in Mega Mod Help

    I would be fine with a "use with caution".

    Just one more question. Just in case you still have the downloaded files, which version was Big Worls Installpack in your last install?


    If you now start BWS from *Start BiG World Setup - Update If Needed.vbs*, you should have BGT access behind a warning.

    #596784 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 26 August 2017 - 12:12 AM in Mega Mod Help

    Problem with Thalantyr discussed in this post and following: http://www.shsforums...220#entry596461


    Problem with Imoen Friendship installation here: http://www.shsforums...217#entry596251

    About this last one, it appeared only if installed together with Ascalon's.

    The Thalantyr issue seems to be related to some potions from the AC-Quest for the werewolf at High Hedge. They are not correctly patched into the shop in your install. This one, and the other one in your installation (The Beregost math quest) could not be reproduced. In my own install of the mod, none of these problems exist.

    The Imoen Friendship points to an older version of the mod that still required Fixpack patching for EET - something obviously went wrong with that patch for you. The mod meanwhile has been updated for support of all games without patch. If any problem existed, it should by now be solved. The patch used an older method for UIT-8 which has now been changed to current iconv method.

    It is possible that the wrong append of one mod to Imoen's banter file caused the issue for the other mod. There is no other connection between the two mods.



    I have two installs of EET and second one has AC-Quest install, and it also has error Blash2 mentioned, when i load my first one's save game. It's not only Thalantyr, but other sellers too. I could buy this "empty item" but then it becomes unremovable, and i couldn't see it in shadow keeper. Sorry, couln't check that on nearinfinity now. 

    Just to summarize:

    BWS installs AC_Quest under *BG1EE Mods compatible with EET that must be installed after EET* and it used this mod release https://github.com/w...ive/master.zip.

    This is the configuration suggested by the EET-Compatibility list as well.

    (It works in my own install but not for some other users.)


    Looks like the EET compatibility of the mod needs to be re-checked by the author. I am not sure what actions BWS can take at this moment.

    #596565 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 16 August 2017 - 09:56 AM in Mega Mod Help

    Just to return to facts


    BWS has this configuration section (not my invention but introduced since BWS started to include EET) to support one installation sequence for both BG2EE and EET. All BG1 mods are purged from BG2EE selections per default. In addition, some mods are purged by:

    ;EET mods not approved by K4thos, http://gibberlings3....showtopic=27741

    This section contains mods that are compatible with BG2EE but not with EET, so that they appear in the selection screens for a BG2EE install but are hidden for EET users,

    As shown, the relevant source for information it the G3 topic list for EET.

    F+P is configured for all games according the the modders instruction and is shown for those game installs it can be used for.


    Question is how to deal with exceptions. It is pretty easy to identify criteria for NPC, Quest, Portrait, Shop to decide whether they can be used in EET or not. It is a bit more difficult for a mod like F+P, especially as it tweaks NPCs (vanilla + mods) that may become continuous with EET.


    I agree, in the current constellation, it all depends on one person's decision (K4thos), who manages the list. On the other hand, we create the situation where BWS users get a different EET install than those doing manual installs by the list if we use different criteria.


    PS - all those personal insults are completely pointless since I support F+P since long, have tested mod compatibility and have tried to make suggestions and improvements. I have it added manually to all my EET installs.

    #596471 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 13 August 2017 - 10:23 PM in Mega Mod Help

    1) I didn't verify any problem, since I'm not able to test it. If the installation of both components doesn't produce any unexpected behaviour (crashes, duplication of items placed in two different location), then I agree that it's fine as it is. I just asked because, according to the description, they *appear* to be incompatible since they operate on the same items.

    Technically there should be no problem. Depending on installation order and game progression, either one or the other mod's code will trigger first and move the items. The second mod will move just an empty container, i.e. will have no further effect.

    2) I made a test: with Charname only, the dialogue goes on as expected. With Imoen, it stops as described. Maybe its install order has to be changed? Why is it installed after EET if it is a BGEE mod?

    It is installed after EET as both the author/maintainer as well as EET compatibility list *claim* that the mod has native EET support. This may not be the case. I have reported the issue to the mod's maintainer but I better not quote the reply here. It may or may not be taken care of.

    3) I posted about the problem here since a previous installation with that component didn't cause the described issue, and maybe the source of the problem lies in the interaction with another mod. Not strictly BWS related, but I thought here I would find the appropriate audience to talk about the problem ;) Anyway, later I'm gonna check if any text appears using the TAB key.

    There is no problem with posting reports here, It may get a larger attention, especially if the root of the problem cannot be identified right away.

    Waiting for more information.

    #596114 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

    Posted by Roxanne on 29 July 2017 - 10:50 AM in Mega Mod Help

    Well, in this case I agree ;) Not installing it in my definitive install.

    You could "suspend" it from BWS until a proper source for download has been provided by the author.

    Thanks for the hint.


    Wand Case has become component of EET Tweaks by agreement of the authors of both mods