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#169631 Candlekeep Chores

Posted by Xadrana on 15 November 2004 - 10:44 AM in Check the Bodies

I voted for A, as I get very tired of the tediousness of repeating chores day after day, and am notorious for starting new games frequently to try out different classes and party combinations.  While I did play through the whole sequence several times, I've lately started just CLUAing my way through (shame on me, I know) so I can get on to the meat of the game.  I did like the suggestion Shiva made about tying in the new abilities more to the dawning awareness of Bhaal's blood rising in Charname's veins, even ever so slightly in the tender years of Candlekeep.  

All in all, though, I really like what I've seen of the mod so far.  I've not yet made my way through all of the quests, but it's wonderful to have such a great influx of new content.

#172928 Alignment Query

Posted by Xadrana on 01 December 2004 - 08:41 PM in Delusions of the Mind

Aye, it is a bit of a tricky one. I was more or less leaning towards lawful or neutral evil and true neutral. I'm not overly fond of the whole alignment thing in general..much more fun to have a character's actions define him or her rather than being assigned a cookie cutter stereotype by two little words on a character sheet. :)

My thanks for the input.

#172850 Alignment Query

Posted by Xadrana on 01 December 2004 - 11:26 AM in Delusions of the Mind

I'm sure there's plenty of people out there with more D&D experience than me. I'm trying to figure out what alignment a character that's popped into my head would be, and for the life of me, I can't figure out one that fits her personality based on the Oh So Helpful descriptions as listed in the BG2 character creation process.

Basically, she's somewhat of an assassin, though I hesitate to assign that sterotype to her. She is very hedonistic, quite vain and more than a little selfish. She is, however, very loyal to those few individuals who earn her trust..no mean feat to accomplish. She despises chaos in whatever manifestation. She's quite determined, and once she sets her mind on obtaining a goal, she won't stop until she's achieved what she wants and doesn't much care what she needs to do to get it, though killing is generally her last resort. (Killing tends to be bloody, you know, and all that blood makes *such* a mess on her wardrobe. Besides, why kill someone when you can wheedle your way into their good graces instead?)

I don't really see her as an 'evil' person, per se, but I'd certainly not label her as good either. She's not any champion of balance or whatnot, so true neutral is really out, though that would strike me as the most natural. She's not the type to care how exactly something gets done, and will take one side on a whim and then flip to the other as quickly as not. Don't know. Hoping someone might have a suggestion based on such a brief character sketch.
