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#177729 Experience Limit?

Posted by Blitz on 25 December 2004 - 06:20 AM in Check the Bodies

Too technical?!

Limited to 2,500,000. That is level 20-something.

Luckily, CBisson is a sporadicly brilliant modding genius, so he'll have this fixed in no time. Right? Ceeb?

#177728 Recruiting

Posted by Blitz on 25 December 2004 - 06:15 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Give him a permanent haste like in Longer Road. Leave his dex. alone.  :)

#177695 freeze when starting new game

Posted by Blitz on 24 December 2004 - 08:32 PM in Check the Bodies

Nothing to worry about, as long as you've followed the instructions. Relax. Make sure you have the complete BP+NEJ package. It requires TDD, SoS, TS, and NEJ, but you know that already. Use the auto-installer. After BP+NEJ is installed, then install CtB. Then install all other smaller mods.

From what you've told me, nothing should go wrong unless you stick your hand through the CPU whilst installing.

Good luck, Cat Mage, and let me know if it works out for you. If it doesn't, PM me all the mods you are installing, and I'll walk you through it. :)

Merry Christmas!

#177693 Who would YOU like to see as an NPC?

Posted by Blitz on 24 December 2004 - 08:30 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Yeah, that was a crusher...dang it! XAN, COME BAAAAAAAACK!!

#177690 Praise

Posted by Blitz on 24 December 2004 - 08:13 PM in Shadows over Soubar

I loved this mod, but Charlote has buggered dialog (she, for some reason, has the default multiplayer join/leave/hello there dialogs after she joins the party), and I found it impossible to complete the river quest.

With a little balancing and some bugfixes, this mod *could've* been ULTIMATE.

CtB is much better, but has a few niggling problems as well (*cough* XP-bug *cough*), but CBisson's mods are large, and compared to TDD, have few bugs.

*raises glass of apple cider

Here's to CBisson!

#177668 freeze when starting new game

Posted by Blitz on 24 December 2004 - 04:16 PM in Check the Bodies

Do not insult cats! :P

The instructions are actually very clear...just slow down...calm...calm...no rush.

And a full-reinstall is the same thing as a fresh install. Sorry if I confused you.

As for other mods:

Unfinished Business

SimDingo's Quest Pack

Ease of Use

Ascension is REQUIRED before you install Redemption. And if you really like Jon Irenicus, get The Longer Road (you have him for all of ToB, he has tons of banters, a new quest, etc. Really good mod in my opinnion).

All of these are wiedu, but are very easy to install (it tells you exactly what to do, just read the instructions). My little brother can do it, so you must be able to. :)

#177664 freeze when starting new game

Posted by Blitz on 24 December 2004 - 02:30 PM in Check the Bodies

wiedu.org has information on installing wieduized mods. And try reading the options it gives you. It says "u" for uninstall. Slow down and read, buddy. :)

And...this has nothing whatsoever to do with CtB. This problem is likely caused by BP, which can be very buggy. And it looks like you have a corrupted file, if the game can't even start. Perhaps your BP download messed up?

I'd try a full-reinstall, but likely someone else can suggest something.

Oh, and what order did you install these in? It should be:




#177663 Who would YOU like to see as an NPC?

Posted by Blitz on 24 December 2004 - 02:25 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Conan the Ultimate Talkshow Warrior!  :P  :lol:  :thumb:

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Yes! Kudos to the mage in blue robes! :thumb:

We need another "funny" NPC (other than Jan and perhaps Hubelpot).

#177636 Welcome SHED!

Posted by Blitz on 24 December 2004 - 10:55 AM in Dragon Age Series

Yes! 5 points!

Anyways, good luck, Shed.

#177603 Who would YOU like to see as an NPC?

Posted by Blitz on 24 December 2004 - 07:53 AM in Baldur's Gate Series


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You mean the guy in Waukeen's promenade who sells scrolls, or is it someone else?

"Galoomp! Lich! Pass me a scroll of magic resitance!"

"Mmkay. That'l be five hundred gold pieces."

"No, Galoomp! Hurr-augghhhhh!"

#177602 Recruiting

Posted by Blitz on 24 December 2004 - 07:50 AM in IE Modding Discussion

There's a cre file for Boo already in the game.

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No way...  :lol:

#177441 List of Romances

Posted by Blitz on 23 December 2004 - 01:00 PM in IE Modding Discussion

There are two Mazzy romances in progress IIRC.

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Really?! That should be interesting. Any word on who's working on them?

#177437 Recruiting

Posted by Blitz on 23 December 2004 - 12:53 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Sounds funny.  :D

Although, if you have no IE programming skill, you shouldn't start a project and expect to lead it really well. Although I like the story (only if it is humorous, it will be lame if done seriously). I always suspected Boo was hiding something...

//Begin shameless advertising

I'd help you, but I have my own Quest-NPC project (so far I've got 4 stand-alone mini-quests, and the NPC has 10 banters with Edwin, 2 with Jan, and 2 with Viconia).

//End shameless advertising

*Summons Gothic Rose and her Boo photo

#177435 BG1: shadows of amn ? =/

Posted by Blitz on 23 December 2004 - 12:50 PM in IE Help

It can't exist. Baldur's Gate was made before 1995. IT DOESN'T EXIST. Your stupid friend is probably trying to sound cool.

If you want, I can have my cats track him down.

#176476 Welcome SHED!

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 08:28 PM in Dragon Age Series


May your rule by blessed, Lord Shed. Don't let the power corrupt...some of the moderators around here...

*Glances over shoulder

Wasn't Dragon Age cancelled according to the Bioware site due to issues with the code? Or am I totally misinformed, clueless, and/or confused?

#176474 Old Problem

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 08:17 PM in Check the Bodies

Well, to each his own.


Add it to your siggy, and you won't have to re-type it each time. :)

Then, it may very well develop into a catchphrase if given time...

#176448 Problem with kickout dialog

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 06:16 PM in IE Help

Never mind! :^^:

In one of my .d files...

I put BEGIN B#Vrets instead of B#Vretsu.

Fixed! Thanks for all the help, people. It works fine, now. You all have my deepest gratitude.

#176440 Problem with kickout dialog

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 05:48 PM in IE Help

Sorta good/sorta bad news: now whenever I install my mod, it says it compiles a .d file into a .dlg file, but no new .dlg is created in the override!

This is obviously the cause of why my scripts haven't been updating. :D

The only remaining question is...why? Should I reinstall BG2?

Has anyone else experienced this?

That's it. I'm posting my entire .tp2 file. And ignore the temporary title ( :D ), the mod has nothing to do with cats.

And I'd rather not post my scripts...as i've changed scripts four times, and they haven't auto-updated, so it isn't the scripts themselves.

Attached Files

#176424 Problem with kickout dialog

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 05:24 PM in IE Help

Actually, I remember I had that problem once :). Glad it's fixed.

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Thanks. Pray tell, can editing pdialog.ids harm other scripts?

I tried changing my script so Vretsu wouldn't go hostile while attacking, and when I reinstalled my mod, it didn't recognize this one change. Hmmm...maybe it isn't compiling properly?

This REALLY is an interesing day. :lol:

Which scripts have you assigned to the character?

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b#vretsu for the override file (starts dialogs at certain points n' such), b#vtemp for all others.

#176413 Problem with kickout dialog

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 04:40 PM in IE Help

Actually, I remember I had that problem once :). Glad it's fixed.

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Thanks. Pray tell, can editing pdialog.ids harm other scripts?

I tried changing my script so Vretsu wouldn't go hostile while attacking, and when I reinstalled my mod, it didn't recognize this one change. Hmmm...maybe it isn't compiling properly?

This REALLY is an interesing day. :lol:

#176410 Problem with kickout dialog

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 04:27 PM in IE Help

Your critter's scripting (death) variable should match the entry in pdialog.2da

The easiest way to check what's wrong, load the creature from your saved game into a creature editor and check the relevant parts.

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Avenger...you are a saint. It works perfectly now. Thanks to **AVENGER** and everyone else who helped!


Sadly, now that that works, his attack script (that I spent an hour tweaking until it worked perfectly) no longer functions. Instead of casting spells, he just runs up and punches. But that, is another story.

*Scampers off to fix irratating bugs

#176326 Problem with kickout dialog

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 09:48 AM in IE Help

Standard multiplayer dialog.

Here's my pdialog.2da file. It clearly recognizes my p dialog file.

Dang! I can't upload .2da files. Here's a zip file containing the .2da file :P

No zip files?! Gaaah! Here's a text file with the .2da stuff in it! :P

Attached Files

#176311 Problem with kickout dialog

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 08:48 AM in IE Help

That didn't work either. Man...this is depressing. :(

#176310 Essential Items

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 08:44 AM in IE Mod Ideas

"If you dont want to bother with making things more immersive, you could always go and play Diablo 2."

You're the one that wanted it to be more immersive by supporting "Essential Items"...I was just saying that filling inventory slots isn't immersive. I don't care either way, I'm just answering your question regarding:

"What does a completely interactable environment have to do with class equipment?"

You said: "If you dont want to bother with making things more immersive, you could always go and play Diablo 2."

I simply said (go and make me paraphrase, why don't you?):
Filling up inventory slots is not immersive. It is annoying and pointless, and doesn't add any gameplay value beyond the first time you pick up the items."

I said nothing else. I didn't say the game wasn't immersive, I didn't say it was. I don't care either way, I'm just saying this mod idea...bites. Like a weasel.

Please read carefully next time, I don't want to have to re-explain myself again. And I hate paraphrasing. Deeeaath to paaaaaraphrasing.

#176301 Problem with kickout dialog

Posted by Blitz on 19 December 2004 - 06:54 AM in IE Help

i was under the impression that dialog titles had to be eight characters or less; B#VretsuP et al are nine - doesn't this mean the game engine won't read them?

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Tried it. Still doesn't work. :(

Maybe I should try making a new NPC...