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#228236 N00bish Question

Posted by sistersinister on 11 November 2005 - 11:14 AM in Mega Mod Help

Luckily I have that one.

/me runs off to steal code, and credit.

**Edit** This post was made by MTS, who just woke up and did not realise he was signed in as the one who is stil asleep.

#227692 Previews of the BGEP and the BG1 Projects

Posted by sistersinister on 06 November 2005 - 03:38 PM in Baldur's Goth

While I was babysitting adults crying and soiling their diapers about being without TV at work, SisterSinister out did herself on a few portraits. Thought I would upload two of them to show as previews.

Minsc for the BG1 Expansion:

Posted Image

I really like this one, for some reason.

I would be totally lying to everyone if I said I wasn't delighted with that response. Thank you. I was really happy with him for the most part. A few things about the pic it's self I would've like to change, but I am not an artist, just a glorified, Goth Cosmetologist.

Bloody Kisses,
sistersinister :vbat:

#227821 Previews of the BGEP and the BG1 Projects

Posted by sistersinister on 07 November 2005 - 02:48 PM in Baldur's Goth

More previews! :D

It should be noted that these are 100% more of SS's fabulous work. I did nothign on these (other then upload and post them).

Black Hair Cernd

Posted Image

Red hair Cernd

Posted Image

She is flying though the NPC edits. She has multipule of each one. Choices are always a good thing.

Cernd est ainsi sexy sacré.
I am so pleased with the way these came out. And I am afraid that my quality is lacking so any advice to add to my work is welcome, as long as it's nicely worded.. :wub: :wub: :wub:

#227852 Previews of the BGEP and the BG1 Projects

Posted by sistersinister on 07 November 2005 - 09:35 PM in Baldur's Goth

Cernd's hair is all blurry and stuff, though. And he has a weird ghost-hair-blob on the left side of his neck. Or... the right side. Our left.

Aerie's funky fur coat is pretty cool in its ridiculousness.

I think her coat if vera vera gothy! I would so wear one if I could sew it. As far as Cernd is concerned, I realized there are some flaws but I am still REALLY new at this. I've done like four pictures. And I in defence of the blurriness, I think it adds a softness to his hard, masculine features...just me though. Also my little mistakes were less noticeable with the blurry, but if you want I can see if MTS will post one that is not as blurry, but which one?
Thanks for the input.

#227701 Split from the BGT/TuTu/BG1 Thread

Posted by sistersinister on 06 November 2005 - 04:16 PM in Baldur's Goth

Listen I have tried to be polite to you. I have tried to reason with you. I have tried to ignore you, but I will simply say that for most of the people I have seen on this whole "freaking" community, they embrace it as a passion, but you have "wandered" into obsession. I understand that you need something to hang onto but realize that attacking me is not how you control your world. I am a big girl and I can see there are more opinions than there are members of this community. However, I do not think that coming onto a "goth" forum and objecting to it being goth at all it meritable. Then to say that I am killing the character because I gave him black lipstick...whoopeedeedo! I tried to explain nicely that I did that because I can..(since the whole forum community is based on change) but you freaked out on me. I am trying to remain polite because I don't want to make MTS into a whipping boy about this topic. I am being civil and you attack me. Fine! Understand this... I will never respond to a post by you again once this is said. You are not in control. The world is a great big place and if you cannot accept the difference of opinions represented here, maybe you shouldn't be here. I understand and accept that this forum was about the poll "to goth or not to goth", but after I defended myself I seem to have made it into a social degradation board. For this reason I will say again and again..this place, your twisted Kivan romance, all of it is based on the principle that changing what you want to change about the GAME is acceptable.
DEAL with it.

Bloody Kisses,

#227698 Split from the BGT/TuTu/BG1 Thread

Posted by sistersinister on 06 November 2005 - 03:55 PM in Baldur's Goth

My point that was so missed was this...This whole freaking thing...SHS and G3 and COM and all the others are based on the idea of "modifying(modding)" what was aldready there. I think it is ok to change mods, because that is what this whole community is based on. Social likes or dislikes aside.

Bloody Kisses,

#227682 Split from the BGT/TuTu/BG1 Thread

Posted by sistersinister on 06 November 2005 - 02:32 PM in Baldur's Goth

Ashara-Many Goths believe in open-mindedness and diversity, and aspire to "free" themselves from the limitations of traditional belief systems...You do the research but you don't realize what you are reading. And as far as trying to claim they are "mallgoth" character repaints? The only thing I can say is that I am surprised that for someone so ..."obsessed" with a character, you can't be supportive of others modding in their own way. I personally hate the mall and all those that go there. I would not be caught dead at the mall, but I had to go there to get Baulder's Gate..(so go figure..I did it for MTS). But I have supported his craze over BG and I am afraid that I have become frustrated with the whole darn thing. I mean after the fifteenth reinstall, I just got tired of staring at the same freaking faces over and over. I mean each new mod that comes out, he meets with eagerness and excitement, "Look there is this new mod...." Because of this I have never finished the game. I think that I would be more inclined to play if I could stand to look at it. And since I am a Goth, I do not consider it a mockery to repaint the pics. Nope! I consider it an homage and an honor to adapt these familiar faces. And if no one likes it, then I don't care. If people do, then go MTS.
And some of these characters are very "Goth-esque" in their attitudes and interactions. I see Nalia as a rebelling young girl, who wants to save her home, but can't make herself fit in. She can't relate to others and finds it hard to function without her own little world. There is Arie. She is so Goth it hurts. Her morbid obsession with the loss of flight reminds me of the good little girl who loses her "good" status and finds herself trying to cope with the changes that brings. Imoen is a great example of a girl with secrets. Her secrets make her dark and sometimes cold, though she covers it with a fascade of conviviality and a nice perky voice. Then you have Minsc. The poor man lost his......."Witch"! He was her protector and now he throws in his lot with the PC. He is up for anything so long as evil gets it's butt kicked. Perhaps he has gone a little mad, perhaps he is just intouch with Boo in his heart...Whatever the reason, he is a great solid force with a heart of gold and a "face that ladies love". I for one know I love it more in a Goth look. That is why SimDing0, I like the repaint I did of him.

Now as far as anything else said, I reply with this final thought...
You will NEVER make one hundred percent of people happy one hundred percent of the time. I mean with that one thought remember that you all should be proud of MTS because he released his first Mod and is now working on another. Perhaps he has not reached the all-Modder-ness of others, but that was not achieved over night. The whole concept of SHS is the idea that one idea can be improved upon for the pleasure of the one improving (and hopefully others), not the idea that there are limits or outlines on what are "good" ideas. But really, besides the two of you who have posted..who's feelings have been hurt here? I am not the kind of person who goes off attacking without cause, and if other's are hurt , let them speak for themselves.

Thanks to those who have been supportive of MajorTomSawyer's efforts.

Bloody Kisses,
sistersinister   :vbat:

#227695 Split from the BGT/TuTu/BG1 Thread

Posted by sistersinister on 06 November 2005 - 03:46 PM in Baldur's Goth

I believe this topic, although from a slightly different perspective is being discussed here. I believe the general question there is "is it okay for other modders to 'mod' already existant mods, just as we mod already existant games?", and as far as I've gathered, that is still being debated.

Well said. I will agree with the need to include a warning in the "read-me" portion of the mod and I will see to it that it is done is a few different languages just to get the point across..Sorry perhaps a poor attempt at humor.

Bloody Kisses,
sistersinister :vbat:

#227574 Split from the BGT/TuTu/BG1 Thread

Posted by sistersinister on 05 November 2005 - 12:39 PM in Baldur's Goth

I voted "no" yesterday. I think original NPC portraits to be of good quality, and I am rather opposed to the thought of changing them, especially if the resulting change, as I have seen from existing portraits, suffers a serious drop in quality.

My personal preferences, however, are not the only reason. Considering that many players play with mods these days, there is no way the mod will work, unless you obtain permission from all mod authors. Keto, Kelsey, Saerileth, Tashia, Jon Irenicus... a long list.

Since Dorotea said "uzhas"(horror), and I rather share her feelings, I believe some or, perhaps, more than some mod authors would withhold their permission. This way, your mod will cease to be fully functional.

This, the hurt feelings of the mod creators, and the fact that your work has just begun  - these facts make me believe that it is not too late, and I may yet ask you to abandon this mod.

If you are determined to go on, of course, I can do nothing about it, but I still believe it will benefit you much more in the end, if you invest your time and energy in a more serious modding project.

Please don't let your personal opinions of the Goth Genre get in the way of a modder's dream. I think it is silly and in poor taste to insult a new mod, even if it is behind your hand. I wonder what mods you have made? I can assure you as an assistant on this mod that I will be MORE than happy to keep anything you did out. We wouldn't want to hurt your feelings.
Now if you don't mind, I have to take my Gothiness and make more poor quality pictures.

#227687 BG1/TuTu/BGT Version?

Posted by sistersinister on 06 November 2005 - 03:23 PM in Baldur's Goth

You will NEVER make one hundred percent of people happy one hundred percent of the time.

It's a damn good thing to aim for! :)

I don't think so. I think that we can drive ourselves crazy trying to make everyone happy all the time. I say do what you want so long as it harms none.

Bloody Kisses,
sistersinister :vbat:

#227705 BG1/TuTu/BGT Version?

Posted by sistersinister on 06 November 2005 - 04:42 PM in Baldur's Goth

Firstly, Congratulations MTS on your forum and getting this project up and running. Damn fine work.

Secondly, If I want to play BG with a black lipstick wearing Minsc, give me one good reason why I shouldn't? I'm not going to force people to sit and watch my screen. I'm not going to force people to play their game with Minsc that way. I have the right to choose which NPC portraits sit in my Override folder, as people do you all. I'll repect your right to play the game as you see fit, how about having the decency to respect the right of other people to do so to!

MTS, SinisterSister et al, keep up the good work. I for one look forward to having a few more choices in my Portrait Collection.   :new_thumbs:

Thanks! I do appreciate the encouragement. I got into this when I heard MTS saying he was working on the Goth mod, so I got excited. I hope that I can live up to the standard expected here.

Bloody Kisses,

#227700 "Baldur's Goth II"

Posted by sistersinister on 06 November 2005 - 04:05 PM in Baldur's Goth

Ok, well if anyone cares to know...I am working on my own unusal versions of the portraits. Majortomsawyer added a couple of the ones I have finished, and now I am off to work on a few more. Please don't hesitate to ask for yours to be done, but note...I recolor them so if colors are important to you, then you may not want to ask me to do it. Thanks for your support and please be encouraging to MTS, as this is his current baby, and he needs postive support.

Bloody Kisses,

#193383 Alyson Hannigan as Imoen

Posted by sistersinister on 16 March 2005 - 11:59 PM in Layers of Reality

Please note I have vision problems that is why I use a big font size...

Ok I really think that you should try Catherine Zeta Jones, Elizabeth Hurley, Christina Aguleria, Madonna and a Cher.....Ok I have to say that I love your work so far, now if You would try one or two or all of these for me? :wub:  and non drow if you dont mind.. :D