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#550468 Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

Posted by Ascension64 on 29 November 2012 - 03:11 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Give it time. Mods will come.

#556115 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 March 2013 - 02:38 AM in ToBEx

Is it really causing you that much nuisance? We can make a mod that shoots the guy that makes the warning.

#556092 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 21 March 2013 - 06:13 PM in ToBEx

There is another, although a very small issue concerning familiars which is bugging me in the vanilla BG2 game. Although a savegame can mark a familiar as selected, it isn't when you load the game. This is annoying, for example if you forget to re-select it and want to leave an area, and you see or listen to the dreaded line 'You must gather your party before venturing forth'.


The saved game would need to save the selected state of the familiar, which I don't think there currently is a field for that.


Don't know if this is possible or already mentioned (didn't find anything through search), but would it be possible to remove the (un)pause delay in multiplayer?


That sounds like trying to understand the weather. Bit too hard, I think.

#554107 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 28 January 2013 - 10:36 PM in ToBEx

It seems a bit haphazard, because if you use your additional companion with a familiar, the familiar loses all the StrRefs as well.

#558103 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 11 May 2013 - 03:00 PM in ToBEx

Yep, has been requested and is on my list. Too many potatoes in the list for my weight, at the moment...

#558191 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 15 May 2013 - 04:38 AM in ToBEx

Yeah, you can easily just code a .patch file, chuck it in the ./TobEx/patch folder, and off you go.

Note there may be issues with calculating bonuses from launchers, as a bunch of functions will try to detect the launcher of ammo type, which would only ever return the first launcher of that type.

#561352 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 24 August 2013 - 03:49 AM in ToBEx

Will pop them on the list to have a look at.

#558319 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 18 May 2013 - 04:27 PM in ToBEx

I haven't much of an idea about how to implement plugin support, but given that code changes from multiple sources have a high potential of conflict, it seems quite dangerous to me.

#554065 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 27 January 2013 - 02:07 PM in ToBEx

Do you mean suppress the StrRefs only, or actually allow the familiars to transition areas, enter stores, and pick up items?

#554141 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 29 January 2013 - 02:49 PM in ToBEx

That's a possibility. People who make mods for familiars would have to adjust for that as well though, wouldn't be good for backwards compatibility.

Is there another way you can do companions?

#549753 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 13 November 2012 - 04:36 PM in ToBEx

this may not be as requested but i'm just throwing it out there. is there a way to prevent multi-classed characters with a kit from losing any weapon restrictions? With my own kit that i made, only a handful of weapons are available. as soon as i multi the character as a fighter/mage, the restrictions disappear thus making every weapon available. i can play by my own house rules and just put the pips where they are supposed to be, i was just curious if there's a work around.

I don't think there is a workaround, since multi-classing generally takes away restrictions.

#551785 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 19 December 2012 - 10:44 PM in ToBEx

Check in the reference (triggers and actions):
  • 0x411B Eval(S:Expression*,I:Type*ArgType,I:Loc*)

#552152 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 25 December 2012 - 09:47 PM in ToBEx

Stats are still better modified directly by effects. All dialogue actions (apart from the the new DialogueSetGlobal() etc. actions) are pushed onto the tail of the actor's action queue and are thus executed in order they are applied.

#551988 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 December 2012 - 10:23 PM in ToBEx

Only for stats that you self-implement (Effect 0x13E). Overwriting core stats is highly dangerous and thus not possible.

#552031 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 23 December 2012 - 09:07 PM in ToBEx

As in set them?

#552131 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 25 December 2012 - 02:37 PM in ToBEx

I imagine you would probably need some sort of opcode 232 extension (like you have asked for before), with a resource that points to some script that will define the effect. Would that work out?

#552044 TobEx Wish list

Posted by Ascension64 on 24 December 2012 - 03:01 AM in ToBEx

Can you give an example of this? I'm not sure how a simple variable can result in entire effects/feature blocks being generated.

#558152 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 13 May 2013 - 04:02 AM in ToBEx

I'm getting multiple attack texts (e.g., "Gnoll attacks Player") that don't at all match the animations...or anything even remotely likely, for that matter. I'm pretty sure a single gnoll doesn't attack 6+ times per round. :) (Using latest versions of EasyTutu and TobEx. A few other mods, but nothing that should modify the attack sequence at all.)

You are right, this is vanilla BG2 behaviour. Every time a creature processes some form of attack action, you get that message. Yeah, bugs me in BG:EE as well.


Second, any chance of putting the feature to correct experience reporting back in? The way I look at it, the 10% bonus to XP is part of 2nd ed, it's just that it's only supposed to apply if you have suitably high stats. I suspect Bioware just got lazy and, rather than actually coding it, just assumed that everyone would create characters that met the 10% bonus requirements. (And, in truth, I usually do.)

Hmm, well Beamhaul got rid of it entirely. You are still entitled to use the old mod if you want to. Just don't use it with TobEx Disable Experience Boost component.


Another thing I just thought of, though this would clearly fall under new issues rather than revisiting older issues, is the concept of bashing chests and the like. I'm pretty sure in BG2, this is either buggy or hard-coded to never work, where in BG1, I believe it was possible.

Pretty sure means not sure or definitely sure? I don't have the time to find evidence for or against for you.

#549136 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 30 October 2012 - 02:38 AM in ToBEx

Oops, silly me. Looks like I didn't change all the version markers to 25. Have fixed this, the version is 25 by WeiDU but the file will be b0025b.

#556380 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 26 March 2013 - 03:12 PM in ToBEx

Yeah, happens often.

#549097 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 29 October 2012 - 04:08 AM in ToBEx

TobEx beta 0025 released. See first post in this thread for direct link to GitHub download.

-Class/structure updates
-User Patches: No longer spouts an error when the ./TobEx_ini/patch directory is non-existent or empty
-Added: Clone Creature Fix
-Added: Externalise Bard Song Effects
-Added: Externalise Difficulty Settings
-Added: Launcher Proficiency Fix
-Added: Poison Resistance Mod
-Added: Saving Throw Fix
-Added: TakePartyItem Fix
-Renamed: Disable Duplicate Effect Stacking -> Configurable Effect Stacking
-Configurable Damage Effect Bypasses Mirror Images: Fixed implementation as per the reference; bit 24 of the effect save type field is used rather than the parent item ability flag of spell flag; this flag is thus different from tob_hacks and Spell Revisions
-Disable Duplicate Effect Stacking: Fixed issue with timing mode 10, where Bard Song would continue for a prolonged period of time
-Expanded Actions: Assign() now recognises special type sp[], which currently allows putting the source's coordinates into trigger block variables
-Expanded Actions: Eval() expressions now recognise and(), or(), band(), and bor() functions
-Expanded Stats: Fixed bitwise AND and bitwise OR types for Set Stat [318] effect
-Expanded Triggers: Added 0x411F CheckStatBAND()
-Expanded Triggers: Assign() now recognises special type sp[], which currently allows putting the source's coordinates into trigger block variables
-Expanded Triggers: Eval() expressions now recognise and(), or(), band(), and bor() functions
-Item Recharge Mod: Fixed bugs where stackable items with 0 quantity in store files were valued at 1 gold, did not register a quantity when bought, and did not stack properly when bought

#556124 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 22 March 2013 - 07:27 AM in ToBEx

Found an issue during my testing of a mod. The dialog file
When selecting either option in game the first action triggers (ends with DestroySelf). Renaming the TobEx.dll and running bgmain.exe resolved the issue (DestroySelf for "Advance" and just Move for "Retreat").

I cannot reproduce this on a test game in BGT where I gave this script to Gorion! Do you still get the problem?

#556206 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 24 March 2013 - 05:25 AM in ToBEx

TobEx beta 0026 released! This is a bug fix release only.


-Class/structure updates

-Cast Spell On Condition Mod: Fixed wrong target text in the contingency info screen

-Expanded Triggers: Fixed certain 0x0XXX triggers like Heard() not working correctly

-Poison Resistance Mod: Added temporary workaround for invalid nParam2 messages caused by BG2Fixpack, until BG2Fixpack is updated

-Remove all race-class restrictions: Disabled dwarven paladins because dwarves do not meet the charisma requirement to be paladins, which caused an infinite loop

-Saving Throw Fix: Fixed a bug where abilities with multiple effects with the save type would only allow a saving throw against the first effect (fixes issues such as saving against an effect but still showing the portrait icon or visual effect)

-Use EFF File Fix: Fixed a bug where the parent effect parameters were used to determine whether the child effect was applied or not (fixes issues such as not getting experience for items that instantly kill undead)

#556506 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 28 March 2013 - 03:24 PM in ToBEx

Known issue.

#557280 [BG2:ToB] TobEx Release Thread

Posted by Ascension64 on 17 April 2013 - 03:30 PM in ToBEx

Thanks for the update.