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#209387 Planar Sphere Mini mod bug.

Posted by mitchmc on 10 June 2005 - 12:37 PM in Mod Resurrections

must be the scripting then, hlid, as the shadows always summon as hostile for me as well. not that, at the level you need to be to get thru the planar sphere mod, shadows are any hassle.

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I have have always had them summoned hostile as well

friendly fire is for amatures :crying:  
and us flyboys


#208992 Planar Sphere Mini mod bug.

Posted by mitchmc on 08 June 2005 - 01:04 PM in Mod Resurrections

The bug I'm talking about is with the cloak of vecna, NOT the robe the cloak.
psq132. The cloak is supposed to summon the wraiths to you aid. But it summons them as enemies.

I have included the corrected Item with my post.

Ok I guess I don't know how to make file attachments work. I thought It was obvious.

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Yes I have had this problem although I thought It might be a joke by the mods author to bring down the "uber value" of vecnas cloak  :lol:

They(the wraiths) were always more of a pain in the butt than anything else

didn't see an attachment perhaps you could email it to me at



#208023 day 2, chores

Posted by mitchmc on 02 June 2005 - 02:52 PM in Check the Bodies

yep, and no cow will explode :)

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I would love the cow to explode














Take scrolls to be copied
milk cows
make beds
shelve books

then wait till evening for your lesson'
hope this helps

#203483 Problems

Posted by mitchmc on 04 May 2005 - 04:18 PM in Check the Bodies

Re: Elves and artifacts

Found khaddyr, when I entered the first room his body guards were already hostile. He however was still neutral. I killed off the bodyguards in the first room, entered the second room with Khaddyr. The apprentice bodyguards are also hostile. They were easy to kill and Khaddyr remained neutral. When I chose the dialogue option to assist with the ritual, nothing happened. He didn't seem to respond when I had the ingredients.


#198028 Planar Sphere key location

Posted by mitchmc on 04 April 2005 - 07:19 PM in Mod Resurrections

Hello, gents. Spent about three hours sweeping the Government district area last night after cleaning out the hostiles and couldn't find the damn key. Was it actually supposed to be on the night hag? The lady in the globe said it was on a lieutenant of the Big Bad Guy's, and since the night hag is the only one with any dialog so far I'm assuming it was her. Spawned her twice, and then killed her, but to no avail. Only got meself a few extra copies of them spells.

Here, then, is my question to ye - where the shit is that key?

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To get the key you have to go into the main government building.

PostScript: Oh yes, there is a fight. He He He...


#192057 Shadow party Ambush

Posted by mitchmc on 08 March 2005 - 11:52 AM in Mod Resurrections

Ah, I believe that's Kensai Ryu's Deeper Shadows of Amn coming into play here. First I've heard of a respawn bug on it though. I take it you're using my version of the mod? The in-game solution is to go and kill the ShadeLord.

thanks for the shadow party response
I have lots and lots of mods installed all "should" be compatable but
I have notice that from time to time something goes silly and the respawn thing
occours (wiemers drugers/buggers followed me out of the dungeon and
then showed up evey time I slept :crying:

also had double merchants from time to time

Planers sphere mod as well

uninstalling and reinstalling sometimes works or clean install with
different order on installing the mods

I will make sure that I am using your version but I think so as I found it
from this forum

Ah, I believe that's Kensai Ryu's Deeper Shadows of Amn coming into play here. .............................
Note: This is also recommended for lvl 15+ parties, but you can try it
at any level, after you have cleared out the mummies. Not as hard as
some of the other stuff I have done, but still fun.

try it with four or five groups going after you :unsure:


MitchMc :thumb:

#191919 Shadow party Ambush

Posted by mitchmc on 07 March 2005 - 03:51 PM in Mod Resurrections

I am not sure where to post this so I thought i would try here as many of the mods I have installed are from this forum

I keep getting ambushed by a group of "shadows" a couple of human types (inc a
magic user & fighter), a fire elemental, some earth elementals some golems ( Iron & adanamite) approx 6-8 in total they buff like mad ( all you read is "shadow cast protection from, shadoe cast blade barrier, shadow cast ect ....)and then they spawn again. I think the repeate spawn thing is a bug as I have gotten 30-40 of these @#$%^&^% after me and I can't keep up even if I ctrl Y them ACK..........

they have always attacked in waukeens at night, I thought they might be a new part of tactics but uninstalled most of that mod (toughest encounter segments)
and they still came, read through the "read me" portions of all the mods and can't find them referenced any place.

I have a bunch of mods and I want to uninstall whatever mod has these twits
as part of the program and reinstall it.

I fought them once in a previous game with a high level party and killed off the first spawn right off the bat ( cast time stop and my fighter/mage did them in)
They are hell on a lower level party

Any ideas ?????


Mitch Mc

#182051 Planar Sphere Mod (VERY OLD POST Please use a newer one -Duality)

Posted by mitchmc on 16 January 2005 - 10:01 AM in Mod Resurrections

I loved the mod.

Some very very funny parts and a battle royal that wiemer could put in

possile low level spoilers

While the final/big battle it is over the top it is the only battle I know of in the game, or in any of the mods where the secret to winning is just staying alive until the boss runs out of steam. (The best offence in this case is a good defense)

I CLUAed exp till I had (what I thought was) a god like monster character (F 28/M 23/T 32) even with several items that reduced casting speed by Ten in total (yes I said ten) even using a ring that gives an extra 5-6t,h 5-7th 5-8th and 5-9th level spells I could not touch him (even with the image/time stop/acuity cheese ploy)

Went back and just outlasted him with a 2.5 million exp F/M/T Given the story line it probably would be the only way to beat him. Yes it was over the top but very different from most of the insane battle mods I have tried. At the end of the battle some great swag! (Even if you permanently lose a party member 4\5 times you fight him) I think the only way you can kill him is outlast his spell throwing as no matter how much damage you do to him he will not die till his spells run out.

I also enjoyed the fact that the sequence of battles leading up to the final confrontation
Got more and more intense (the red wizard battle in the bar was great fun and lots of carnage, just as one would expect)

In terms of other comments made in this thread

I got the same errors as guest listed but it did not seem to effect the mod to my knowledge.

Yes the battle make jonnie boy look easy, but un modded jonnie is easy and after all these year kind of lame. Install improved hell trials and this one is not that difficult. Although I do know what you mean finished of the final battle and went wow, the underdark is going to be so tame???.

The only bug I had was when I told the lady of pain that I did not have the sphere thing and she replied ?all is lost, witness the end of all things? or words to that effect, and then we all just sat there and nothing happened had to ctrl/alt/delete the game and reboot, kind of funny and appropriate in an ironic sort of way (also fitting for and adventurer so stupid as to return with out the item or have it and lie to the lady)

