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There have been 30 items by Tatyan (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#544527 Subrace mod (my first resurection)

Posted by Tatyan on 03 August 2012 - 07:24 AM in Mod Resurrections

I can't seem to find it... I would really like to add it to my next play :)

#544525 Playtesters Wanted!

Posted by Tatyan on 03 August 2012 - 06:14 AM in Adrian


I would love to be a playtester, if you are still searching :) (alas, I would just love to try Adrian, I admit :D)

#542995 ISN Can't Find Lich

Posted by Tatyan on 24 June 2012 - 11:40 AM in Colours of Infinity

Found it!

I am really loving this new quest! Poor Orion... What he is doing is wrong, but I feel for him. The touches about the plant, the telescophe and the novels are especially lovely :( Poor Orion.

Off to find the sculptor... uhm...

#542978 ISN Can't Find Lich

Posted by Tatyan on 23 June 2012 - 09:46 PM in Colours of Infinity

I have just started ISN, and I am really liking it. Orion told me to go to the sewer beneath the Temple District and search for a Lich (The Incomplete I think he was called). I went and explored every square inch, but I found nothing different from the usual :(

Am I doing something wrong?

#541767 [Help Wanted] Proofread

Posted by Tatyan on 19 May 2012 - 10:35 AM in Classifieds

Posted by: Tatyan

Date posted: May 19, 2012

Looking for: Proofreader

Details: I have started working at a new NPC mod, but, since I am Italian and writing in english, I need a proofreader to re-read what I write.
I don't need a coder, only an english mothertongue willing to help me with my English. There is no specific time-frame involved, this is -for now- a leisure mod and I am learning as I go. I am in no rush :)

Thank you :)

#541248 Bug & Typo Reports

Posted by Tatyan on 10 May 2012 - 09:07 AM in Arath

Uhm,,, I fear I went to Spellhold too soon. ç_ç Arath just had a conversation in which he said that "it is over". :( Is it normal or I screwed up?

#541200 WoW

Posted by Tatyan on 09 May 2012 - 08:20 AM in Haer'Dalis Romance

I am playing the Haer'Dalis romance and loving it :D
Since I am not a fan of LN or CN (the only other romance of this allineament that I have loved -to a frightful degree- is the Xan Romance) I have to say that I am really, really in awe about how you have handled the whole thing :D
I have a couple of question though!

There might be SPOILER!

Is a "committed" relationship with HD possible?

When is "safe" to go to spellhold?

Thank you very much... more detailed rewiev when I have ended the mod! :D

#541198 Overview and F.A.Q.

Posted by Tatyan on 09 May 2012 - 08:14 AM in Adrian

Interesting! There is already a present -or planned- TOB part? :D

#541185 Bug & Typo Reports

Posted by Tatyan on 08 May 2012 - 09:28 PM in Arath

Me again <.<'
I have a conversation that keeps repeting, the one that starts with "you know, you have a shapely figure" or something like that °-°

#541028 Bug & Typo Reports

Posted by Tatyan on 06 May 2012 - 08:06 AM in Arath

Alright, I un-installed and installed and went fine, if I just re-installed no though o.o' weird.

#541026 Bug & Typo Reports

Posted by Tatyan on 06 May 2012 - 07:35 AM in Arath

No, I already fixed that, and got the next conversations. Now I think I should rest in an inn, but everywhere I rest the game just crashes :(
I re-read all the posts and found nothing about this^^ Uh, did I miss something?

#541009 Bug & Typo Reports

Posted by Tatyan on 06 May 2012 - 02:05 AM in Arath

I had the same problem as Nix (though I am a single-class ranger with a kit from Improved Anvil o.o) and I had both the conversation and the next one, but now when I try to sleep in an inn, or everywhere really, the game crashes ç_ç

#537691 Faren has nothing to say to you

Posted by Tatyan on 19 March 2012 - 01:12 PM in Faren

Hello everybody!^^

I really hope that somebody can help me with this one ç_ç

I am playing both Faren and Nathaniel and romancing both (it is my nth play of BG2, and this time I enjoy a little bit of multiromance^^) only, after I sleep with Nathaniel, I can't have any more PID with Fare :(

Yes, I do have the multiromance tweak installed é.è

I don't know... I understand that a modder may want the player to romance only his character, but this time I would have really, really loved to be able to romance both... ç_ç

Help please ç__ç

#535532 Bug Report Thread

Posted by Tatyan on 20 February 2012 - 01:08 AM in Darian

I don't know if this is a bug or my version :) but the romance seems struck. I only have to fight Balthazar, and I had no other talk after the Saradush one (as I said, that appeared actually before Saradush, which might be the problem)
I would like to see the other LT and to have an ending to the romance, there is any way in which it is possible?

#535472 Problem: Watcher's Keep

Posted by Tatyan on 19 February 2012 - 07:02 AM in Darian

Ok, that problem is solved :D
Still... The romance doesn't progress o.o'
I have killed yaga-shura and abizigail and done the challanges. Usually, there are some talk so far in TOB, but nothing is happening... :S

Sorry to bother :(

#535455 Problem: Watcher's Keep

Posted by Tatyan on 19 February 2012 - 01:14 AM in Darian

Thank you!^^ Yes, I'll. Sorry^^

#535372 Problem: Watcher's Keep

Posted by Tatyan on 18 February 2012 - 06:30 AM in Darian

Hello :D
I am now in TOB, and there had been a couple of issue.

1. Darian gave the post-Saradush talk actually PRE-Saradush O.o

2. I went to Watcher's Keep, and Darian approach me to talk, but the PID menu option come out instead °-°

I don't know, I would love to end the romance, though ç.ç

#535367 Bug Report Thread

Posted by Tatyan on 18 February 2012 - 05:36 AM in Darian

I have a bug, I fear. I am in TOB and, when I go to Watcher's Keep, Darian keep trying to speak to me but, instead of the talk it opens the PID dialogue option :S

#535351 Kova & Kiyone TOB

Posted by Tatyan on 18 February 2012 - 01:32 AM in Beyond the Law

No no... I would never take only Kiyone or only Kova! :D They are too good together! XD
I mean that, for me, it is a lot like Yvette of Colours of Infinity: it is a quest mod with NPC. So they are... they are too "much" to be "only" a NPC mod^^

oh thanks! Next time, definitively!*__*

#535288 Kova & Kiyone TOB

Posted by Tatyan on 17 February 2012 - 06:58 AM in Beyond the Law

Glad to know there is watcher keeps interjection ^__^
Only, I have a problem now ò.ò I have took them out of the party and I can't take them back O.o

As for the interjection... I fear my version of them was a bit buggy, as I said at a certain point it kept rehearsing the same conversation ò.ò Anyway, it was really a minor fling on an overall VERY good mood.

On a side note: I think BTL is more a quest mod than "only" a NPC mod, you know?^^

#535214 Reviews of BTL - SoA

Posted by Tatyan on 16 February 2012 - 05:54 AM in Beyond the Law


A) Personalities
1) Perception of Kova's personality
I must say that he is my favourite :D The good thief who really wants to be something different, and strive to do what is right is interesting. Also, his darker part, his pragmaticism, and his intelligence really shine through. The last is peraphs what I liked more: Kova has 17 in intelligence and it *shows*. It doesn't happen often. There are a couple of time when I had the impression he was fooling us :P
In short, he is well and truly good, and, ta dan, sometime bitter about it. Which is a thing I love: evil embitters, but sometimes good embitters as well.
I loved him, truly

2) Perception of Kiyone's personality
I liked her, though a bit less than I liked Kova. She is straightforward, lawfull, but fair. Sometimes she does seem almost LN, but I think it is understandable.
I liked her self doubt, and smiled a little when she bordered on being cynic. I hoped Kova'll cure her of that, cynism is always bad for people! :D
She is also a teeny litle bit arrogant, and sometimes she did went across as overbearing, but I did perceive a certain insicurity in the end. She is willing to take change, like with Kova. Yes, I did like her :)

3) Perception of other NPC?s (primarily Kharen's and Seida's) personalities
I can't speak for Kharen, because I couldn't do the seventh part :(
Seida's... I understood him in a certain way. It was his son. Ok, he was a bastard, but better people than him had been blinded by love for their offspring. And he did not lost a son, but two... He also lost Kova, in a way. In the end, even if he was one of the "villain", I pitied him

B) The 7-part quest
1) Difficulty
Difficult it was ò.ò This much is certain. There was part in which I gnawed at my knukles for the next clue! :D
Still, it wasn't impossible and, with my training in reading thriller (mostly classic thriler) I managed! *_*
I haven't been able to complete the seventh part of the quest ç.ç sigh. Next time.

2) Tactical Challenges
Ehhhh... I cheated a couple of times <.<'''' I am not much for fighting, I don't love it so much. But I enjoyed the fights here and they made sense ò.ò

3) Originality
Very, very, very original! Never I have seen a mod with like this one :D With a profound backstory and interesting pngs. Also, the story was peculiar, it streamed flawelessy with BG2's one and it was well-written. Congratulation.

C) The Romance Portion
1) Comparison with other Mod's I've played
I have never played NPC-NPC romance, and I am afraid I can't comment much because, as I'll say later, my romance was bugged ç_ç it kept replying again and again the talk about being friends at a certain point -even if the variable in the end was set on 2.-
Still, I enjoyed how they got close with time, and distrust in the beginning, and then they learnt to know each other :) I loved the part about fishing xD and about Kiyone mistery-writing! LoL!
Also, it is very sweet how Kova ask her to marry him. I wasn't able to see the wedding still due to a bug :( but the asking was priceless xD
"Since we are already dead..." XD

D) Overall experience
1) Originality
As I said, a very original saga ^___^ Very true and possible, and I did liked it! I'll tell more in the nex part, which is...

2) Conclusion


As I said, he is my favourite :) Reasons already listed but my, how he rings true!

The plot.
Precise, integrated with BG2 and coerent. Difficult but not impossible, challanging I would say.

Kova as the "needed to be saved".
The fact that Kova, the male, was the one in need of saving pleased me IMMENSLY. Usually it is the pretty maid who is being unjustly accused and the knigth in shining armour who save her. Here, it is not so. Kova is definitively not maid and, if he is innocent here, he is not "Innocent" (as he admits freely).
Also, Kiyone is NOT a knight in shining armour but a very true and very flawed woman.
Pure perfection u.ù

Alright. Need to explain this one: I am a great fan of FR, and I love it dearly. As such, to see two characters so indifferent towards the Gods troubled me a little, since FR is a gods-heavy fantasy, just as it is magic-heavy.
When in the end it was discovered that Rillifane had helped Kova around (I bet with a little help from Erevan :D elven god of thieves and fun :P) and had also helped Kiyone made me jump up and down with glee. Yes! That's right! *_*


Lack of relationship between K&K and <charname>
I understand that K&K are pragmatic at heart, still, they are traveling with a bhaalspawn -and it became pretty evident that charname is one at a point...-. I expect the NPC to have a wiev of it, and to comment on it. I also understood that they don't want to pry, but in this way they seemed a little... disjoined, not by the story of BG2, where they flawelessy mingle, but from *Charname*'s story.
It is a lot like they don't care much about it, and, since BG2 is Charname's story, this had indeed perplexed me. I had renounced another mod (the Longer Road) because the NPC in it (Irenicus) really took away the spotlight from Charname, which is fine if the game is about said NPC, but not fine, at least for me, in BG2.
K&K do not come to those height, but sometimes they also perplexed me^^
This is really the only topic, anyway :)

Conclusion of Conclusion:
BTL is a good reason to replay BG2, alone, beause it really enhances the game experience, and I'll certain replay them soon, and see if I can come to the 7° part! :D
Also, I want that weding -.- I WANT it -.-

Thank you for this mod. I enjoyed it immensely.
I wish you, as we say in Italy: good healt, long life and joy of heart


#535211 Kova & Kiyone TOB

Posted by Tatyan on 16 February 2012 - 05:01 AM in Beyond the Law

So, I have read that there is no TOB content for my favourite couple ç__ç
However, I also read that the epilogues have already been wrote. I would really, really love to know them :( After all, my and other poor people have seen those two coming together, and face everything with them... We would love to know what happens next, after the bhaalspawn saga is ended^^
Thank you. Truly.

#535210 FATAL ERROR (Spoiler) Problem with Going to Seida -somebody help, plea

Posted by Tatyan on 16 February 2012 - 04:53 AM in Beyond the Law

Damn... it doesn't work ç___ç help?

#535205 FATAL ERROR (Spoiler) Problem with Going to Seida -somebody help, plea

Posted by Tatyan on 16 February 2012 - 04:09 AM in Beyond the Law

It was very interesting! only, now they don't get married >.< I am in TOB, Kova had asked Kiyone to marry him, and she kind of agreed, but when the sequence should start sadly a flirt from my current romance interest bring me back to the first TOB area. Grrrrr
I'll try to clua myself into the temple ò.ò

Yep! I did love BTL, and I'll write a rewiew... even if I loved it in the end for a rather peculiar reasons! :D I'll tell you :D

#535158 FATAL ERROR (Spoiler) Problem with Going to Seida -somebody help, plea

Posted by Tatyan on 15 February 2012 - 11:55 AM in Beyond the Law

ok, again, put together :)