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#192480 Hello and a couple of questions.

Posted by Faison on 10 March 2005 - 09:34 PM in DSotSC (BGT/EET)

First off let me say hello.


While rummaging around all my game cds, I rediscovered my BG I and BG II discs.   The bug bit me to replay both games with their expansions back to back.  So I reinstalled them both.

As I was searching the internet for the latest patches and fixes, I came across these forums about a week ago.   Upon reading several of the forums I discover that a multitude of "new" mods had been developed since the last time I had played both games,  which was when they first went gold .  

Upon research I realized that all these mods had been out for quite some time and the one that seemed the most intiguing was BGT.    I really like the idea of playing the game from Candlekeep to to the end of ToB.  Reading further, BP and some of the other mods caught my eye and from my understanding they are compatible with BGT.    

So here is the question:

I have downloaded alot of different files and I'd like to be sure I do this right.   So what I'm getting at is,  what order should these files be installed and am I missing any.

Obviously I am trying for BP-BGT-DSotSC, but also would like NTotSC, SoBH and Sirines Call installed as well.

Here's the list of files that I've downloaded so far and believe this is the right order:


I also have these but not sure when to add them in:


So at any rate can anyone give me a bit of guidence.  I really want to be sure I get it right.

I know everyones thinking, Damn Noob!   Yup, your right,  but remember you were too once.



P.S.  Sorry about the extremely long post.

#192498 Hello and a couple of questions.

Posted by Faison on 11 March 2005 - 02:09 AM in DSotSC (BGT/EET)

Thanks for the quick reply Chevalier and Yacomo.  The links from both of you were stellar in making me comprehend what to do.  

But ya see, only thing is, I'm trying to avoid the NeJ mod.  As I understand it,  it is Icewind Dale and Heart of Winter, right?  I haven't played those yet and wanted to play them in their original version before doing any mods on them or of them.

So what steps should I leave out from say Ascension64's Install Guide to avoid Any problems.  And if I need to install Nej to make BP-BGT work let me know please.

Also in the install guides that you both linked I noticed several TS files and patches were mentioned.  Can I use the TSv601.rar, which said it was a Weidu compatible latest version, and if so how does that change the install.

Thanks again.


#193021 Hello and a couple of questions.

Posted by Faison on 15 March 2005 - 11:08 AM in DSotSC (BGT/EET)

Hey everyone,

Once again let me thank everyone that helped out.  I got it all installed and the game is up and running perfectly so far.  I haven't come across any strang bugs yet.  If I do I'll come by and ask how to fix them up.

#192631 Hello and a couple of questions.

Posted by Faison on 11 March 2005 - 10:19 PM in DSotSC (BGT/EET)

Oops gotta remember to log in.  That was me up there.


#192641 Hello and a couple of questions.

Posted by Faison on 12 March 2005 - 12:46 AM in DSotSC (BGT/EET)

Awesome.  Dude if you're ever in  Orlando, Florida, l'm buy the fisrt dozen rounds.



#192639 Hello and a couple of questions.

Posted by Faison on 12 March 2005 - 12:28 AM in DSotSC (BGT/EET)

Hit a small snag everyone.  It seems that the link that I found for the VB6 Package downloads a corrupt file in the .rar.  Does anyone know where i can get a uncorrupted file.


#193089 A few questions I have

Posted by Faison on 15 March 2005 - 07:46 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hey all,

As some of you may know, I have install BP-BGT with a few other mods.  It works great, but i have a few questions abou it.

First:  I noticed that some of the NPC namely Imoen, Jaheira,  and Khalid all have there standard classes changed.  Imoen was a charming rogue,  Jaheira was a Fighter/Justifier and Khalid was a Vindicator.   Is this suppose to happen when you install BP-BGT.  If so, how do I set it back to the original kits so that I can play the game pretty true to form.

Second:  Is it normal to encounter packs of dire wolves and worgs on the map between Candlekeep and the Lions Way.  My character and Imoen were only first level and let me tell you it was painful going.  I got mauled alot.

Third:   Has it been that long that I've forgotten or are ghouls supposed to be able to cast fear and enfeeblemnet from a distance.  I know that they can paralyze you when they hit you, but yeesh major restructuring of my combat style if this is prevelant through out the game.

Let me know.
