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#596187 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by franco8737 on 01 August 2017 - 07:50 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi. Something spotted to report, I am using BWS for BG2EE


1. Sharteel for SoD shown in the list

2. Drake NPC mod (for BGEE) shown in the list

3. Longer Road still in V1.5.1 which EET is 1.6 already (or it should be available EET only?)

#596047 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 25 July 2017 - 03:30 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I think I encountered a game bug in Tenya's quest. I talked to the fishermen before I talked to her and I get the bowl from the fishermen with Sandrah's injection.


Then I get back to Tenya but she's still repeating the first dialog, I tried beat her until unconscious but nth change. 


Tried finding some hints at beamdog forum, it seems someone also encountered this bug but no solution found.


Should I not talk to the fishermen first?

If you speak to Tenya for the first time, you should have various options to answer including those if you already have the bowl:

"Here is the bowl that was taken from your mother. Perhaps now she will rest."

"With Mystra's help I came into possession of a bowl that was taken from your mother. Perhaps now she will rest."

The first is if you have the bowl without having had Sandrah's encounters.

The second is for Sandrah's case.

In both cases there should not even be a reason to fight her...unless something else has tweaked the dialogue.


The option to have the bowl already when you talk to Tenya exists even without the Sandrah mod. It should not matter whom you talked to first.


PS - Can you quote the line that she is repeating?

"You return?! I warn you once again to leave my home. If you do not, I must assume you are allied with my enemies!" (But I have already got the bowl already)


By creating a new Tenya using CLUA Console, I am able to get the dialogue you mentioned. 


And something about Sister A, what are they for? I killed them in Beregost Inn before without any quests and I suddenly meet them again in the farmland with zombie and they keep repeating same dialogue, it obviously a bug. What quest are they related to?

I cannot explain the initial Tenya thing. It worked as it should the second time. I have tried it both with original Tenya and with Tenya NPC mod installed, it always produces the second event like with your clua'd Tenya.

Wherever it came from, I declare Sandrah to be innocent. As you already mentioned - there are bean dogs reports (and they do not play Sandrah).


The sisters in farmland are not a bug.

Did they not tell you that they take revenge for their lovers (the zombies you killed)?

They are not individual characters but a group of lovers of undead. These are others than the ones in Beregost.

Oh, the sister didn't. They just keep looping on same dialogue like "Eeeh, girls, isn't a high time to change the branch?" blah blah blah

#596023 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 24 July 2017 - 04:02 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods


#596020 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 24 July 2017 - 12:08 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Can you provide me some hints on the cloth quest ? After I obtained three pieces and nth progress. I just arrived baldurs gate, finished drizzt quest.

Did you not get a hint of asking Mr. E about it?


Seems not. Can I go back to there after bookhunt quest ?

#596018 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 23 July 2017 - 10:42 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Can you provide me some hints on the cloth quest ? After I obtained three pieces and nth progress. I just arrived baldurs gate, finished drizzt quest.

#596453 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 12 August 2017 - 10:45 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Hi, Is the current version of Faiths and Powers not compatible with Sandrah? I got an installation error when installing both of them and the error mentioned about something like "kit".

#596456 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 13 August 2017 - 12:33 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Hi, Is the current version of Faiths and Powers not compatible with Sandrah? I got an installation error when installing both of them and the error mentioned about something like "kit".

There is a lot of experimentation going on with F+P at this moment. You need to be more specific about which version of F+P you are trying and which error you get from Sandrah.

Maybe it would be best to remove the compatibility attempt from Sandrah as a whole, since F+P seems not to be stable enough to consider it.

It may also help to investigate with F+P guys directly, they know better what they do at this time.


And...which mod gave the error in the first place?


Current version of F+P? 0,71 or 0,74e or catch of the day?

Thanks for the reply.


I did encounter the installation problem on 8 Aug and the error message shown up in the log as follow (during the installation of Sandrah Kit):-


ERROR: [CVMYSTRA.2da] -> [override] Patching Failed (COPY) (Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "faiths_and_powers/spheres/clab/Life_focus.txt"))


And the version at that moment is 0.72b and I noticed that the version has been updated in these days but I checked the updated log and wasn't sure it has been fixed or not.


I did contact the modder of FnP and he said he gave the compatibility code to you for implementation.



#599183 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 29 December 2017 - 05:21 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I recently install the whole Sandrah Saga and encounter an error on the component - Sandrah EET Additions


ERROR: Failure("resource [Imoenm.cre] not found for 'COPY'")
Sandrah EET additions (Sandrah Saga I - Sandrah Appears) was not installed due to errors.
Removing SandrahNPC #16
I attach the debug file from BWS here for your reference too.

Attached Files

#596753 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 23 August 2017 - 07:41 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Some time ago I did an install with a big number of mods, including Sandrah, SOB, Item Revisions and FnP.

I think this is the issue. The recent, extensive update to FnP made changes that affect its compatibility with a couple other mods. In the case of Sandrah, it means the compatibility patch had to be updated... I supplied the new one to Sandrah. If someone installed within the couple days when things were not in sync, there might be usability issues. But I believe they are gone now.

Like Sandrah, one of sob's components needs an update as well, and Real Life has prevented me from finding the time to do it. For the moment, I would avoid using SoB component #122 with FnP. I'll sort it out soon...

By the way let's be clear, while component 122 reduces NPCs' level to 1, it does not change their XP, so they should level up to their normal level immediately upon joining the party. If that causes problems anywhere, as always, people should say so.

I used to encounter this item unusable problem, and with my last installation, I unchecked Scale of Balance and Faiths and Powers, the problem is gone. But I can see miker17 didn't install these mod.

That is telling...

Sandrah, if you see any incompatibilities or see an instance where a mod requires use of the console, can you please report it in mod's development thread rather than just silently marking it expert?? Please, please, let's treat each other with a bit of respect.

Importantly, SoB's readme very clearly states that each and every component is independent of all the others - they are like many different independent mods, so a compatibility issue with one component does not mean you should condemn any of the other components.

Editorially, you are extremely quick to condemn other mods while extolling the perfection of your own... I wish you could be more communicative and supportive, instead of dismissive. Your threads here are rifewoth reports of bugs in your mod... which you then quickly fix. No mod is perfect. Please afford other modders the ability to react to players on the same way.

More specifically, consider a mod that imposes DEX penalties when wearing heavy armor... like, say, Item Revisions. (I notice you did not mark IR or FPPS as expert for interfering with your mod... only mine.) If your mod adds a pair of boots or something that requires 16 DEX, and my mod gives a -3 DEX penalty to plate mail... that is not actually an incompatibility. If a player can see those effects and decides to install them together and live with the consequences, what is the problem? Unless of course you don't make the stat requirement clear in the item description, or something... in which case I think you should.

More generally, you seems to be on a campaign to marginalize my mods and hide them from players who might enjoy them. I will be the first to admit my code can be improved, and I am more than willing to work with other modders to do so. For the life of me I can't figure out why you are so resistant to discussing and solving issues that arise...


These generalized accusations are not true. I do not intend "to be on a campaign to marginalize" your mods.


On the contrary, I am your constant supporter and tester because I used to install your mod (SoB, FnP, MnG) with BG2EE and it works really fine and I love them. Unfortunately, it seems that the things not going very fine in EET and I am not familiar with those technical things, the only way I can play the game smoothly is to get rid of the mods that cause incompatibilities until they are stable.


I tried re-install the whole EET with countless times and each time I hope all mods work fine with each other. 

#596713 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 20 August 2017 - 07:31 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I used to encounter this item unusable problem, and with my last installation, I unchecked Scale of Balance and Faiths and Powers, the problem is gone. But I can see miker17 didn't install these mod.

#596634 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 18 August 2017 - 06:24 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Sorry for off topic.


AFAIK, Yasraena from CoM also affected by SoB, the unique short sword made for her will become unusable unless you cheat or change the STR of her back to 18.

#595990 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 23 July 2017 - 02:02 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I attached BG1903.bcs for you to have a look.

Either you have an old version of the Sandrah mod or a file was not compiled correctly.


Here is a repaired file.

Note that you may see some invalid text at the end of the meeting in an overhead string (due to our games having different text files)


The text you are supposed to see

"You hear the rumble of the massive rocks that are forced by magical powers to close the entrance. It sounds like an enourmous portal has been closed."



You already have the Vault mod installed?

Yes I have Vault mod installed. Is that related?

Yes, the Vault was only made available for EET very recently. If you have it installed, then forget about my fix and everything, because this scene will happen later, when you get the book from Entar and it gets stolen.

The option to meet that priestess at the current point is the alternative for the case without *The Vault* being installed.

I am sorry for the confusion. Anyway - you may still try it out with my *repaired* file...you will simply have a repeated meeting later on.

Thanks anyway. Btw, I found a bug during I finished the Otho's Nephew of DSoTSC, when I bring along with the hammer from Trollslayer to him. He will again give me the mace from the previous quest and I need to talk to him again for giving him back the hammer. And Mr E will show up again when I go out of his shop.

#595988 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 23 July 2017 - 01:40 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I attached BG1903.bcs for you to have a look.

Either you have an old version of the Sandrah mod or a file was not compiled correctly.


Here is a repaired file.

Note that you may see some invalid text at the end of the meeting in an overhead string (due to our games having different text files)


The text you are supposed to see

"You hear the rumble of the massive rocks that are forced by magical powers to close the entrance. It sounds like an enourmous portal has been closed."



You already have the Vault mod installed?

Yes I have Vault mod installed. Is that related?

#595883 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 18 July 2017 - 02:17 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

So, now my variable is set to 10 after receiving the cloak from him. Good to go to Beregost?

Yes, but you should not rush to the Bandit Camp right away. There will be some more events (Henning's kidnapping) if you want the real Imoen quest to start. It should be obvious from dialogues and encounters that come up next.

Good. Thank you. Will go to other side quests first.

#595896 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 18 July 2017 - 07:08 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

About Demonic Scroll quest, I have already get two pieces of clothes, am I just wait for Landrel? or anything I should do before he spawn?

#595881 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 18 July 2017 - 02:01 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Hi. It's me again. Am little bit nervous about something wrong with my playthrough. Okay here is the question:-


Check thisC:GetGlobal("SanImoNashInt","GLOBAL")
Thank you. It is currently set to 4. Is that normal?
No, it should at least be 5 after you brought the pelt to Henning.You can either set it to 5ORyou keep it at 4 and do C:CreateItem("misc01") and talk to Henning again.You should get a talk between him and Imoen and afterwards the global at 5. This should set things in motion again. If this works out, I suggest however not to go to Beregost or the mines too soon, maybe there is a bit of other stuff to explore? It needs a bit of time and one or two visits to Nashkel to catch up with the Imoen/Henning events.
Thanks for your advice. Turn out I reload my save at the beginning of Chapter 3, set the global to 5 and back to the town. Seems working now, i.e. get the gift from Henning.
My assumption is that maybe you sold the pelt on the initial meeting and before the two even got introduced to each other and later let not Imoen deliver a pelt to Henning.
So, now my variable is set to 10 after receiving the cloak from him. Good to go to Beregost?

#595879 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 18 July 2017 - 01:22 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Hi. It's me again. Am little bit nervous about something wrong with my playthrough. Okay here is the question:-





Check this


Thank you. It is currently set to 4. Is that normal?

No, it should at least be 5 after you brought the pelt to Henning.

You can either set it to 5


you keep it at 4 and do C:CreateItem("misc01") and talk to Henning again.

You should get a talk between him and Imoen and afterwards the global at 5.


This should set things in motion again. If this works out, I suggest however not to go to Beregost or the mines too soon, maybe there is a bit of other stuff to explore? It needs a bit of time and one or two visits to Nashkel to catch up with the Imoen/Henning events.

Thanks for your advice.


Turn out I reload my save at the beginning of Chapter 3, set the global to 5 and back to the town.


Seems working now, i.e. get the gift from Henning.

#595753 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 10 July 2017 - 07:25 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Sorry to bother again. How can I install Ctb and RoT in EE edition? it seems Ctb is not in BWS and RoT never get install successfully. Any suggestion?

#595898 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 18 July 2017 - 08:03 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

About Demonic Scroll quest, I have already get two pieces of clothes, am I just wait for Landrel? or anything I should do before he spawn?

Those are two different quests - one about the scroll

The clothes pieces are another quest.

Thank you :)



#595931 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 19 July 2017 - 11:43 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods


In fact, I can't find detailed walkthrough for These mods.

All these mods start automatically.

For DSotSC there will be an elf priestess waiting at Friendly Arm asking for help. Grey Clan starts near Ramatamtam's tower in Baldur City and Drizzt appears after Durlag's Tower. You would not need walkthroughs for any of them.

Wonder why you never went to Waterdeep yet. Did you ever asj sandrah about it? After you brought the Shard back to Elminster, the oprion should be there.

Yeah. I just finished Waterdeep and first part of DSotSC, kind of stuck after killing the dragon from DSotSC. I got the mace and blessed by the priest, what next? Should I suppose to start the Citadel Quest?

#595975 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 22 July 2017 - 05:18 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods


This is what I remember off hand



#595972 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 22 July 2017 - 12:22 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I finished Dark side and now travel to durlag tower. Where is drizzt? Just can't find him. Any thing should I trigger beforehead?

No need to search in the tower. Drizzt will appear after you finished Durlag and have the final item



#595966 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 21 July 2017 - 10:28 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I finished Dark side and now travel to durlag tower. Where is drizzt? Just can't find him. Any thing should I trigger beforehead?

#595933 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 20 July 2017 - 12:26 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Yeah. I just finished Waterdeep and first part of DSotSC, kind of stuck after killing the dragon from DSotSC. I got the mace and blessed by the priest, what next? Should I suppose to start the Citadel Quest?

Loot the dragon hord in the cave left of where you slew the dragon. When you leave the dragon caves, there is a messenger that talks of the Nashkel major. You go to Nashkel, a little girl meets you north of the bridge and leads you on to the mansion in the morth. On the map north of Nashkel you meet a guy who reveals the citadel. Return the stolen emblem to the priest in Beregost. Visit the citadel if you want.

Alright. I think there is something wrong here. I finished the dragon and I got the message from a guy after I left the lair, and I ran back to Nashkel but nth happened. Now I already gave back the relic to priest in Beregost.

No event happen all over Nashkel.


Update: Finally find the girl in Nashkel. Thanks for help.

#595743 Sandrah Saga for EET (Bug and Support Forum)

Posted by franco8737 on 09 July 2017 - 06:07 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Oh I just reinstalled my EET and now I cant launch my game, i.e. double click and nothing happen. My weidu log as below, is there any clue that you may find? Or any installation suggestion? I have already re-run my WHOLE installation for three times and never works. 




I suggest that you post this problem in a more general topic or open a new topic for it. There is no relation to the Sandrah mod in your problem but only few people who maybe can help will read it in this special topic here.


PS - just to check

- You launch your game either from the EET desktop shortcut ot from the baldur.exe in BG2EE folder?

- You see in task manager that the game is running but it never shows on screen?

- Did you take a look at this post and the following http://gibberlings3....e=4#entry254354 ?



I posted a link to your problem description in the EET support thread, maybe someone there can help.

Here are other hints http://gibberlings3....=64#entry254637

I just run the bat from K4thos and it seems there are some issues there and I posted there for their help. Thanks for your help.