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There have been 67 items by Azaghal (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#614313 Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

Posted by Azaghal on 29 November 2022 - 12:47 AM in Mega Mod Help

Sorry for the late reply.

Tried the AM2201.wav file (thank you jastey), but now it misses AM2202.wav.

Is there a way to extract the according BIF file separately to have the content in one go?

Otherwise I will restart installation from scratch.




#614235 Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

Posted by Azaghal on 09 November 2022 - 03:31 AM in Mega Mod Help

@ jastey: Do you by chance have the AM2201.wav file? Because that's the missing one according to the debug-log.


Thank you



#614221 Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

Posted by Azaghal on 07 November 2022 - 02:12 AM in Mega Mod Help

Okay, that's unpleasant. The BIF-files are all where they ought to be. But the mod can't read them.

The AM2201.wav file is not present, so I assume it has not been properly unpacked from the BIF? Will try to find one an d drop it to the override in a last attempt to save the install.



#614203 Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

Posted by Azaghal on 04 November 2022 - 01:43 PM in Mega Mod Help

Don't laugh at me if I'm totally wrong, but isn't the BIF-file an archive that should (probably) contain the missing files?


Can't try my luck before Monday, when I'm back at my office laptop.


Have a nice weekend!



#614199 Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

Posted by Azaghal on 04 November 2022 - 03:17 AM in Mega Mod Help

I had hoped it would be solved that easily. But when I do as you suggested, the installation keeps failing, this time missing the file AM2201.wav.

Debug-log attached. Should I try and drop that file to the override folder as well?  Or ist the problem more elemental?


Thanks for your efforts.



Attached Files

#614178 Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

Posted by Azaghal on 03 November 2022 - 05:57 AM in Mega Mod Help

Well, another Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 plus ToB merger via BGT I assume?

Here's my WeiDu-log in case it helps.



Attached Files

#614176 Installation problem with the Sellswords Mod in BGT-Megamod install

Posted by Azaghal on 03 November 2022 - 05:27 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hello everybody,


while setting up a parallel installation I'm encountering an unexpected error when trying to install the above mentioned mod.

Have installed and played it many times before without any trouble. But now it stops installation because it is missing the AREA2200.bif (Ust Natha). At least that's what the attached error log tells me.

Can you help?


Thanks in advance



Attached Files

#614082 Problems with Jan's Extended Quest in a BGT-Megamod Install

Posted by Azaghal on 17 October 2022 - 11:16 AM in Mega Mod Help

It's me again...

Playing the mod mentioned above for the first time. First minor problem encountered when supposed to meet with a contact in Delosar's Inn. Uncle Billy (IIRC) will only give his proper dialogue if you talk to him with Jan. With any other character he will only give his first line and then has nothing more to say, no matter who he's talking to. Workaround: Reload and choose Jan and only Jan to talk to him.


But the more severe problem appears a bit later: When you have entered the first floor in the house of Jan's hated rival Vaelag, he will greet you with the line "What have we got here? Guards to me!" But no guards appear and nothing happens. When talking to him, he will repeat the sentence, but no change. No continuation.


I looked into the dialogue (E_JVAELA.dlg) and the state 5 says:

Response: What have we got here? Guards to me! ,First response index: 6,# responses: 1,Trigger index: 1

They could as well have put it in Marsian or Paleo-Hebrew, as it says nothing to me (which is of course my shortcoming).

But I'm pretty sure you guys have an idea what to do about it.


Thanks for looking into it.





EDIT: Okay, just restarted the game, loaded the save made after the incident with the monosyllabic Vaelag and talked to him once more. This time the dialogue continued with Jan answering. The two started a duel of insults and then came to blows. So the storyline continues. Sorry for bothering you.

#614081 ASSERTION FAILED ObjAnimation.cpp 25414

Posted by Azaghal on 17 October 2022 - 08:01 AM in Mega Mod Help

No, that's just me being unprecise in that post. I enter "weidu --change-log D9ELARGG.CRE" to be exact. But to no avail....



#614060 ASSERTION FAILED ObjAnimation.cpp 25414

Posted by Azaghal on 15 October 2022 - 05:55 AM in Mega Mod Help

According to the Area script, after the greeting by the problematic (but now locally fixed) skeleton archer D9ELARGG a couple of other skeleton types (archers, warriors, priests,mages) will spawn, all added by the BuTcHeRy mod. They all bear the prefix D9 but only two more have the problematic combination of 2h weapons and shield. Eliminating the shield helped (used a save where they weren't spawned yet, so changing the external CRE file sufficed). Fight is over now. No crash.

Only two more questions for the record:

- is the engine generally not able to handle this combination? Store away the shield in the inventory to free both hands? Or is it sloppy scripting on the modder's side?

- how do you do a changelog on a CRE file? Started WEiDu, entered the argument weidu -- change-log D9ELARGG.Cre and the darn thing just left the DOS-window. Nada! Niente!!


Anyhow - one more warm thank you for your assistance



#614043 ASSERTION FAILED ObjAnimation.cpp 25414

Posted by Azaghal on 13 October 2022 - 11:59 AM in Mega Mod Help

I followed your instructions, eliminated the shield, so the CRE won't be able to try and use it together with a 2h-weapon. Went down to the tomb, faced the skeleton. No crash! Then other skeletons spawned in and obviously they suffer from the same problem. Next CTD due to assertion failure. Will look into their CRE files tomorrow.


Good night and thanks so far!



#614038 ASSERTION FAILED ObjAnimation.cpp 25414

Posted by Azaghal on 13 October 2022 - 08:35 AM in Mega Mod Help

T'is quite embarrassing. I don't really know how I got there, but I found the CRE file in the ARE0802 stored in the save BALDUR.GAM. But how do I rob him of his halberd with NI? I can only view/edit the weapon but not erase it.

Sorry for this noob question, but more help is needed.


Ashamed greetings



#614029 ASSERTION FAILED ObjAnimation.cpp 25414

Posted by Azaghal on 12 October 2022 - 11:14 AM in Mega Mod Help

Oh. I thought saving the altered CRE-file to the override folder was enough. Will try to change it in the ARE-file now and report if it works.





#614026 ASSERTION FAILED ObjAnimation.cpp 25414

Posted by Azaghal on 11 October 2022 - 11:13 AM in Mega Mod Help

Well, here's another one:

When entering the plundered tomb under the graveyard in Athkathla (AR0802, the corner for Korgan's companion quest) there is a skeleton archer greeting me with something like "you never should have made it this far" (obviously from a mod, since in vanilla there's mummies IIRC) and then the game crashes with the above error. I guess the guy is from the BuTcHeRy mod and his CRE file is D9ELARGG. He's equipped with axe, halberd, shield and arrows (no bow). Tried to take away his halberd and shield to avoid impossible usage together, but he's still crashing. Searching for his bow?

How can I fix it?





EDIT: Attached WeiDu.log of my BGT install, just in case...


Attached Files

#614012 Jaheira stutter bug

Posted by Azaghal on 10 October 2022 - 12:41 AM in Mega Mod Help

Actually Minsc is present. Hope this doesn't add to the confusion....

So, HTaM it is (as already stated above :doh: ). That's indeed a new mod to my install list.

Let's see what the author makes of this.


Thanks again



#614005 Jaheira stutter bug

Posted by Azaghal on 09 October 2022 - 10:13 AM in Mega Mod Help

Ok. Attached the result of the search for ANMyrain in the DLG files. 6 hits. About rain. What mod is this from? I can't remember any conversation about rain from my many, many modded BGT playthroughs.


Soakenwet greetings







Attached Files

#613997 Jaheira stutter bug

Posted by Azaghal on 09 October 2022 - 05:11 AM in Mega Mod Help

The quickfix helped. No more stuttering and no smalltalk about rain either, romantic or not :rolleyes:.

 The ShadowWork global is =1.


Thank you, ever helpful jastey!



#613994 Jaheira stutter bug

Posted by Azaghal on 09 October 2022 - 03:45 AM in Mega Mod Help

I have HTaM installed so that's possible.

There was no hit searching the DLG.

I will try your quickfix. Conversations about rain don't sound overly important.



#613989 Jaheira stutter bug

Posted by Azaghal on 09 October 2022 - 03:06 AM in Mega Mod Help

I'm not in ToB, but in Athkathla.

Was looking into the dlg files with NI, but there's no such thing as AnMyrain (ANMOD.dlg is followed by ANNO1.dlg in the list).

Is it possible to set the variable to 3 to proceed with the script?



#613987 Jaheira stutter bug

Posted by Azaghal on 09 October 2022 - 01:25 AM in Mega Mod Help

Installed the stutter debug tool, started the game with the latest save and it showed "block 4 of JAHEIRA.BCS" as looping script.

Then I looked into JAHEIRA.BCS with NI and this is what I found in line 4 (highlighted in red):


    !InParty("Anomen")  // Anomen
    RESPONSE #100
        DisplayStringHead(Myself,1067608)  // Running block 1 of JAHEIRA.BCS


Since I have neither met Aran yet nor have I Anomen or Rasaad (from BGEE I guess?) in my group this is odd. So I assume I did understand it wrong and block might mean paragraph/section (sorry, English is not my first language) - not line.

Then block 4 contains this:


    !Dead("Jaheira")  // Jaheira
    RESPONSE #100
        DisplayStringHead(Myself,1067611)  // Running block 4 of JAHEIRA.BCS


Looks more fitting.


But I need your help to explain what to do about the loop.


Thank you



#613984 Jaheira stutter bug

Posted by Azaghal on 08 October 2022 - 12:10 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hello everybody,


in my current BGT-Megamod installation I have a problem with Jaheira in SoA (Atkathla, quite early in the game). She stops constantly and my SC turns to her as if to start conversation, but nothing happens. Giving new movement orders to both works, but situation repeats shortly afterward. Also often get the message that I cannot save in dialogue mode (while I'm not talking to anybody actually).

I understand that probably one of Jaheira's variables has to be changed manually to proceed. But which one?

Looked into her CRE-file in the latest save with the help of NI. There's currently 13 effects named "Set Local Variable 187" active with differing values (most of them =1).

What am I to do?


Thanks for your help



#613952 Vault v7 Released

Posted by Azaghal on 06 October 2022 - 12:52 PM in Mod Resurrections

Thanks Sergio.

Found it. Talking to the fortune teller in the midst of Baldurs Gate helped a lot. He gave precise directions. Just like you!


Good night!


#613926 Vault v7 Released

Posted by Azaghal on 05 October 2022 - 12:03 PM in Mod Resurrections

Might someone point me to the right direction of the vault? Have regained the book, talked to a certain ghost, smith and priest. But the last one gave me a hint I can't decipher for the death of me. Walked my heels off up and down the Sword Coast but have no clue.


Thanks in advance


#613674 Crashes in mega-mod games installed with WeiDU 247, 248 and 249

Posted by Azaghal on 24 September 2022 - 12:18 PM in Mega Mod Help

Well, I tried skellytz' proposal first, uninstalled GB (received a handful of warnings) and reinstalled it with WeiDU v246. Improved stability a lot. I'm further in the game now than before and experienced only one unspecific CTD so far. So I will stick to this solution unless number of problems rises.


Have a nice weekend and thank you!



#613667 Crashes in mega-mod games installed with WeiDU 247, 248 and 249

Posted by Azaghal on 24 September 2022 - 05:35 AM in Mega Mod Help

Thanks for your advice, skellytz and Argent.

Will try both ways, but must admit to my utter shame that I don't know how to


put this code into a batch file and run it to save some time:

If you would try to explain for someone who has never wrote a batch file?


Thanks again.

