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There have been 8 items by Qualidor (Search limited from 06-June 23)

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#205884 Timestop Tweak v.2 released!

Posted by Qualidor on 21 May 2005 - 11:01 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

What an excellent idea!

The Time Stop spell has always given me grief in BGII. It just doesn't translate into computer game land the way it was intended. Firstly, the duration should be 1d3 rounds, not 3, so it's more powerful. Secondly, the spell should only affect a 15-foot radius, not the whole frickin' area.

Thirdly, mages are overpowered already because many of their spells become ridiculously overpowered (read: Stoneskin) without the expensive material costs they incur in PnP roleplaying. Stoneskin, for instance, costs 500gp PER SPELL in the actual game. Ditto for True Seeing, a.k.a. - 'So you're an illusionist, eh? Too bad.'

Once again, I say... BRAVO!!! :thumb:

#208494 The Face of Chrysta

Posted by Qualidor on 06 June 2005 - 03:50 AM in Chrysta

That's totally cool.

#205882 Swimsuit Kensai?

Posted by Qualidor on 21 May 2005 - 10:15 PM in 1PP

Who was smoking crack the day they designed that female fighter paperdoll? Seriously. Have you ever seen anything quite so dumb in your whole life? (Well, excepting perhaps a bearded female dwarf...) :whistling:

#212488 Spellhold Studios Grand Opening!

Posted by Qualidor on 27 June 2005 - 05:26 PM in Directives from the Director

Is that to say the current version of the mod will be unavailable? That would be unfortunate but understandable.

Also, congratulations on the new forums guys. Looking good!

#213765 Ready already or never be done?

Posted by Qualidor on 04 July 2005 - 06:47 PM in Imoen Relationship

"1337 $p34k" is mostly used by so called "1337 h4x0rs" who are mostly teens with the need to appear cool, different than others, and it is what their friends tend to use so...

English is my first language and I have no idea what you guys just said...  :blink:

#208137 Morning Stars

Posted by Qualidor on 03 June 2005 - 06:56 PM in 1PP

I agree completely.

#205883 Lets all FAQ Chrysta

Posted by Qualidor on 21 May 2005 - 10:26 PM in Chrysta

This thread takes the prize for:



#204430 Introducing the Mazzy Romance

Posted by Qualidor on 12 May 2005 - 05:15 AM in Mazzy Romance

I finally joined FW after lurking for a while just to let you know I'm TOTALLY EXCITED about this project!

Mazzy was always my favourite female NPC and it frustrated me incredibly that she wasn't a romance option.
