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#610194 Starting anew

Posted by billy3 on 19 October 2020 - 10:48 AM in Mega Mod Help

How is your install going so far?  Did you use the EE or non EE versions of the games?


Attaching the log of the final and so far working installation. The installation itself was done manually, no BWP nor PI.

#608716 Mega Mod Quick Start Guide?

Posted by billy3 on 04 March 2020 - 12:22 PM in Mega Mod Help



That kinda ups the cost of buying new media...


SoD is required for EET, as is the latest patched game versions 2.5xx.

#608707 Mega Mod Quick Start Guide?

Posted by billy3 on 04 March 2020 - 07:29 AM in Mega Mod Help



So going with EET, is SoD required or optional?


I'll likely go with Project Infinity and try to fit as many stable seeming mods as I can.



- Some new EET mod

EET is Enhanced Edition Trilogy. It combines the EE games: BG:EE+SoD and BGII:EE.


- The good old Big World Setup and Big World Project

- Some tools that I don't know of but seem to exist

The Big World Project is alive an' kicking, but several mods were updated since Leonardo released the 18.2 guide.

-BWS (the automated installer) is out of date and no longer recommendable.

-There is a new automated updater: Project Infinity by ALIEN. It is in beta and you need some input for install order, but it's the way to go if you want an automated installer.

You might also hear about an installer called EE Setup Tool. I cannot recommend this, as this installer is known to download changed mod versions uploaded by the maintainer, wrong versions from the GitHub repos (master instead of releases), and also the maintainer does not communicate with other modders with regard to the correct install order which already lead to bugs.


Whether you want to play the EEs is up to your taste. They come with some new features which are nifty and some new bugs which still need to be ironed out, and the new DLC between BG1 and BGII called "Siege of Dragonspeare". Your question concerning which "combine BG and BG2" we would recommend is probably already answered because BGT is for the original engine and EET for the EEs.


The questions with regard incompatibilities between mods is one that is never answered fully. All you can do is read the readmes and ask in forums if you have a list of mods that interest you. As a rule of thumb: most up to all mods at GibberlingsThree, SpellholdStudios, and PocketPlane Group that are updated recently and "EE compatible" are stable. There is lists for the EE mods at BeamDog's (List for BG:EE here, slightly outdated list for BGII:EE here), and there is a list for EET. All mods from the EET list can be assumed to be recently updated and maintained.

I don't know the Vecna mod.


#608698 Project Infinity Mass Mod Install (TAKE 2) for EET on Windows 10 Help

Posted by billy3 on 03 March 2020 - 02:48 PM in Mega Mod Help

Is there a difference between buying BGEE and BG2EE from GOG instead of directly from BeamDog?

#608693 Mega Mod Quick Start Guide?

Posted by billy3 on 03 March 2020 - 09:02 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi all,


It's been ages since I've been on this board or have played any Baldur's Gate games.  With BG3 actually in the works, I've gotten excited about revisiting the older games.  However, there have been so many changes and new iterations of the original games made available that I'm at a loss at where to start.


My understanding is

First, that there are 3 iterations of BG and BG2 now:

- The original releases (CDs)

- The GoG editions

- The new EE (by BeamDog) editions


Second, that there are 2 MegaMods that combine BG and BG2:

- The old BGT mod

- Some new EET mod


Lastly, that there are now multiple set up tools:

- The good old Big World Setup and Big World Project

- Some tools that I don't know of but seem to exist


So my questions for mega modding are:

1) Is my understanding as indicated above correct?

2) Which editions of the games would you recommend using (I'm running Windows 10 and am ok with purchasing the newer editions)?

3) Which "combine BG and BG2" mod would you recommend using?

4) What mod set up tools (i.e. BWP/BWS) are there and which would you recommend as more stable?

5) Are there any compatibility issues between the editions, MegaMods and tools I should be aware of?


I also have tangential questions:

- I'm interested in playing the Vecna mode (http://www.shsforums...ic/43975-vecna/) which looks very interesting.  Any idea if it's compatible with the MegaMods above?

- Is there a place where comprehensive list of MegaMod compatible and stable mods is maintained?

