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#462654 Praise!

Posted by Hide and Seek on 16 September 2009 - 06:54 AM in Sarevok Romance

I just had to offer my praise. I've finally played it through. Took me 4 days in total, but it was well worth it. Sarevok's interactions was very in-character, though I suspect he has more stories I couldn't force out of him. I'm going to replay it again, hoping to get some reactions from my teammates. Imoen was eeriely silent. Should I perhaps deal with Sendai and Abazigal before finishing Watcher's Keep?

Loved it. More banter is always good.

#463057 Bug Report Thread

Posted by Hide and Seek on 19 September 2009 - 08:21 AM in Sarevok Romance

I have to duly apologise for bringing up this "bug", after having to reinstall various mod components, I noticed this is a Tactics component, and not related to Sarevok at all. :doh:

#463993 Praise!

Posted by Hide and Seek on 30 September 2009 - 01:33 PM in Sarevok Romance

Spoilerish maybe -

Yes, I feel that way too! More, please if you can? Also, is it possible to have your "affair" consummated a tad bit sooner? It happens to me so soon (I've played it about 4 times) that not everyone else's dialogues acknowledging the affair, Edwin's for example, can kick in. It is so close to the end of the game that I feel I am missing out on some good stuff.

May I ask, those who "acknowledges the affair", did you get those talks at a specific place, like a tavern or something? I've played the Sarevok romance 3 times, and I haven't got a single NPC to react. :crying:

#464092 Praise!

Posted by Hide and Seek on 01 October 2009 - 10:07 AM in Sarevok Romance

I did notice (on accident) that you can force talk some of the NPC/PC banters by talking to them. I don't know why it happens that way. :unsure: I'm largely clueless when it comes to the actual inner-workings of the game. Technical stuff is scary.

Many discoveries are made out of accident, though. Certainly all of mine are. ^_^
Thanks, I'll go and try that force talk right away. I'd expect at least a tell-off from Jaheira.

And I agree, technical stuff IS scary. I thank the Gods everytime my computer manages to startup without delays, blackouts, reloads and other fun stuff Saturday mornings. As far as modding go, I can create weapons and armor and SK them into the game. Sarevok is something extra, though. Time to play the evil Bhaalspawn. :cheers:

#465179 Your suggestions

Posted by Hide and Seek on 14 October 2009 - 09:50 AM in Sarevok Romance

Cool, great topic.

- talk regarding a possible "connection" between the PC and Sarevok due to sharing a piece of her soul
- talk regarding Sarevok's foster mother and her murder
- talk about the Slayer, if the PC takes the Slayer form at some point
- asking about Bhaal, specifically if Sarevok had dreams about him

From top to bottom ( :lol: ) these were the ones I really liked, and I wish you the best of luck (and time!).
The "connection" between the PC and Sarevok is undoubtly the one that intrigues me the most, cause how many does one know that shares a divine bond, unless they're from a movie? Sure, Imoen is counted here too, but that might be another bond (and mod), and not of the soulsharing kind.

I feel like the PC and Sarevok would have SO much to talk about, about the aspects of Bhaal. You're truly a brave writer to have taken this challenge and keeping Sarevok in-character.

I'll try to think of more ideas besides your own suggestions, but ToB is a bit limited, is it not?
Either way. :cheers:

#473825 SHS forum upgrade, new features and new look!

Posted by Hide and Seek on 03 January 2010 - 03:07 PM in Directives from the Director

Please see the attached screenshot. It shows what happened when I clicked various places.

My sincere thanks. That did the trick. :Bow:

#486624 Woo! Imoen Friendship!

Posted by Hide and Seek on 04 May 2010 - 11:43 AM in Imoen Friendship

Imoen content!

*tries to install*
*tries to install again, after some pondering*
*gets annoyed, it's Imoen after all*
*tries again, succeeds after using someone else's head*

It's been some time since I played BG2, but now I'm certainly gonna do another run. Curious to see what Imoen will talk about.

I was going to suggest (beg for, more likely) PC-initiated banters, they're a nice add-on to NPC's in the later chapters and then I realised, that I had no idea what such banters would include. The only friendship mod I have is.. Kindrek.

Either way, I most appreciate this mod and your efforts. Imoen has always been too silent for my liking. My compliments.   :cheers:

#488118 Wrong answer kills the friendship?

Posted by Hide and Seek on 23 May 2010 - 04:52 AM in Imoen Friendship

So, I finally got the time for some serious playing, and I raced through the challenges and got to Spellhold. Due to an out of place CLUA:Console, Imoen started her first banter right away (and let me say, I liked how she was portrayed).

Then we left Spellhold, and Imoen confronted me about the time in Irenicus dungeon, and my PC told her that he "was scared to death" about his possible fate. Imoen finished with commenting about not being scared of death, then the talk was over. She has been quiet since then, and now we've left Underdark. Did I choose the wrong answer?

#488428 Wrong answer kills the friendship?

Posted by Hide and Seek on 27 May 2010 - 07:27 AM in Imoen Friendship

Thank you! :Bow:
Glad to know I didn't mess anything up.