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#45727 Edwin Romance is here!

Posted by Ophidia on 28 April 2003 - 10:44 PM in Edwin Romance

I believe Wynne also considers herself "close" and I know that on my friend Bohus's pro mic we stand VERY close indeed.

Yes, but what do you do when you're recording sound clips? :D

Oh, another really stupid trick with mikes that I find works well. If you're using a simple PC mike, and getting a lot of problems with pops and huffing, try putting a rolled up sock over the microphone. It works, honest!

(I wonder what I can fool him into doing next?)

#45636 Edwin Romance is here!

Posted by Ophidia on 28 April 2003 - 01:57 PM in Edwin Romance

Our 'Edwin ringer' is alive and well, and sounds as perfect as ever. Lol!

I'd be equally concerned with his sound studio set-up. Having volume shifts and static/hiss/echo is as jarring to immersion as an accent that's different than the original.

It's been my experience that you can produce good quality sound using very simple equipment, with a bit of know-how and some good sound sampling software. The secret of good quality recordings is simply not to stand too close to the mike. Also, with voice acting you really have to camp it up quite a bit in order for it to sound dramatic. Another thing to bear in mind is that BGII doesn't require CD quality sound, so you don't have to worry too much.

As for sound volume, removing background hisses, etc...that'll all be sorted in editing!

If you feel your mods are lacking in the sound department, you can always ask a Gasping Concubine to help you out! :lol:

#45039 What should we do with elminister(spoiler)

Posted by Ophidia on 25 April 2003 - 11:38 PM in Edwin Romance

*namedrop mode activated*

Can I just mention here that I've met Terry Pratchett? :D

Yes, Laufey, I know you're sick of hearing me say that...  :P

#41788 Edwin Romance is here!

Posted by Ophidia on 16 April 2003 - 10:23 AM in Edwin Romance

i need a Enjoyable Partnership fix too...when can we see more???  i have read all edwin and nalia stories you have in the novella section, now i am cracking the whip...i want more cards reshuffled, and more nalia and edwin, joined at the hip..hehehhehhehe...

Well, I posted the entire Curse of Apathy on the Attic boards ages ago, I'm just really slow at uploading it to the novellas section :). Since you asked so nicely, (without death threats, which is quite unusual for the readership I attract) I'll upload part five tonight. It's a seven parter altogether.

The new story in the series is a ten parter, and I'm currently writing part eight out of a possible ten- unless it grows again!

i dont think i read keldy stories, that guy is just annoying, i cant stand pallys, never could...tho minsc made a darned good undead hunter in my game...

Hehhe, if you don't like paladins, you might like the romance I wrote *veg*. Do you want to see Keldorn broken utterly and twisted to the Dark Side? It can be done...

i am so glad you like the "hello cthulhu"...its not humor for everyone, just us literate types on the board, but to us, its just so so so funny.... :)  :)  :)  :) 

I see I need to read some H.P. Lovecraft....

#41563 Edwin Romance is here!

Posted by Ophidia on 15 April 2003 - 01:07 PM in Edwin Romance

(Finally remembered my uid and pass for this board)

Coo, you read my Enjoyable Partnership series? I'm flattered! It sounds like you've not read the Attic boards, since the final story, Curse of Apathy, was actually completed a couple of months ago now. I'm currently working on a new story in the series, A Tale of Two Mages.

If you fancy reading something evil, dark and utterly non-Edwin related, you may want to take a look at Corruption of Keldorn, a dialogue sequence I wrote for a slightly unusual romance with keldorn... <_<

Anyway, since you've reminded me, I'll upload the next chapter while I think of it! In it, the two mages have a huge row, and we finally find out exactly what Edwin's amulet does!

There, uploaded it...go and nosey!

#22495 Edwin Nether Scroll

Posted by Ophidia on 18 February 2003 - 01:01 AM in Edwin Romance

Hehe, that portrait is rather good! I was tempted to do something similar myself, actually. I'm not sure if we could use it, though, since there's no email for us to get permission. Anyway, Edwina would wear red nailvarnish :).

I haven't made the alterations to the nether spells suggested, but I agree they're a good idea. I'll chat with our scripter and see if we can.

#20899 Teaser graphics!

Posted by Ophidia on 09 February 2003 - 01:49 AM in Edwin Romance

Personally I've always mentally pictured Eddie as pretty skinny and feeble- that's why I drew him that way. As mentioned above, he does only have a constitution of 10, which is average. The BG games don't use the specialist mage rules that certain mages need certain other stats as well as intelligence.

Anyway, a person who spends that much time being annoyed and irritated with the world around them will burn off any excess fat in no time. I should know! :angry:

#19918 Writer says hello!

Posted by Ophidia on 04 February 2003 - 09:38 AM in Edwin Romance

Like so many others I bemoaned the lack of alternative male NPC:s to romance, and Edwin has always been my favorite, so it was a very natural choice.  :D

This is a FANTASTIC idea!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really looking forward to this mod. From the teasers you and your co-conspirators ;) added, you've put a lot of time and effort into this, and the mod will definitely make BG2 much more enjoyable.

Glad you liked my little teaser :D I hope you like the mod when it comes out!

#19088 Teaser graphics!

Posted by Ophidia on 30 January 2003 - 09:52 AM in Edwin Romance

Thanks for your comments, Vorpalstick and Dashael- much appreciated!

Thanks for stopping by, and hope you'll enjoy the mod!  And yes, Ophidia is really great at graphics.

Your confidence in me is deeply worrying :D

#17128 Teaser graphics!

Posted by Ophidia on 11 January 2003 - 01:06 AM in Edwin Romance

Ooh, sudden deluge of replies! Well, four...

Thanks for the various compliments, I appreciate them! I did enjoy drawing this, and I wanted to make Eddie's robe as tasteless as possible :).

As for the other graphics in the mod, you'll have to wait and see!

#16381 Teaser graphics!

Posted by Ophidia on 04 January 2003 - 09:20 AM in Edwin Romance

Here's a quick teaser for those of you interested in the mod. It's one of our new graphics for the Edwin romance mod, for the vampirism by Bodhi quest. Just like in the usual in-game romances, Edwin gets turned into a vampire by Bodhi, and it's up to you to rescue him. I'm not a brilliant artist, but I rather enjoyed drawing this picture for the mod, and went a bit wild when it came to designing his mage robe! You may notice that you can see his 'Amulet of Thay' around his neck (just). Obviously Bodhi had as little success nicking it as I did :D.

This screenshot was taken in-game.

Posted Image

Image Copyright ©2002 Lis Morris.

#16353 Starting a FAQ...

Posted by Ophidia on 04 January 2003 - 04:37 AM in Edwin Romance

In terms of 'revolutionary' stuff, we're doing a few things differently to most other mods out there. We decided right from the word go to try and make our mod as professional-looking as possible, and that means we're not just doing new coding and scripting, but new music, graphics, voice acting and whatnot. All new items contained within the Edwin romance mod have new and unique graphics, and we have three different (and excellent) voice actors working for us to make this mod come 'alive' as much as possible.

What do you think, Gasping Concubines all, should I post an example of one of our new graphics as a teaser? :)

#16341 Writer says hello!

Posted by Ophidia on 04 January 2003 - 01:02 AM in Edwin Romance

I am not quite sure how an egotistical person can be selfless (I'd call it a contradiction in terms) and Edwin is the epitomy of egoism. Basically, his attachment to whores/chambermaids coming streight out of there: that type of man prefers woman below them in social status/intellect/beauty/everything, so I actually think that your restriction on intelligence is well...not warrented.

I just thought I'd revisit this reply with an observation of my own. I've met a number of Edwin-like people in real life- highly intelligent, woman-chasing (or desperate) and convinced they're the best thing since sliced bread. They tend to look for women who are 'below them'- but if they meet a woman who can keep up with them, who can actually win an argument against them, they fall head over heels for said person. I've seen it happen a number of times, and it's very sweet to watch :).

I am convinced the int restriction is justified in this mod, because we're not talking a dalliance here, but a sincere attachment. That always requires a meeting of minds.

#16136 Writer says hello!

Posted by Ophidia on 03 January 2003 - 01:11 AM in Edwin Romance

I have to say that as a long-time Edwin fan, I think Laufey's representation of him is right on the nail. I read the romance ages ago, and liked it so much that I just had to offer to help! That's how I got involved in this mod.

As for Eddie continuing whoring, how much evidence is there for that in the game, really? Two references, if I am right: Gracie in the Sea's Bounty, and his comments if you pick him up in Throne of Bhaal ("And to think I had the wench bargained down to three gold for the night! Bah!"). There is plenty of other evidence that he chases anything in a skirt, I don't deny it, but considering how prone he is to exaggeration, how much of his supposed success rate do you actually believe? :D

I don't think any romance that is supposed to tug at the heart strings and have any depth to it could allow for him to be off every night getting God knows what diseases with God knows who! <_<

#15976 Writer says hello!

Posted by Ophidia on 02 January 2003 - 01:14 AM in Edwin Romance

Are you planning to revoice all of Edwin's dialogue? (my recommendation, rather than clashing, unless you've got one hell of a ringer.)

Also, are you going to link people to the Edwin prose on the Attic? Or make them dig if they want spoilers?

Also... a suggestion from what I remember from my readthrough months ago: your PC replies seem to be writing to a _very_ specific PC type. If that hasn't been expanded since then, you might go through and consider expanding reply options to cater to a wider range of personalities.

Hello folks! I'm Ophidia, in charge of peripherals (graphics, sounds and music) for the mod.

How can I put this? Yes, we have 'one hell of a ringer' as you put it :). He's currently doing his voice acting recording, so we're keeping the current Edwin wavs, and adding our own, plus voice acting for Elvira and Dekaras, two other characters from the mod.