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#507175 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 02 February 2011 - 11:58 AM in Dragon Age Series

Hey, they can still claim someone hacked them.

#508280 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 14 February 2011 - 01:43 PM in Dragon Age Series

come on bioware

tell me you're trolling

the rage would be hilarious

please tell me you're trolling

edit: damn, Merrrrrilllll looks like she's regretting this already.

#507172 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 02 February 2011 - 11:45 AM in Dragon Age Series

goddammit internet

where is it


although i would estimate it 45% likely this one is also a hoax

Edit: a dive into the bubbling cesspool that is the official bio boards seems to indicate that the "early" demo won't be released until feb 11. No idea if it's true, but I have no desire to explore that place further.

#503664 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 22 December 2010 - 02:21 PM in Dragon Age Series

The spoken dialogue alone isn't the main offender here.

The dialogue wheel with the "I want a bigger reward" option that actually means "let's fuck right here, right now, right in front of my subordinates" is the big problem.

As opposed to actually picking the dialogue you want your character to say and having npcs reacting to that exact line.

But I guess actuall roleplaying is too difficult for modern gamers because lol xbox haloz press button for awesome sparta general roflskates fuck I'm glad I'm going on vacation tomorrow and will have a good excuse to ignore the corporate bullshit machine.

#503512 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 20 December 2010 - 04:01 PM in Dragon Age Series

The combat in Origins had many failings, beginning with its unbalanced difficulty. "Was the default setting, especially on PC, too hard? Yeah," admits Laidlaw. "'Normal' felt more like 'Hard' to me."

So yeah, if I ever had any respect for the DA devs? Gone now.

Along with all hope of the game not sucking.

... one of your earliest party members is your sibling (your brother or sister, depending on what class you chose)...

The article is correct. You'll get Bethany if Hawke is a rogue or warrior (regardless of gender), and Carver if Hawke is a mage.

That's awesome, because I was just playing KOTOR2 and that is totally my favourite part of the game!



#508294 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 14 February 2011 - 03:43 PM in Dragon Age Series

goddammit not anders anyone but anders

where is my hot sweaty dwarf mansex bioware

where is it

#508584 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 17 February 2011 - 12:52 PM in Dragon Age Series

I don't understand what you m-can-i-nom-her-head.jpg

EDIT: Now with content!

Call to Arms!

February 22, 2011 marks the launch of the Dragon Age II Demo and a Call to Arms for all BioWare fans. We are actively recruiting an army of Champions, and if we get over 1 million demo downloads and logins on the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 combined before March 1st, we will unlock two in-game items for the entire community to use in Dragon Age II. Demo download progress will be tracked on this page, so check back often!

To get your download counted, you will need to log into your EA account while playing the demo.

The items that will be unlocked are:

The Far Cliffs of Kirkwall - Written by a Fereldan refugee as she fled the Blight, this book of poems describes her dreams of a new start in Kirkwall, the city across the sea. Readers will surely be enriched by her insights. (Gives money when read.)
Lothering's Lament

Lothering's Lament - Written by a Fereldan refugee as she fled the Blight, this book of poems contains touching reminiscences of all she had to leave behind. Readers will surely benefit from her experience. (Gives XP boost when read.)

Get your day 1 DLC items 3748 and 3749 here! Get'em while they're uh DLC-y!

Edit edit: or I could just link to the page or something idk that might work

#510842 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 16 March 2011 - 10:49 AM in Dragon Age Series


...as horrible as it feels to admit, I can't find anything wrong with the last two.

I don't get the first one, though. Unless the joke is that you will never again be able to select an answer that detailed because picking either "hurf", "durf" or "derp" on the dialogue wheel is THE NEW SHIT.

#508800 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 19 February 2011 - 08:28 PM in Dragon Age Series

Hey, there's a new DLC item!

I'm just going to let this one speak for itself.

#508733 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 19 February 2011 - 04:32 AM in Dragon Age Series

Last thing I heard, Bioware asked giZm to stop putting up demo vids, but it seems he uploaded parts four and five anyway.

#508662 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 18 February 2011 - 01:02 PM in Dragon Age Series

Someone posted the talent trees on the Bioware boards.

Generally, I like the trees better than the paths in Origins, but some of the skills, like Adamant, have so many requirements that it feels a bit like they're missing the point of having talent trees to begin with. There's not too many of them though, so it looks okay I guess.

Damned free items, why must you taunt me so?

If you have to spend time and effort to obtain them, they are not free.

Especially not if it's boring time and effort. <_<

#503491 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 20 December 2010 - 10:39 AM in Dragon Age Series

I'll admit that I haven't been very attentive toward every bit of info released in this thread, but is this what's been confirmed for DAII?  If so, then, uh, wow, that is kinda lame :/.

Friendly fire is only on Nightmare. There were discussions on it months ago (including toggles, having it not be toggle-able in certain modes, and even locked difficulty levels) and that was the decision that was reached.

For reference, here are our current goals for difficulty balance:

Casual - Able to be beaten playing a single character sub-optimally, with the rest of the party using default AI tactics.

Normal - Able to be beaten playing a single character optimally, with the rest of the party using default AI tactics.

Hard - Able to be beaten playing the entire party sub-optimally, either controlling directly or using custom AI tactics.

Nightmare - Able to be beaten playing the entire party optimally, either controlling directly or using custom AI tactics. Friendly fire active.

Which makes me wonder where the rest of us are to prove them wrong.

Banned from the Bioware boards for making too much sense.

#503270 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 16 December 2010 - 04:08 PM in Dragon Age Series


On the one hand, it's nice to see the "pause and issue commands" system in action... but on the other hand, if you can blindly mash buttons until all the bad peoples fall down and be done in half the time - why even bother?

And you will be able to blindly mash buttons.

Because apparently Origins was too difficult and made the target audience cry even on easy mode.

Despite the fact that the xbox version was dumbed down for the ~*~console tards~*~ already.

In other news, Zevran 1.2 has a name now and I know my first Hawke will be an aryan superman who specializes in lightning magic and will be very disappointed if I don't get to kill this bastard on sight, which is what I should have done with Zevran in the first place.

But hey, even if they don't let me do that, we're sure to run into his old master, Loki, along the way.

#499786 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 26 October 2010 - 11:05 AM in Dragon Age Series

Oh, look! There's a new trailer that contains nothing substantial whatsoever. (Kind of nice to finally see some in-game footage that isn't ALL BROWN, but whatever.)

And some pics and shit at IGN (yes, I know, can't spell IGNorant...).

I like how Commander Shepard dresses to blend in with the low-tech world he's visiting!

#499987 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 29 October 2010 - 04:11 AM in Dragon Age Series

Basically it's a completely new character who just happens to share the same name.

And I see they're increasingly desperate to get sales before the reviews come out.


#498005 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 29 September 2010 - 02:35 PM in Dragon Age Series

SH: All previews so far say you start out overpowered but lose the endgame abilities pretty soon. So no, that fight is not supposed to be even remotely difficult.

#497873 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 28 September 2010 - 10:57 AM in Dragon Age Series

Dragon Age 2 Gameplay from the GameCity in Vienna, 2010.

Posted on Gametrailers, yesterday.

It's almost scary how accurate my predictions seem to be turning out.

#496412 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 10 September 2010 - 10:08 AM in Dragon Age Series

Well, trailer Hawke has been confirmed to be using blood magic, I believe, so I think we can guess that's going to be an option, at the very least.

An option is not a forced specialization, is the point here.

*Goes off to dislike Bethany some more. If anyone else watched Buffy and has been annoyed by Dawn/read Harry Potter and has been annoyed by Ginny, you know how I feel.*

Frankly, I was too annoyed by, respectively, Joss Weenie's attempts to write drama when he should have stuck to quirky action adventure, and Harry Potter himself, to remember either of those characters - but presumably they at least had lines.

Bioware can do much better.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

#500519 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 06 November 2010 - 07:42 PM in Dragon Age Series

I spot a tiny mistake in that last shot.


There, it's fixed.

#501005 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 16 November 2010 - 02:45 PM in Dragon Age Series

... at the moment the game feels a tad awkward, on the 360 build at least. The faster tempo and slightly over-the-top animations feel very hack and slash, but naturally your attacks don't feel as immediate as what you'd expect from, say, God of War.

So it will look and play like God of War, but without the tight control that makes good action games, well, good. Gotcha.

(Good thing I had no expectations for this game or anything!)

she's dropping not-so-subtle hints about letting Hawke delve into her furry dungeon

furry dungeon

furry dungeon

furry dungeon

And this, right here, is why no one takes "game journalism" seriously.

#502300 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 06 December 2010 - 10:56 AM in Dragon Age Series

...then why bother showing concept art.

because the sound of squealing fangirls makes Gaider happy in his pants

#501470 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 24 November 2010 - 06:00 PM in Dragon Age Series

Mr Gaider, often, sounds grumpy when giving these "explanations".  Maybe he needs a hug.

If I wanted to be nice, I'd say something like maybe he just needs to stop posting on Bioware's official forums because I know they tend to make me grumpy.

But I don't want to be nice so I'll just say he needs to stop posting period, and also stop working for Bioware and maybe his replacement will be able to salvage Dragon Age 3.

Well considering the feedback that has been preeminent since the day Dragon Age II was announced, it'd be a hard sell to say no one else would be.

The feedback on the official boards tends to lean more towards "Bioware can do no wrong" than the rest of the internet, though.

Maybe that's why they make me grumpy.

Well, that and the fact that they're so full of stupid that it practically oozes from the corners of my monitor.

And the rampant sexism and homophobia and some other important sounding words that I don't remember.

#501451 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 24 November 2010 - 01:16 PM in Dragon Age Series

More nuggets from the Bioware forums!

If we really want to bring a character back, we'll bring them back-- regardless of what may or may not have happened in DAO (particularly in an epilogue). That doesn't mean ignoring the possibilities, but it does mean that sometimes what you think happened/will happen isn't always the case.

If we were to bring back a character that might be dead, chances are we'd provide an explanation.  It'd be a hand-wave, sure, but I doubt we'd ignore the possibility outright. I think there's a limit to how much we'd want to do that, of course-- dead should mean dead, whenever possible.

I think our willingness to bring a possibly-dead character back relates to how often they ended up dead in peoples' games. If they're dead in only a small minority of games, there's a better chance than if it was a very common thing... or if we couldn't come up with a non-lame explanation. Hand-waves only go so far, and like I said it's not something we'd want to over-indulge in, anyhow, considering this isn't a setting where death is trivial.

Your decisions mean nothing. Please punch me in my stupid ugly face.

I think I'm going to add "Alistair comes back from Archdemon-assisted suicide" under "Wrex not playable in ME3" on my list of "things that will make me swim across the ocean and piss in Bioware's letterbox".

#501060 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 17 November 2010 - 12:30 PM in Dragon Age Series

I seem to recall something about Morrigan's leather pants, but I'm not going to quote that here...

Wait - Morrigan wore pants?  :blink:

I don't know why everyone's complaining about her boobs, though, especially the ladies. I don't find the size ridiculous or impossible at all. Why must a buxom lass automatically be silicone-enhanced? :rolleyes:

Impossible? Certainly not. Ridiculous? When it's on an acrobatic fighter (who looked nothing like that in the previous game) and they're just flapping in the breeze, and when two out of two known female NPCs look as if they make a living smuggling watermelons in their shirts - yeah, it kind of is.

I mean seriously...who says that?!

IDK but they're obv. v.classy ppl.

#491901 Dragon Age II News

Posted by vilkacis on 10 July 2010 - 06:52 AM in Dragon Age Series

Some new info here:
