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#580810 Please report crashes here

Posted by Capreolus on 04 September 2015 - 10:31 AM in PS:T Fixpack

Hey, all.


I'm having issues where my game consistently CTDs when I try to enter Shilandra's Kip (just outside the Mortuary). The autosave for changing location works fine, then the location fails to load. Originally I thought it was the infamous Widescreen Mod glitch, but I tried the fix on a parallel install and it didn't work, and then I undid the fix and loaded an old savegame. Lo and behold, I was able to enter Shilandra's Kip with no trouble at all! But I still CTD when I try to enter once I'm on the Moridor's Box quest. As such I think it may be something to do with the Moridor's Box quest itself. I am not 100% certain that the Fixpack is responsible for the crashes, but as it's the only mod I have installed that changes that quest, I think it's my best bet. Does anybody have any ideas?


I'm running Windows 10 with an Intel processor and an nVidia graphics card, the crash happens consistently whether I run in a compatibility mode or not.


I have installed all the mods in this list: http://www.gog.com/n...ment_mods_guide (Widescreen Mod 3.07, UI mod 2.2.7z, Fixpack 4.13, Unfinished Business 4.12 and Tweaks 4.12) and no others - and before anybody asks, yes, I set my resolution before even running torment.exe for the first time, and have not tinkered with it since.


Any clues?


Thank you all in advance, you wonderful people.




Update: So I tried it again without the Widescreen Mod on a parallel install, because I was *also* having trouble getting into and out of Marta's House (the woman who takes the teeth and stitches etc out of the corpses in the Buried Village). I could get into and out of Marta's House without any problems, but Shilandra's Kip still crashes every time!

Any ideas, lovely people?



Update: SOLVED! And it was so simple too. It was nothing to do with Moridor's Box or the Fixpack, just that my AR0306 file (Shilandra's Kip) had got corrupted in saving. I downloaded Near Infinity, opened up my savegame's .GAM file, changed the flag for having visited AR0306 to 0 (from 1) and saved the .GAM. I then decompressed the .SAV file, deleted the AR0306 file, recompressed the .SAV and saved it. Lo and behold, it worked like a charm!

I'll leave this here in case it's of any use to future users having similar problems. Admins: Feel free to delete this thread if you think it won't be of use to anyone else.