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#372682 Comments about PoOC #26

Posted by Karandras on 21 January 2008 - 08:46 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Yes yes yes I know you don't need to mention it. (what I'm referring to is up to you to figure out)

So now after an extended leave (that got extended even more). I'm back. I must say I am completely amazed by what everyone has done while I was away. I'm afraid I don't have any new pictures right now but comments I have more than a few :)

First off a quick apology to everyone who posted in screenshot thread number 25 that I didn't comment on. 11 pages of screenshots is a bit much even for me to do all at once :)

Next a big thank you to Ryu for making the new threads.

And lastly, thank you Chiglet for the poke :)

Now for the comments...


Post #2: Awesome sea battles, rune shields, white and purple fairies....the word epic doesn't even begin to cover it :)
Post #6: :blink: that sky....Posted Image
Post #10: I'm sure this has been asked before but did you make that hair?

Post #12: Nice house...Very nice indeed....


Post #3: That "Messing with hue" shot was awesome, it's amazing how a single setting can change the picture so much


Post #4: Is it just me or in the second picture does the guy look really drunk? ;) Excellent shots all around

Post #13: And what new castle is that? Whatever one it is they seem to have moved right in :)


Post #3: Hilarious as ever :) Nice to see some things never change :cheers:

Ryu Doppler

Post #8: Speaking of things that never change it seems ryu still can't keep from getting drenched in blood :) Excellent lighting in all of those shots :cookie:


Post #9: Quick run! The giant Nirnroots are invading! ;)


Post #11: I see she still likes hanging out in on ruins :) Nice outfit as well

I'm starting to have second thoughts about posting pictures, after seeing all these downright epic pictures I'm thinking it would take me a long time to get back into the swing of things :)

Edit: My apologies Kadaj x, I missed your newest post when I went through the thread

Kadaj x

Post #14: Any chance you have been conspiring with AlienSlof on these outfits? They seem to match her style exactly :)

#367842 Oblivion Mod Blog

Posted by Karandras on 26 December 2007 - 08:01 PM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

Yep, the site you are looking for is the homepage of OSR pose mod and it can be found here

By the way welcome back :)

#367392 Comments on PoOC #25

Posted by Karandras on 23 December 2007 - 01:12 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Somehow (don't ask me how) It slipped my mind that I should mention to everyone I'm not going to be around much for the next few days due to shopping, cooking, relatives, and all the other fun stuff thats happens this time of year. I shall see you all in a week or so (perhaps a bit less)

Merry Christmas Everyone :)

#366929 Comments about PoOC #24

Posted by Karandras on 19 December 2007 - 02:45 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Love the screens guys. And cyborgakadjmoose's and greatfool1's inventive captions. :lol:

I had to uninstall Oblivion for now. There's a list of reasons why (one of them being memory). So no OB for me for awhile. :(
I'll try to come in here more often to give actual feedback on people's screens rather than just darting in and out saying "nice job." Though sometimes I'm so busy it can't be helped, but I'll try.

But anyway, please keep up the great work with your screenshots. :cheers:

Happpy Holidays Everyone! (incase I can't come by around then)   :cheers:


Just yesterday I was wondering what had happened to you :) Sorry to hear about Oblivion but I guess more comments is always a good thing.

Also, just so everyone knows, there is a new Oblivion news post up on the main page. Just like last time you can view it here and you can comment on it here

#366893 Oblivion SHS news post

Posted by Karandras on 19 December 2007 - 01:04 PM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

Please leave your suggestions, comments, questions, and anything else you can think of here (I'm sorry we are not currently accepting in-laws, little sisters, or anything else in the high annoyance category)

#366652 Comments about PoOC #24

Posted by Karandras on 18 December 2007 - 07:40 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Ishtar.  I like it!  Egyptian I believe? :D  And honestly...I like the fact that she has no hair...makes her look unique.

As for a caption...how about: "Call me *kick* baldy *kick* again! *kick*  I dare you! *kick*" :devil:

:lol: Great caption :) I thought the name was Egyptian as well when I saw it but i's actually Assyrian. Wiki page about her

Heheh, nice re-captioning, cyborgakadjmoose!

In my own (albeit, lame) attempt to re-caption our fine commenters' pictures...
"You paid WHAT for that haircut?"

Nice capture, MR Karandras!

Thanks, sometimes I think should just let all of you caption my pictures :)

#366592 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Karandras on 17 December 2007 - 08:04 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

At last I have a name for her :) Ishtar

Bring it on
Posted Image

(I really like how this one came out but I can't think of a caption for it)
Posted Image

"What the heck?"
Posted Image

#366518 Comments about PoOC #24

Posted by Karandras on 17 December 2007 - 07:59 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

@ Karandras - Another nameless character? Maybe this will help in your search for the perfect names. :)
A lovely house indeed. Though maybe more pics haven't been seen due to the mystery of it's name. ;)

@ greatfool1 & Karandras Though one does wonder, if she "lost everything except her bones" which would mean that even the tendons and ligaments holding said bones together are gone, how does Alexus keep herself together?

Thank you for that Link, I'm due to create another character soon anyway so this one will have a name. :) Also do I detect a question in that comment? :) It's the MYJ castle that can be found here.

As for the bones question, I'm guessing that it's due to the magic of Christmas (good version) or a kindly necromancer that thought it would be fun to have a living skeleton following him around (evil version)

#366401 Comments about PoOC #24

Posted by Karandras on 16 December 2007 - 02:52 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Wow, major thanks to RGM2for all those tips, there were quite a few in there I never knew about. :clap: :clap: :clap:

DFSL: Very neat outfit, did you make that one yourself?

VanQa: Beautiful character and great movies as well :cheers: (I loved the music)

Greatfool1: Hmm perhaps the Emperor got reseracted somehow and became became Santa :) (minus the beard)

#366205 Comments about PoOC #24

Posted by Karandras on 15 December 2007 - 08:32 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Ahhh, thank you for the clarification, Karandras. An interesting challenge - a tasteful sex scene (linked, of course) between AF and Alexus.... I guess that also eliminates distasteful jokes about bones, meat, etc... Wow, I am going to have to really think on this one! But thanks for the challenge, Karandras and K'aeloree! And, of course, I wouldn't have thought about any of this otherwise! :whistling:

Regarding Alexus - I said she was "odd" not old! And she is by no means dead! The poor sweetie lost everything except her bones when she was a mere 23 year old virgin hottie! It is the saddest story ever - and way too sad to relate during a time of celebration like we are in now. Though it did occur exactly a year ago and had to do with way too much holiday drinking, using a bunch of warm oil on a slip-and-slide, followed by lighting the Yuletide Log. It was a horrific scene! :crying: :crying: I am so sorry - I have said too much - again!

Happy *sniff* Holidays!

If anyone can make a tasteful sex scene between a Skeleton and a wood elf it would be you :)

And my apologies to Alexus, I misread the "odd" as "old" just goes to show I shouldn't reply to something 5 minutes after waking up. :whistling:

#366190 Comments about PoOC #24

Posted by Karandras on 15 December 2007 - 06:32 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

1. You truly are a river to your people, Karandras. I really don't have any questions - I wouldn't even be even linking to any "bone transferring" scenes because AF and Alexus really need their privacy, else AF won't even have a bone to transfer! He doesn't do well under pressure and they are a bit of an odd couple admittedly. Plus more is left to the imagination that way. But thanks for clarifying the rules - well, moobs are still a point of contention I would think! ;) What about Exnem size moobs? :P Sorry...

2. And btw, do you even think that I would have thought about any of this before Ryu mentioned Bone Fetishes? :whistling: (No answer is required here.)

3. Anyway, I mainly post stuff that is passable (barely) on TES Official Forums, so it should always work here. Any really racy stuff, I will just put on a purely Adult site if I opt to go that route.

4. Edit: How could you ever suggest that AF would cheat on the lovely Alexus? Poor girl, always gets the same treatment just because she is a little odd. :crying: AF made his bed, so unless there is some higher intervention, he will always be with Alexus.

1. "Exnem sized Moobs" ? Now that's a scary thought, AF's head on an Exnem body *shiver*. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that should be linked. After all, when you stick a female head on that body it has to be linked.

2. Um yes :)

3. Well the answer from K'aeloree was "I wouldn't include explicit sex scenes, unless they were very carefully and tastefully done, heh." (paraphrased) so take from that what you will.

4. Well it's not that she is old, it's that she is dead...and besides, what will Brinn and Yilandria think of this? Won't they be just a little upset?

#366130 Comments about PoOC #24

Posted by Karandras on 14 December 2007 - 09:43 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Note to MR K: For the record Ryu started this talk about Bones, Fetishes, etc! I cannot be held responsible for what may ensue!

Btw MR K, what are the rules about posting the following:

(1) Does AF have to cover his manly nipples now or else link them? If they are pierced, is that covered enough? What was decided on this all-important nipple issue?

(2) If manly nipples are OK to expose, are moobs to be linked?

(3) If #3 is a yes, how "droopy" must a manly nipple be before it becomes a moob?

Oh yeah, and speaking of bones, what is the rule on:

(4) "Bone transference" procedures and bone-to-bone connectivity between AF and Alexus?

Hmmm, I think I will just link and warn as needed - especially if it involves a moob! ;) :P

And as always, thank you Ryu for your fine suggestions!!!

Where are the other Oblivion moderators when I need them? I always seem to get the questions like this... :rolleyes:

1. So far nothing has changed in the nudity rules, I still have to ask about that one. Due to that, guys are still allowed to go completely topless and need not be linked.

2. Ummm (why me?) I guess it doesn't have to be linked...there isn't really anything in the rules that directly covers that.

3. Moving on....

4. "Bone transference" ? Somehow I knew this was going to come about as soon as I saw AF's new friend. I think i'm going to ask K'aeloree about that one. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

I think AF really needs to figure out of this deal. Any chance it was just a verbal agreement that AF would never cheat on her? (Never thought I would be trying to help AF...)

#366093 Comments about PoOC #24

Posted by Karandras on 14 December 2007 - 07:01 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I don't really want to be a member anymore...

wow, this is terrible news :crying:

Edit: I Sent you a PM, it had to be to Lady Blue though because I cant send a PM to a guest.

#366023 Comments about PoOC #24

Posted by Karandras on 14 December 2007 - 10:32 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Greatfool1: :lol: :blink: :lol: :blink: :lol: Oh god...I can't decide if this is hilariously funny or really really disturbing, I'm thinking both :) I just have one question...how the heck can AF tell Alexus was once female? and for the matter what race were they? *cringes at the though of Alexus having been an Argonian...* AF really needs to stop making deals. (And I need to stop thinking about this before it gets really bad....)

Btw thats a neat new avatar :cheers:

#365928 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Karandras on 13 December 2007 - 10:47 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

I surprised there hasn't been more pictures of this house already...except for a few lighting issues it's amazing :)

Home at last
Posted Image

The entry hall
Posted Image

Dead tired
Posted Image

#365813 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Karandras on 13 December 2007 - 09:59 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Just a quick one from me (again) Yet another character with no name :)

Posted Image

#365696 The Bi-Weekly news post, ideas, and anything else I think of

Posted by Karandras on 12 December 2007 - 03:31 PM in Oblivion Screenshots

maybe Karandras can ask for volunteers him being staff member and all ;)

BTW: any Af story's coming up I haven't seen one in quite some time :D

Or perhaps I could write up a tutorial myself :) At one time or another I have used all of them (that I know of) So I think I would be able to make something up. And by "make up" I mean do extensive research of course. ;)

And yes, we need more of AF's adventures :)

#365636 Post your load orders/mod lists and win big!

Posted by Karandras on 12 December 2007 - 08:15 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

As some or all of you know, Yesterday Yorkmaster had the great idea that we all post our load orders and based on that we will create a listing of some of the most useful/interesting mods for Oblivion that aid in the creation of screenshots (and those that make Oblivion just that much more fun :) ). Below is a guide on how to get your load order so you can post here. (I'm learning how to make a tutorial, I figured this would be a good place to start :) )

If you use OBMM it's very easy to get your load order:

Step 1: At the main OBMM screen click on the Import/Export button:Posted Image

Step 2: Click the first item on the list, View Load order: Posted Image

Step 3: When you click that you get a nice window showing your load order, copy that: Posted Image

Step 4: Paste that into a reply, post it, and your done: Posted Image

For those that don't use OBMM, you have two options, either A: A very simple and quick download of OBMM followed by a simple install then the steps above. Or B: Opening up oblivion, go to data files, and manually write them all down (take a wild guess what one I think is better :) )

And there we have it, how to get your load order. See? painless!

And now, here is my current load order, I'm currently in the process of reinstalling all my favorite mods so this will get updated but for now here it is.

NPC Vars.esp
Seph's new animations.esp
Lem - The Nether.esp
RealSwords - Khajiit HI v1.3.esp
RealSwords - Argonian HI.esp
RealSwords - Breton HI.esp
RealSwords - Bosmer HI.esp
RealSwords - Orc HI v1.0.esp
RealSwords - Redguard HI.esp
Short Grass V3.esp
ooommmfrans loot.esp
Better Cities Full.esp
Diverse Effect Icons for OOO.esp
Elves Of Lineage II.esp
Mounted_Spellcasting Deadly Reflex Compatible.esp
DeadlyReflex - Timed Block + Very High Damage.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
DeadlyReflex - Combat Moves.esp
linenums:0'>Oblivion.esm Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm Mart's Monster Mod.esm FCOM_Convergence.esm Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esmFrancesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esmHorseCombatMaster.esmTNR ALL RACES FINAL.espUnofficial Oblivion Patch.espFrancesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.espFrancesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.espFrancesco's Optional Chance of More Enemies.espFrancesco's Optional Leveled Guards.espFCOM_Francescos.espDLCShiveringIsles.espHarvest [Flora].espHarvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.espBob's Armory Oblivion.espFCOM_BobsArmory.espOblivion WarCry EV.espFCOM_WarCry.espOscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.espMart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.espMart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.espFCOM_Convergence.espJOJOeffect.espOSR_pose.espStandingJOJO.espSeph's new animations.espEFGAddPose.espLem - The Nether.espMountainTower.espSword_of_lineage.espRealSwords - Khajiit HI v1.3.espAction_Figures_Series1.espRealSwords - Argonian HI.espRealSwords - Breton HI.espRealSwords - Bosmer HI.espRealSwords - Orc HI v1.0.espRealSwords - Redguard HI.espxulLushWoodlands.espxulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.espxulAncientYews.espxulAncientRedwoods.espxulChorrolHinterland.espxuldarkforest.espxulStendarrValley.espxulImperialIsle.espULFallenLeafEverglade.espShort Grass V3.espooommmfrans loot.espquickstart.espLoadingScreens.esp[GFX]_Initial_Glow-all.espBetter Cities Full.espDiverse Effect Icons for OOO.espMidasSpells.espElves Of Lineage II.espMounted_Spellcasting Deadly Reflex Compatible.espDeadlyReflex - Timed Block + Very High Damage.espBashed Patch, 0.espDeadlyReflex - Combat Moves.esp

Edit: Another good idea from Yorkmaster, use the (codebox) (/codebox) (replace the () with [] ) to post you load order so it doesn't take up a ton of room :)

Please not all claims that you will win something are completely false and only existed to make people look at this thread

#365550 The Bi-Weekly news post, ideas, and anything else I think of

Posted by Karandras on 11 December 2007 - 02:04 PM in Oblivion Screenshots

Concerning the mod list I just had an Idea: we could all post our loadorder/modlist and then make a comparison and call it SHS's most used mods or something, maybe leave out the usual unofficial patches etc, and call FCOM only one mod (even though it takes up a lot of slots) then we'll see just from using it which one is most favored, maybe everyone can say: From my load-order I like this one the best and we'll see what comes up.
A lst like this isn't very useful but it might be worth a shot if you want to do something like a favourite mod-list.

I like that idea...I always love looking over mod lists and finding new mods I never knew about :) Might take awhile to organize the load orders into an effective list but I guess that could work, plus, it's fairly simple to post a mod list (if you use OBMM anyway) so I bet we would get plenty of lists. It's also great as it covers the same area as the original idea, helping people find new mods to use.

(great, now I have so many ideas in my head they are getting all jumbled up, guess I better start writing them down)

#365519 The Bi-Weekly news post, ideas, and anything else I think of

Posted by Karandras on 11 December 2007 - 08:16 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

Yikes, a few hours of sleep and we get all these replies, I need to sleep more :)

1. I don't think merging the Stories and Screenshots sections would be a good idea. The way they are now is nice and organized, and makes it easy to navigate through. The stories would probably just get buried if they were merged into this section, and that could drop views to them entirely.

2. I'd have to say both allowed. :lol: Nothing wrong with seeing a little breast now and then. :P Course, anything more sensual will need to be linked, but thats just in accordance with the norm already set.

4. I think they should be kept split. Even though things are slow now, they are bound to pick up. Especially during breaks of sorts. And who knows when a few new folks will grace us, and then torrent the threads. ^_^ Or maybe some old folks may come back after being on hiatus/break. Although he didn't post anything besides questions in a few mod threads, I saw Grimbot online a few days ago on the Bethesda boards after being gone for a few months. So I guess it could happen. :D

4.5. I wouldn't have too much problem with a removal of the full size picture limit, if it didn't lag my connection so much. Or if I could find a way to limit the download rate for everything on Firefox. <_< Back when we first had a discussion about how many pictures we could have per post, I remember bringing up the compromise of 5 IMG links, then just regular links. Which then turned into 3 IMG, and the rest links. I'd like to believe this system is currently working, so I would just like to say I would have no problem if it just stayed the same.

1. That is a possibility but I think it would help the stories more than hurt them. As it is stories get very few views and hardly any replies. If they were put back into the Screenshots section you would be reminded/notice them whenever you went to post a picture. Plus with screenshot and comments threads being archived the stories wouldn't fall to far to fast (at lest in theory)

2. Seems that just about everyone agrees on this point :) Glad to hear Grimbot is around again, he had a lot of great shot.

4. Again, seems there is plenty of agreement on this one, I guess for now it is better they stay split.

4.5 As long as we are sticking with the two threads format I think it would be best if we stuck with the 3 shots limit as otherwise it would end up taking a Long time to load the page for everyone.

Picture of the week would be nice, though you'd need to make sure everyone gets a chance to be in it. Looking through, and being on a couple of the pciture thread forums, there are some people who constantly get the kudos, and others who get no acknowledgement at all. It's one of the resons why (at least here) I try to comment on as many poster's pics as possible.

Yop 5 essential mods? Be interesting to see what people consider to be essential, and how many of said mods are essential for how many people. Might also have them state why they consider those mods to be essential.

1) Do you mean have people post their stories in the screenshots thread? If so, there's both good and bad to that. If the thread is going slowly (as it is now) then a story might get more views. Otherwise, it'll get buried fast.

2) As a female who would like to have the right to go topless in public (don't worry, I'd actually keep my top on), I dislike double standards as well. A possibility could be to have a general screenshots thread, where both genders of nudity are linked to, and allow people to have their own "personal screenshot thread" (like DWS or the eyecandy forum) where nudity would be allowed as long as it is stated in the topic title/ description.

3) I like Yorkmaster's idea of listing comsole commands and animation mods. and I know someone did a tutorial on how to get many of said mods in game, but I couldn't make head or tails of it. Mayve a screenshooters and how-to guide for non-technical dummies? (like me)

4.5) My vote would be to keep it the same and simply try to get those who use the larger file sizes to either switch to jpegs or use a link to their pic. Part of the slowness prob is also if one's server likes (or dislikes) the photo hosting site. My server seems to think imageshack is a spam site (it does have an overabudance of ads) and gives me fits each time I try to look at people's pics that are hosted there.

Well, 58 views now and only 3 replies (not counting mine). Similar problem on the comments thread. 993 views and only 66 replies. Again, I think it's the time of year. That, and a bunch of regulars here are camped out at other forums right now.

The POTW idea I think i'm going to be dropping, it would be just to hard for everyone to have a fair shot, as each person has their own unique style judging them would be like trying to pick a "best" music style or type of dance. (Yes I am watching a music video as I write this)

Yes I really like the essential mods list idea :)

1. I actually meant for them to post their stories in threads as thy are doing now only in the screenshots section.

2. Hmm that could work, a problem I can see with people making their own threads would be the page would get very crowded very fast and the normal screenshots thread would become obsolete (at least I think it would). On the other hand the pages would load faster as it would only be one person posting pictures and the rest would be comments, that would also make it so people wouldn't miss comments about their pictures. Then again (I'm going back and forth a lot aren't I?) in my opinion a single thread gives the whole thing a great sense of unity. It also kinda has the same issue as the POTW idea, some peoples thread would get more views than others and that might discourage new members.

3. Yea that is a good idea, Guess I better get working on planning something like that :)

4.5: Perhaps it could be included in the guide, a detailed guide of how to either A: make jpegs or shrink images to fit better. Above all I really don't want to impose any sort of restriction that forces people to edit their shots just to post them. (as Canadian Ice does) I really dislike that.

I'd have to agree with chiglet all the way, i think she pretty much set it straight :)
Although I wouldnt do a picture of the week thing though, thats bound to discourage many newcomers and give them the idea that their screenshots arent good enough, and even if you do give them a chance that still wouldnt be fair. Thats like me playing a game of basketball, trying really hard to beat my brother but he goes ahead and lets me win. -_-
Id say forget that idea for a POTW ;)

Yea I think I'm dropping that idea, I was originally planning on having a random person pick a screenshot each week but your right, that would still cause issues.

Indeed keep away from the POTW, because it would be impossible to be completely objective and impartial.
and I don't think a top5 list of essential mods is possible either, do you included unofficial patches, DLC, or do you go for gamechanging mods? This question can't really be answered so that everyone agrees so keep away from it. (some of the what-is-your-top-mod threads on the BGS forum turn into flamewars real quickly)

Well it would be open to the person I ask, if they consider (for example) Vile lair essential then so be it. The whole point would be to give everyone else a chance to see what mods people really like. It's not meant to be an "end all, be all" list of the 5 best mods for Oblivion, it's just the person's opinion. I can only hope those who hang around here are mature enough to handle an opinion and don't start a flame war because they don't agree with what someone else likes . Besides, if they start a flame war I do have the option of ending it quickly where on the Bethesda forums it can take awhile :)

1. I like the stories section, I dont mind taking the time to do one but it seems that no one really vistis that section. Maybe move it to the screenshot forum and just call it "Stories Section Thread 1" when it fills up, start thread 2.

2. Personally, I could care less. To me, the nudes are no big deal but I wouldn't want to click on every time and see images of fornication. I don't mind the fornication pics but they should be in link form with a warning. I think posting pics of a full nude character should be the same, linked with a warning. Keeps the forum nice and classy. I think if you are posting pics of say, the Mizuki Ninja outfit which shows nipples, thats ok. I mean, almost everyone here is using some form of body mod in the nude version anyway. Besides, the nudity isn't real people. If you are posting pics of a nude female laying on a bed, link it.

4. I like keeping them seperate. When you take the time to create a picture and post it, its kind of frustrating when the thread is over and a new one gets started within a week or less. Posting comments int he picture thread just speeds the thread along way to fast. Thats why Bethesda's pictures thread is on what, number 200 now?

I think there should be a section for the best photos and voted on by the members. Take a couple of the best pics from each picture thread and put them in one area.

1. A good idea but the problem with that would be it would get confusing with all those stories put together. Thats why I think keeping stories in their own threads, just in the screenshots section, would be good and make it so they get more attention.

2. Agreed, the last thing we need if for SHS to become known as the place to go if you want to see that sort of thing.

4. Yea, I think this idea of mine failed :)

That sort of a system would be very hard to set up and keep fair I think, not to mention discouraging to those who don't win. I think it's better if we all just keep our opinions on the best picture to ourselves to avoid issues like that.

#365309 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Karandras on 10 December 2007 - 12:09 PM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Playing Oblivion with Realism mods is strange to say the least :) I have nearly gotten myself killed many times by charging into a fight only to notice I was nearly dead from starvation or lack of sleep. Anyway this is just a quick shot I took while resting

Posted Image

#365298 Comments about PoOC #24

Posted by Karandras on 10 December 2007 - 10:40 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Just a heads up everyone, if you haven't taken a look at the Filefront Picture of the Day you'll notice the shot is one of my older ones. However, it was not submitted by me. Someone is trying to steal my work. I would ask you look through the POTD archive and see if any pictures of yours have shown up, that were not submitted by you. I have contacted the admins about removing the picture and banning the user, but I don't want anyone else's work to be stolen.

Will these people never learn? The effort they put into stealing screenshots would be put to much better use making new shots.

Thanks for letting us know about this, looks like it's time to visit Filefront...again.

#365273 The Bi-Weekly news post, ideas, and anything else I think of

Posted by Karandras on 10 December 2007 - 07:29 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

Karandras, here's some of my thoughts on your ideas (not all of them serious, but all of them well meant)

1 Yes

2 Okay, a rethink might be in order although not really necessary. I don't mind the rules as they are and won't be offended if we allow direct posts of pixelated female mammalian protuberances (there's that word again :P) Consistency is the key I think :) (Off topic: there should be a law that forbids men to go topless on beaches as well, it's unfair to the opposite sex :)

3 it would be better if there was to be a guide to making action shots; separate, but linked to the screenshot guide; with a list of console commands (TAI, TFC spring to mind but there's also commands to set time etc.) as well as a dl-link to some of the animation mods, maybewe could get someone to write a short tutorial?

4 it is going very slow right now so ATM it would work but when things speed up again (soon I hope) I'd like it if they are separate. it works very much like a gallery, just pics and all the talk goes on around it but doesn't disturb the whole thing with two pages of people going OOH and AAH at a shot of Rogue sun (just to pick a name at random :)) which leads to very quickly reaching the 200-mark

4.5 I say remove but then again I don't mind waiting a bit for some screenies, I usually read something else here on SHS or at the BGS-forums while this is loading
these were my thoughts; it's bedtime here in lovely Holland so goodnight

1. I guess there isn't much more to say on this topic :)

2. I agree it's not necessary though it sure would make determining if a picture should be linked or not a whole lot easier :)

3. Well we do have the Screenshooter's Guide created by GF1. However since he is very busy at the moment perhaps a new/updated guide is in order...

4. Good point, switching back and forth as activity rises and falls doesn't sound like such a great idea, I guess we should stick with the split format.

Okay, one other little thing that is annoying me quite a bit at the moment, This thread has had over 30 views and only one reply (okay two now) so can everyone please please please, just give their thoughts on this? It would only take a few minutes and then I wont have to send vampire smilies after you :vbat: :vbat: :vbat: :vbat:

#365120 Pictures of Oblivion Characters

Posted by Karandras on 09 December 2007 - 10:39 AM in Oblivion Screenshot Archives

Just finished clearing out Underpall cave (yikes thats hard with OOO) Anyway I got a great robe out of it :)

Posted Image

#365109 The Bi-Weekly news post, ideas, and anything else I think of

Posted by Karandras on 09 December 2007 - 08:48 AM in Oblivion Screenshots

Okay in case you couldn't guess from the name of this topic this is simply a collection of all the thoughts and ideas bouncing around my head (that relate to Oblivion of course, I wont bore you with my Everquest 2 leveling plans).

The news post

With the intro out of the way we can get onto more important things. First and foremost the bi-weekly news post that I am now doing (The first one can be found here) Now that one was kinda short (mostly because I forgot about it till Wednesday morning   :whistling:) however I would like to expand it to be larger and more detailed. For that however I am going to need a little help (Hmm where did everyone go? Strange...). What I need from you is suggestions of sections you would like to see (kinda like the Mod of the week and WiP of the week) As long as they relate to Oblivion I will be happy to give it a try at least once.

Two ideas I have had for new sections is a "Picture of the Week and section I like to call "Top 5 essential mods". The Picture of the week is fairly obvious but for the Top 5 essential mods I will be asking a random person what 5 mods they consider essential. Now, how about some ideas from you?

Another thing that was wondering about was a good name for the "_____ of the week" sections as it really is every other week so that title isn't really correct. Any ideas?


I think for this section I will just throw a bunch of ideas out and see if any stick, enjoy :)

: Recombining the Oblivion stories section with the screenshots sections so stories get more views.

2: A rewrite to the nudity rules that makes it be more uniform i.e. either both male and female nipples allowed or both must be linked. (I dislike double standards as a whole) This would need approval from K'aeloree I suspect but it would be a good idea to know what everyone thinks about it first.

3: A "How the heck was that done?" thread that would be where people could ask how a certain screenshot that caught their eye was made. Might conflict a it with the comment thread but then again it would make it easier to find that kind of thing or ask about it.

4: Merging the Comments and pictures back together. Due to everything slowing down this time of year I think this might be a good idea. Also it would help those who have slower connections that have difficulty loading pages (20 posts of pictures and comments as opposed to 20 posts of solid pictures)

: Either removing or increasing the limit on full size pictures. This idea would be combined with number 4 (hence 4.5) I think they would go well together (might just be me though).

Okay thats all of those for now I might update this with more ideas later but for now that should be enough, please give your thoughts on these ideas and suggestions for the news post (it's quite hard to get an idea of what everyone thinks when only two people say anything :) )