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There have been 5 items by Andrea C. (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#615125 Nostalgia Pack

Posted by Andrea C. on 30 November 2023 - 09:36 AM in Nostalgia Pack

  • thief avatars lacks paperdolls
  • human female cleric animation has layer issues on helmet on the paperdoll


Can't repro these on either BG:EE, SoD, or BGII:EE.


  • breaks the elven wings (there is an avariel on SoD, this affects the base game)

Fixed in the latest version.


  • breaks the armor levels on all BG2 mage sprites (could someone explain why the robes needed new armor levels in this mod?)

I posted an explanation here. I thought it was a public post but it was in a DM chain. I'll put some excerpts below:



[...] the code includes a check that says, "If the animation type of the item is W, and you are not a mage animation, then use armor level 1.  If the animation type is not W, and you are a mage animation then use armor level 1."


The issue stems from the fact that the engine identifies Mage animation types based on the slot they occupy. If the slot doesn't have "2" as its second figure (e.g. 0x0200), it's treated as a non-Mage animation.


Going by memory, none of the slots available for restoring BG1 sprites has 2 as its second digit. I believe Insomniator has a code fix for this for the classics, but for the EEs we're pretty much screwed unless Bubb were to provide a similar fix (and he's been standoffish about including fixes in his code, let alone a fix for an edge case such as this.)




I'm surprised you didn't mention dual-classing being broken—I assume you haven't tried it yet :D

#615349 BGT 1.22 & 1PP HQ Music for BGT

Posted by Andrea C. on 11 February 2024 - 09:08 AM in BGT-WeiDU

Im also interested in HQ music :)

#615434 Nostalgia Pack

Posted by Andrea C. on 05 April 2024 - 04:51 AM in Nostalgia Pack

V. 1.1 is up on GitHub:

- Fixed an issue with spell scrolls receiving a generic letter icon when installing component "Restore BG Item Icons & Appearance"

- Fixed issues with component "Undo EE Changes" that prevented installation on BGII:EE

#615542 Infinity Sounds v2

Posted by Andrea C. on 24 May 2024 - 12:00 PM in Infinity Sounds

One of the best mods out there! Congrats, skellytz 👍🏻

#615564 Nostalgia Pack

Posted by Andrea C. on Yesterday, 07:07 AM in Nostalgia Pack

Hi Olej,

Infinity Animations already restored BG1 sprites to the original game and, with ToBEx AfterLife, the game wont crash when equipping the second hand with a weapon.

My mod Miscellaneous Tweaks should have a component to handle Flaming Fist animations.