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#373485 Wildmages / Wizardslayer bug

Posted by bigmoshi on 25 January 2008 - 08:38 AM in Refinements


(1) Redid a clean installation again, and the problem still occurs the moment refinements was added, just after bg2-tweaks.

(2) Managed to identify all the files edited by refinements. See attached.

Attached File  refinements2.txt   112.24K   443 downloads

(3) Intuitively I went for the following .2da & .ids files, and retrieved the weidu backups from refinements for the following files and retested with BGRING08.itm & SCRL77.itm. Both items remained unusable by wildmages, unless the flag unusable by wizardslayers was removed.

(4) So instead, I tried to get the backups of all the ids & 2da files listed in the attachment above. However, it was to no avail.

Each time I tested, I restarted BG2 and created a new wildmage. Is there anything that was missed out? I had the impression that only 2da & ids files would be the cause of such an issue.

Thanks for any advice.

#373478 Infinity Xplorer 2008 (LittleIX)

Posted by bigmoshi on 25 January 2008 - 06:45 AM in IE Modding Tools

Okay, I roughly get it. I'll pester you again for more details when I get to that again. Thanks!

#373476 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 25 January 2008 - 06:38 AM in Mega Mod Help

-I have a clean patched BG-TotSC and BG II-SoA+ToB allready in my pc.I have extracted allready the Autoinstaller in my BG II directory just to be ready and dload easier the mods required for it.When I extract the files though no MOD_SOURCE folder gets created in my BG II directory, nor when I run the bigmoshi.exe end fail the installation due to all those mods missing.I suppose as soon as I have dload them all it will be ok to put them all in a custom created by me MOD_SOURCE folder in my BGII directory, right?

Hi Valiad, yes. Just create a directory called MOD_SOURCE and place all your mods in the exact format in which they were downloaded. You don't have to extract them as the installer will do so.

-What happens with new versions of several mods(BGT-WeiDu 1.05b or BP_177a eg)? do I have to rename their .rar folders to older version names for the autoinstaller to recognise/run them? What happens with BPv177_TOB_Fix.rar as well? is it implemented in the 177a version?I have a feeling that it would be better to go on manually for these to work right?
Sirene's Call,Ribald's genie BGT Tweak and some other small mods have newer versions as well, and for some I can't find their older ones.Also a couple ones listed in the OTH section of the manual dload file don't exist at all anymore.In case I can't find them could I start the autoinstaller someway without them?Some general guideline for the above?

Thanks, it seems that the server for fileshare.org just crashed today. Hopefully it recovers shortly and you can download that mod again. For ruad, it acts up on some file browsers, I think some ppl said it works with mozilla firefox.

If you want to download the new mod versions, you'll have to edit the xml to do so. If you are using BP_177a, then I think BPv177_TOB_Fix will not be relevant, though it would be best to read the changes in each of the new versions before trying anything.

-On top of all of that, although I feel I am asking for too much, it is possible to manually install Redemption I suppose?

You could try installing it if you want, but you'd have to read around first before figuring out the install orders and such.

Hope this answers your questions

#373475 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 25 January 2008 - 06:38 AM in Mega Mod Help


Questions, where in the SMM install should I install 3rd part NPCs?

And Yes, I still haven't finished manually installing. Almost done though :)

Eh.. you mean third-party NPCs? Try at end of the installation. Anything fails, just uninstall. Do note theres a chance that your saved game may not work after that :P

#373474 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 25 January 2008 - 06:37 AM in Mega Mod Help

I'm getting a rather serious problem with the dialogs. It seems the text files have been shifted. This has happened to me at three occasions, first with viconia, then some hobgoblins in the bonehill fortress, and now the druid at cloakwood hut. I get the answers of the NPCs as options and they sometimes reply with the lines I should have been able to pick. The effect of the choices are the same as before, but it's really hard to follow as I'm not one of those who know the whole script by heart=)

I've installed the druidic-sorc and the mod that allows for higher resolution on top of your compilation. Is that the cause?

Hi nergal

You're right as it does sound as though your stringrefs in dialog.tlk have shifted by just 1 unit. I'm quite sure I didn't have that problem with the druid at cloakwood hut with a basic install, so I can't really tell which of those two mods are the cause of it. A quick way to debug is that if you have enough diskspace,
  • backup your current mega-mod installation somewhere first.
  • uninstall the mods you think are causing the problem.
  • create a new char then quickly do a CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR7000") and speak to seniyad again and see if the issue persists.
  • try to identify the mod having the issue and see if anyone else is having the same problem as you in the specific mod forums.
Hope this helps. GL.

#373350 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 24 January 2008 - 11:06 AM in Mega Mod Help

I've downloaded the requiring mods and am having a blast, thank you so much Big Moshi :)

My only request is, can anyone point me in the right direction of a nice good little shop that I can drop by and unload my coin on some nice decent weapons, armour, and other miscellaneous items? I'm currently in Baldur's Gate I, and am very hungry for more equipment!\

And Big Moshi, where did you get those avatars for Dynaheir, Viconia and Jaheira?

Thanks :)

Hi Rabbi! If you are still around Beregost area, you can try Thalantyr at the High Hedge, Taerom/Feldepost in Beregost. I don't remember seeing much in Nashkel. But you'll get some pretty decent items along the way in your quests.

I collected those avatars sometime back for playing in my game. PM me if you need them. Thanks.

#373345 Wildmages / Wizardslayer bug

Posted by bigmoshi on 24 January 2008 - 10:37 AM in Refinements


I'm having a problem wearing BG1 items & writing scrolls to my spellbook using a wildmage. For example, I created a new wildmage and found out that I can wear RINGWIZ but not BGRING08.

Using DLTCEP, by enabling "wizardslayer" in the usability section of the item BGRING08, I can then use that item.

Just did a step-by-step installation and it seems like this problem occurs after installing refinements v3.11.
If you need any files from my installation, I can post them here.

Thanks for any help.

Mod resource history of changes

#373323 Update: IE v0.84

Posted by bigmoshi on 24 January 2008 - 05:31 AM in IE Modding Tools

Thanks to SConrad's reminder, here's a quick fix to v0.83 to show X,Y coordinates in area maps.

See v0.84 - http://www.shsforums...showtopic=31285

#373322 Infinity Xplorer 2008 (LittleIX)

Posted by bigmoshi on 24 January 2008 - 05:27 AM in IE Modding Tools

Improve dialog fluency - Ascension64

I think you should keep the original InfExp format for viewing dialogues (since some people will like that and it is similar to the way that other games' dialogue editing works. I was looking more for a 'preview' function (which can be added on completely separately) that allows you to 'play' the dialogue like it does in-game (with a few differences, of course).

Do you mean like:

PersonA: Hey whatcha you doing? [Choose option below]
  • Can't you see I'm sleeping?
  • Not much, you?
PersonB: Not much, you? [Choose option below]

#373269 Any interest left for more alternative portraits?

Posted by bigmoshi on 23 January 2008 - 08:18 PM in Portrait Mods

Posted Image

Your work on Aerie is astoundingly brilliant!

#373244 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 23 January 2008 - 05:30 PM in Mega Mod Help

Thanks so much for the fast reply! Your work is simply great because now everyone can play this SMM, even if he is a simple player (like me!). That would be great news! The NEJ is the only big module left out and i think it would make a difference! I have no time to play this "monster" over and over so I guess I'll wait a while, looking forward to your next updates! Have a nice day my friend! :D

Welcome! Btw, if you are interested in NEJ's progress, you can probably get more up-to-date info at erebusant's thread http://www.shsforums...showtopic=22224. If everything works out fine, the next installer update would probably turn up after KingD's set of annual upates.

#373242 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 23 January 2008 - 05:21 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hello bigmoshi,

Excuse me to dig this one but from the install, it seems you install the kit for ROT, which do also fill quite a lot of space for each class.
I also could not find a component in BP that install kits, if that's what you mean with BP giving a "balanced set of kit classes".

Hi Kaylia! What I meant was a point-blank generalisation of what BP was meant to do, which is to bring the bigmods to work better with each other. I was following your other thread on kit classes and I'd think its going to be interesting if you had the time to experiment further.

By not installing the kits from TDD, the NPC in TDD will only be with main classes from what I could test.
You can install the kit for a mod and then use kit remover (only remove the part on for the PC, not for NPCs) before installing the next kits (if the kits cannot be install for the PC if there is no space, it seems to skip also for the NPC as well from the test I made).
I am still not 100% sure of all cases, I'll keep testing.

Have not played with the kit remover before, but I'm think I understand what Azazello meant about the differences between PC / NPC kit packs. Briefly, NPC kit classes have no limit, whereas PC kit classes are limited by the GUI. Thus, the kitremover can be used to bring down the number of PC kit classes without affecting the NPC kit classes. GL with your testing! :D

#373191 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 23 January 2008 - 10:31 AM in Mega Mod Help

to bigmoshi Weidu Log - http://files.filefro...;/fileinfo.html

Hi OverKiL!

Your weidu.log seems to have stopped at SCSII? Did you happen to miss out on the following mods for some reason?

no the folders with mods are exist and full....

Hi OverKiL!

Did you manage to install fully? The weidu.log file that you posted showed that the last mod installed was SCSII. The above mentioned mods should have been installed after SCSII.

If you need a quick resolution, you can msn me (its in my profile). I'll be online for a while. Thanks!

#373143 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 23 January 2008 - 05:05 AM in Mega Mod Help

Bigmoshi thank you so much for the installer and your work! I just installed my first ever mega mod install thanks to your efforts! :Bow: :Bow: Is there a chance in the near future to update your installer and include NEJ as well? I know that there are some compatibility problems but it would be a miracle if this mod would be one of the listed ones. I am not experienced with modding and i don't even want to try one of the bigger manual Mega Mod Installs that i've seen in the forum. I've read almost everything about them but they seem too difficult for me (and non stable as well). I thing your efforts is really appreciated by players with no much experience with modding! You really rock! :new_thumbs:

Hi Silinde, thanks! The big part of those credits really belong to the modders & megamod-testers. I just tried to simplify that bit behind what they did for the past many years. As for NEJ, there's a good chance it may happen as some of the mod-experts seem to be tweaking it to merge it with the other mods.

Yet another question. The TDD kits are removed from the SMM or i've done something wrong in the install?

TDD kits wasn't installed because doing so would fill up the kit slots limited by the Infinity Engine itself. Briefly, each class can have at max 9 kits, and TDD kits fills them all up, which wouldn't allow any other mods to add kit classes. BP would give you that "balanced" set of kit classes that would work with the other bigmods. Hope that answers your doubts :D

#373140 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 23 January 2008 - 04:52 AM in Mega Mod Help

to bigmoshi Weidu Log - http://files.filefro...;/fileinfo.html

Hi OverKiL!

Your weidu.log seems to have stopped at SCSII? Did you happen to miss out on the following mods for some reason?

#373135 Infinity Xplorer 2008 (LittleIX)

Posted by bigmoshi on 23 January 2008 - 04:33 AM in IE Modding Tools

I have one big feature request - when viewing an area, the possibility to see X and Y coordinates. Currently it's possible (in InfExp) to do that on the minimap, but it would be great to do it on the large map as well. Saves a lot of trouble when it comes to placing NPCs. :)

Yes, will do. Not to mention modding, I even had that problem while writing the x.y locs for the walkthrough as well. Thanks!

#373134 Infinity Xplorer 2008 (LittleIX)

Posted by bigmoshi on 23 January 2008 - 04:32 AM in IE Modding Tools

yep - it is addictive, even (or especially :) ) for us non-programmers, too - it is kind of the equivalent of finding out magic spells really work, and you too can cast 'em, if you study hard enough and mess about...

The Clan DLAN materials for .tra files I will look for when I get home, and post links to the forums, unless someone beats me to it. It isn't listed the same way as I am describing it, but that's what the tool does.

I think this is the link:


Thanks! I'll look through it.

#372977 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 22 January 2008 - 09:27 AM in Mega Mod Help

I have a question about this install. Is the wild mage class supposed to be unable to use magic items and scrolls after this install is done? And unable to write new magic to his spellbook? So far I have been unable to equip the Ring of Sorcery from BG1 and I have been unable to write any new spells to my spellbook.

Hi Usurper!

I'll try to create a char for this and see what happens. Thanks for reporting that!

After doing a bit more digging it seems to be a problem with the BG2 Tweak Pack, specifically the ability for wild mages to dual-class. Any way to change this without having to reinstall the whole shebang?

Hi Usurper!

Tested it with some positive findings, and have posted them at the link that you gave above - http://forums.gibber...?showtopic=9208.

#372965 Infinity Xplorer 2008 (LittleIX)

Posted by bigmoshi on 22 January 2008 - 08:23 AM in IE Modding Tools

cool stuff - for additional ideas, you may want to look at Baronius' tp2 generator at BWL and ClanDLAN's traification tool. Not, of course, to rip code, but to see some approaches folks have used to do certain aspects of the same idea. The other two traditional tools are DLTCEP (at G3 now) and NearInfinity (PPG and SorceForge). Each one has a slightly different approach, and many folks use a combination of tools.

Hey neat stuff, I only have been using NI & DLTCEP, though NI seems easier to use for me as DLTCEP has rather advanced stuff.

I'm a real newbie at tp2, so that Baronius tp2 generator would be extremely useful. TY!

As for traification, no idea what it does but is there a website for that? I couldn't find a correct link on google for "traification tool" or "ClanDLAN's traification tool"

Ripping code is not possible as the rewrite in c# would be using different libraries. Feelwise, I'm hoping to stick to the pascal-IE but add in features that are missing. For now I'm just tearing my hair out with IESDP!! :P But honestly its quite fun, no wonder you get are hooked to modding for so many years. :D

#372954 Spell50 version 8

Posted by bigmoshi on 22 January 2008 - 07:52 AM in Mod Resurrections

I think kovarex did email weimer as he mentioned in the earlier parts of the thread. But perhaps as suggested by CamDawg (see here), maybe a quick five-min forwarding of that email to jcompton would suffice. Then, at least this mod update can be distributed more quickly than being stuck here in some isolated corner, and there will be a new official for the mod.

#372952 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 22 January 2008 - 07:25 AM in Mega Mod Help

I will continue to check other thread to get more grip on mega mods.
About BP, I tried to install it and I didn't see any Fix package for other mod, only change
of "rules". Is it really "cimenting" other mods together (and needed to do that ?)

Hi Kaylia! Well, I do know that it was meant to fix up conflicting rules / scripts etc in the big mods. And it does have a reason for being a popular choice among the expert modders I'd say. I think Azazello is one of the active guys fixing bugs to BP, so you can try him as he'd probably know the mod inside out by now.

I guess it is one of the key finding when using the mods, I also saw that TDD is installing
set of rules for high level play (level 50, taco fixes and such), hence they do not need to be installed again with Tweak pack. (Who is maintaining TDD weidu ? I didn't found any forum for this one, and I am interrested to see what set of rules and things are installed by it asside the optional kit part)

The answer I had from a similar question I asked before was that King Diamond seems to be main guy supporting SoS, TDD, TS-BP, CtB, and RoT and does the updates for them about once a year. Expecting another set of updates this mid-year if it goes by that schedule.

Another question a player should answer is which fix-pack to use, and which fixes may be mandatory for some mods.
Usually that can be found by digging in some threads.

On this, BigWorld Project would probably give you a very detailed view of the installation conflicts & solutions if any.

#372944 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 22 January 2008 - 07:09 AM in Mega Mod Help

save http://files.filefro...;/fileinfo.html

Hi OverKil!

Just tried your saved game. Your world map seems smaller than the one from my auto-install version for some reason. Can you send me your weidu.log file? its in your bg2 directory. I'll try to auto install based on your weidu and see if I can read your game file properly.

Thanks! :D

#372901 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 22 January 2008 - 02:42 AM in Mega Mod Help

It seems like the trend is moving towards weidu modifications, currently maintained by thebigg. Honestly, that weidu framework provides consistency in linking up the dialog threads in dialog.tlk and provides other important debugging details. I'd suggest not adding that mod, unless absolutely necessary. Another alternative is to head down to the sub-forums in shs (eg. misc mods/mod resurrections/etc) and check if anyone would be able to convert that mod into a weidu-based one.

Underrepresented Items is a weidu mod, it adds a new merchant to sell all the new items so should be safe.

P.S. atashi wa onna desu. ^_^

Oh if she (sumimasen :)) says its a weidu mod, then I don't think there will really be a problem. Thanks omeletted.

#372823 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 21 January 2008 - 08:12 PM in Mega Mod Help


First post in the community so I present briefly myself.
I am a small AD&D fan (nostalgic fan ^^), and got some time to play throught BG2 and TOB again.

I started a few month ago with some mods but got a growing interrest in all those big mods, and read a lot on the G3, SHS and other forums about using different mods together.

Hi Kaylia, welcome to the forums!

I have seen this big auto install project (out of all the great guidelines written in this site), and took it as basis for what I may achieve later, however I got some questions out of all I have collected so far.

My basis was from erebusant's framework, so if you are keen to work on custom mega-mods, it would also be a good idea to read his thread and BWP as both would give you more modding information. I'm mainly working on issues pertaining to ease of distribution and simplification.

Due to the fact that Tortured Soul for Big picture makes trouble to NEJ2, I understand NEJ2 is out of scope for mega modification (except when only using TS 6.11 and NEJ2, and IA together, not much more).
But can you use TS_BP without installing BP itself ?
I first thought that BP was mandatory as soon as someone wants to use more than one of those mods: SOS, CTB, TDD weidu, TS_BP, ROT mods.
But I am not sure anymore.

Personally, I think BP is one of the more "stable" mods to unify the mega-mods. I think it would be a good idea to use it in your installation. The bigger mods + BP are pretty stable, so if you are planning to play BG2 from start to end, you may want to install the big mods. Otherwise if you do finish the game couple of hundred hours later, you'll have to replay them in order to access the other bigmods.

The current auto-installation does include BP in case you are asking that.

The second thing I would like to know is if it is really safe to have those 2 together :
INSTALL ALL - 33.1_ItemUpgrade-v35 (Weimer).exe
PARTIAL INSTALL - 58_BG2_Tweaks-v5.exe
[x] Allow Cromwell to Upgrade Watcher's Keep Items

Since ItemUpgrade will mess around the table of things upgradeable by Cromwell and the other as well,
I am a bit scared to used both. As someone already experienced playing with both without problem ?

Generally it should be fine, but I won't be surprised if some issues pop up.

There is another Weimer mod which I like but is not in this big project, the under represented items.
The mod add items from IWD.
I think this mod installer is not as good as ItemUpgrade, which makes it difficult to have it automated.
But since I am installing everything manually (don't ask :P), are mods adding items potentially dangerous to be added ? (again, I ask for experience, if you have not tried you can also say so)

It seems like the trend is moving towards weidu modifications, currently maintained by thebigg. Honestly, that weidu framework provides consistency in linking up the dialog threads in dialog.tlk and provides other important debugging details. I'd suggest not adding that mod, unless absolutely necessary. Another alternative is to head down to the sub-forums in shs (eg. misc mods/mod resurrections/etc) and check if anyone would be able to convert that mod into a weidu-based one.

Finally, I will base my own composition out of this big project, but I will not use BGT, (i don't have the right version of BG1 (french), I'd rather play in original version, so only BG2 and TOB for me.
Are there some pitfall I shall be carefull about removing the BGT and BG1 related mods from this project install order ? (again everything that's automated, I won't touch. I will sequentially install everything manually).

Thanks in advance for your time and feedback,
I will share my experience out of what I will have achieved in the meantime.


Gokigenyou. ^_^ Not quite certain but think you can install TS BP without BP. My installation isn't as mega as what some of the people on the forum are attempting, only have SOS and no BP. The latter drove me nuts early on in my experimentations and I've never tried to work with it again... As for Item Upgrades and the Cromwell tweak from BG2 Tweaks, I've had no problem with them. By the way, newest version of BG2 Tweaks is v6, the Cromwell tweak was fixed a little because it had some issues with upgrading certain TOB items. Lastly, generally Weidu mods are compatible with each other. So weidu mods adding items are not potentially dangerous.

You might want to take a peek at my weidu log over in this topic, I'm only playing BG2 and TOB too. And I'm also installing everything manually. ^_^

Yep, omeletted is right on because his installation also doesn't include BGT, also his debugging is pretty detailed. So far I've only been playing BG1, as such my bug reporting is only focused on BG1 at the moment. Most likely I'll update the install versions move on to BG2 only after Bg1 is complete. There's also a couple of other bg2 only mega mods I think in the forum.

#372813 SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

Posted by bigmoshi on 21 January 2008 - 07:12 PM in Mega Mod Help

Okay, good luck with that.

If you do have time, you can backup your manual installation using this batch file I'm attaching.
Just run it in bg2 directory. It would be great if you could try again, because there may be a specific issue
that needs fixing but right now am not able to identify it. Thanks again!

No prob. Thanks for the script! Any tips on how to debug the install process?

There will be a SETUP-BGT.DEBUG file that is generated by the weidu installer, see if you can find something like that for BGT installation.

Edit: Personally, have not played around with Ashes of Embers, so I'm guessing by saying that it can be installed after refinements based on the installation flow from BigWorldProject. Its a kit based mod, so it may change quite a fair bit of things. GL!

I'm only going to install the universal weapons portions. I basically want to turn Minsc into a ranger/cleric but still use greatswords. If you think that's powergaming, I plan on dualing Saverok to theif and giving him Carsomyr :D

Ah, have fun then! Maybe'll try that for my archer next time :P