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#375562 Oblivion is getting boring for me...

Posted by kaoscat on 07 February 2008 - 09:18 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

I've had it for 360 for a year almost, and 3 months for PC, and it used to be so fun, but now I'm getting bored! :crying:
I decided to stop playing on 360 because all my characters suck and can't find good gameplay anymore, and I'm stopping on PC because my PC suffers unbelievable amounts of lag and a lot of problems with mods, etc.
I will still be around at the forums, however, since I do like the game, still.
What should I do? I would really like to start playing again, but everytime I go to sit down to play Oblivion, I think "Oh, nevermind, that's such a boring game"
I know my interest will come back later, but not soon.
What should I do? :crying:

You could try this optimiser


then try tweak town


this may also help you tweak yr pc for Oblivion

Im not much of a computer wizard but i was able to get my game running at optimum

also check out some of the really great mods like


this will make you gaming a real challenge

there are also some really great quest mods out there

The spires
The ancestors
Mud and blood
Paladins of the nines
The tomb of balin
Dragon invasion
Tears of a fiend
Children of rourken
Sentient weapon
to name a few....hope u get inspired