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#110440 Another romance NPC

Posted by Zandilar on 16 April 2004 - 07:14 PM in IE Mod Ideas


I have problems with the basic concept of the character.

When a human becomes a vampire, they become undead. For all intents and purposes they actually physically die. The curse "snap shots" the body in the condition it was in, and aging stops.

What would happen to a baby do you think? I have a couple of theories...

1) The vampire's body rejects the foetus as a foriegn object. That ends that. :)


2) The baby becomes vampiric in utero. Which is to say, it dies, gets a load of its mother's blood via the placenta, and becomes undead. Aging stops - so no further development of the foetus, and it relies on the blood its mother ingests. (Quite a horrifying thought, that, being pregnant forever!)

Lastly, I very much doubt if a bunch of vampires would honestly want to turn a mere baby into a vampire... The trouble is the one I mentioned above. When a human is bitten, drained, and forced to drink of a vampire's blood, they become undead. Aging stops. A baby would remain a baby forever... which would be quite a liability in the long run, and I'm sure after a certain amount of time as a vampire, the mother would get sick of having to look after it.

Just some thoughts. :) Don't let them stop you. :)

(As for stats? WHO CARES!! :) The stats, as they stand, are fine IMHO.)

#110246 is it a question of taste

Posted by Zandilar on 16 April 2004 - 05:22 AM in IE Mod Ideas


**Warning, mild spoilers for NWN: Hordes of the Underdark, the Return of the Archwizards trilogy of Realms books, and the Baldur's Gate novel trio are contained within this message.**

Please... While the Realms do have some areas that bear a remarkable resemblance to several parts of our world, Abeir-Toril is not Earth. :)

Here is what Ed Greenwood himself had to say about sexuality in the Realms (you'll have to scroll down - but it's the bit specifically addressing me), and here is another post from Ed (the second one on the page) about marriage, including religiously sanctioned one night stands.

Now, before you all go "pooh pooh, isn't that randy old goat Elminster this guy's mary sue (or is that gary stu?) and therefore he's incapable of making a comment, because he's just this horny old guy?" You also need to remember that Ed Greenwood is the guy who made the Realms in the first place!

TSR, WotC, and now Hasbro have had rather strict "Family Friendly" policies (the latter being the strictest), which means that aspect of the Realms has been scrupulously kept out of print - though sometimes this gets by-passed by particularly clever writers. So you'll probably never see an openly gay, bi, lesbian, or polyamorus person in print, even though there should be. (There are four exceptions I can think of off the top of my head, 1) The description of Elversult in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (pg143), for an example of "clever" (blatant IMHO!) wording... Yanseldara and her consort Vaerana Hawklin, both women. At the time the FRCS first came out, Sean K Reynolds on the Realms-L list would not comment beyond "read it however you want"; 2) The implied polygamous relationship at the end of the Return of the Archwizards series... I don't know how they missed that one; 3) The portrayal of Imoen in (godawful) Philip Athans and (not-so-godawful-but-still-fairly-painful) Drew Karpyshyn's Baldur's Gate trio of books; 4) the implied polygamous relationship at the end of Hordes of the Underdark if the male PC has romanced both Nathyrra and Aribeth.)

The fact of the matter is, Abeir-Toril is nothing like Earth. For a start, they don't have certian real life religions that have dominated Earth society for thousands of years... Instead they have such deities as Sune, who is the goddess of passion, beauty and love...  Lliira, the godess of joy, festivals, and dancing. The original party deity! Sharess, who is the goddess of sensual pleasures, festhalls (a nice way of saying brothels), and patroness of courtesans (a nice way of saying prostitutes)... In fact, Sharess's main temple is in Calimport - make of that what you will!

Ironically enough, Zandilar is also another name for Sharess... Zandilar was a Yuirwood deity, worshiped by elves who lived there long ago. She was kind of like a more pleasure centered love deity, very fickle... At one point, these deities were at war with the drow gods, and they were loosing. So in an attempt to help distract Vhaeraun, Zandilar went to him and tried to seduce him. Unfortunately he saw through her ploy and was able to subdue her. He was about to absorb her when Bast came along, and basically together Zandilar and Bast were able to fight him off. Unfortunately she had been severely weakened in the battle, and basically allowed Bast to absorb the last of her divinity... (Zandilar is not the first deity Bast/Sharess has absorbed, by the way)... This being done, Bast continued on hspellholdstudios.neter way, having a strong bout of wanderlust... At some point she came under the sway of Shar, and people started to equate her to the Harbinger of Shar... and started to call her Sharess accordingly. Sharess became darker and she seemed to loose some kind of spark that had been in her, in many ways she was slowly fading. Eventually she would have become just another aspect of Shar (absorbed by the greater power), but then the Time of Troubles occured. Sharess took on the Pasha's favorite concubine as her Avatar and partied hard... Until Shar arrived, fresh from fighting her sister Selune in Waterdeep. As she was about to absorb Sharess once and for all, Sune arrived and poured a goblet of water over Sharess. The water in the goblet had come from the Evergold (a magical fountian that is shared by Sune, Aphrodite, and Hanali Celanil among other beauty/love deities), and it seemed to restore the joy and beauty Sharess had lost in her time under Shar's sway. Sharess was finally able to be rid of the taint of Shar, and has made quite a come back as far as popularity is concerned.

Well... I guess that doesn't have much to say about the proposed mod, and more to say of the treatment of sex and sexuality in the Realms (and the history of Zandilar and Sharess)... I must say I like the idea of this mod. :)

#105673 Most 'Redeemable' BG - SoA - ToB villain

Posted by Zandilar on 23 March 2004 - 09:00 PM in Longer Road


Just a couple of points...

1) Jon Irenicus would not end up in the Abyss after his death. He would merely cease to be. He has no soul, and no divine spark... The former was reclaimed by CHARNAME, the latter had been stripped by the Seldarine.

2) Bioware seem to either not understand how FR's afterlife works, or they like the idea of certain individuals having "special fates" with regards to that. Even if Jon had a soul, he would not have ended up in the Abyss... Unless he was faithful to some CE deity. (Or he accepted the offer of a Tanar'ri while his soul was queued up on the Fugue Plane awaiting Kelemvor's judgement.)

3) I had something to say about Drizzt, but for some reason I fergetted it. :D

Take all I have written with a grain of salt, as you should all things written on the internet! :) (Plus I'm working on memory today, I don't have my books with me.)

EDIT: This isn't to say that there can't be a reasonable explanation for Jon's continued existance after SoA. Just don't brush it under the rug, though... I hate that. ;) It's important to know how he survived!