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#575239 [Archived] Sounds of the Sword Coast

Posted by Dakk on 06 February 2015 - 04:10 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I could already see all those sneers...


#575238 BGSpawn

Posted by Dakk on 06 February 2015 - 04:05 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Well that, that.. that sums up my thoughts exactly.


For me, the most critical things are 1 (no scaling) and 3a (no gibberlings, gnolls and dogs). If that could be done, that's a dream-come-through mod right there :)

#574939 BGSpawn

Posted by Dakk on 22 January 2015 - 02:39 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

I might be mistaken here; but didn't someone (Ascension?) ask for permission to use the TUTU spawning? Tweaking it so it would give correct spawns that was not leveled (i.e. exactly what LuD wants)? But was refused to use the code from the tutu-author?

#574904 WorldMap installation failed

Posted by Dakk on 20 January 2015 - 02:08 PM in Worldmap

... s'il vous plait.

That's basically all non-dirty French I know too :(

#574886 [Archived] Infinity Sounds v1.3

Posted by Dakk on 19 January 2015 - 05:21 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Latest non-beta Weidu I believe, 23700. Let me check just be sure.


Yes, "WeiDU v 23700 Log".


Nah it's installed in C:\games\[...]. Everyone who used computers when DOS was a thing know to never install in weird directories. ;) For people for whom Steam = games it's harder haha.


I installed BGT following your WeiDU log, but my game didn't crash. Could it be differences between our editions? I have the latest GOG version.


If you want to use SR, some spells may have different sounds than the original. For example, Demi changed Chromatic Orb's completion sound effect from Evocation to Alteration. In general, there may be tiny differences like that, but nothing of the game-breaking sort. Grease and Web won't play their respective sound effects when somebody fails their checks; I'll fix them in the next version.

Damn, so weird. You followed my entire install, BGT and all? I have to try a clean install with my version (GamersGate, D&D Master Anthology, as linked above) then.


EDIT: On a totally clean BG2 of my version it works fine, see log below. If it doesn't crash for you, installing the same mods and components, I have no idea what causes the problem. A full re-install will be next for me I suppose. Sorry for what so far seems to be a false alarm :)



#574839 Aquirring the Gold and Silver Pantaloons in a lawful way.

Posted by Dakk on 17 January 2015 - 06:24 AM in IE Mod Ideas

Most of the things in that mod are stuff that I personally don't want (i.e. +5 long sword usable by mages, granting grandmastery; and a +12 Hackmaster). The thread and the readme mentions nothing about how you can acquire the pantaloons - with the exception of "gold pantaloons now droppable".


So unless the pantaloons is a separate component, it's not really up to par with that the OP want. Which, incidentally, I think would make for a nice component.

#574801 Question: Why block access to BG1 after transition to BG2?

Posted by Dakk on 15 January 2015 - 04:51 PM in Mega Mod Help

Out of curiosity, what's your stance on this:


How can anyone take offence with the decision of a private business endeavour to revive a (really) old computer game.



Are you telling me you originally believed Beamdog to be greedy corporate raiders, out to get your game? And even so (because, sure, I suppose it could be plausible) that it would somehow negatively affect you? :)

#574799 Question: Why block access to BG1 after transition to BG2?

Posted by Dakk on 15 January 2015 - 03:40 PM in Mega Mod Help

I'm just saying that acquiring people's work, new code monkeys, and internet forum warriors in one person was a pretty smart move on Beamdog's behaviour.

That's really harsh.


My spontaneous reaction is that had Beamdog not engaged with the community and reached out to experienced modders; they would have been called imperialists, haughty and evil capitalists. Having done the above, which, arguably, is the correct approach, they are instead called sinister puppetmasters and evil capitalists.


As an aside; I can't even imagine the abuse BioWare would have gotten back in the day if the forums of today existed then. "Why is TOB DLC and not included in the base game!?!? STOP NICKLE AND DIMING US!"


My personal opinion is that I'm (so far) somewhat underwhelmed by the EE:s. With that said, I can't even begin to understand how anyone can find the gall to criticize a private business endeavour to revive a (really) old computer game. That hurts who exactly?


People react like Beamdog are stealing money from the state that otherwise would have gone to starving kittens. Or - God forbid - are letting young'uns have fun with their private toy. Because if you weren't born when Baldurs Gate was originally released, sucks to be you. For surely, if you have modded the game (for free, gasp!) for more than of a decade, you probably should have a say in what happens to the game. My preciousssss

#574793 Question: Why block access to BG1 after transition to BG2?

Posted by Dakk on 15 January 2015 - 01:41 PM in Mega Mod Help

Is it better, or worse than being owned by beamdog.....?

I don't understand the question?

#574791 HELP- Lag when web spell is cast

Posted by Dakk on 15 January 2015 - 01:34 PM in Mega Mod Help

@kreso: Cheers mate, that's exactly the kind of information I was looking for. As I play BG2 very seldom, and TOB basically never, I've never had reason really to use it. But I'll be sure to throw it in for the next "hardcore" run that will take me to the end of the saga.


@dabus: Yeah, I'm aware of the possibility to customize the BWS. Make no mistake, I think BWS is a fantastic piece of kit. I'm very impressed by the work put into it, and it's worked wonders for making modding of BG much more accessible for the casual gamer. Me, I'm more of a manual kind of guy that want full control over all components and enjoy customization, so I use it rarely.

As an aside I've actually yet to understand what the BigWorld Fixpack, Borkpack and Trimpack really does (and that scares me away)...


If I could change anything in BWS it would be editing/renaming the default installations. Expert is all well and dandy. But the the alternative that's called Standard should really be called Super-duper mega large. And then a much more lean installation should be called Standard. :)

#574789 [Archived] Infinity Sounds v1.3

Posted by Dakk on 15 January 2015 - 10:36 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Open one of the setup-*modname*.debug -files and post what weidu.exe version was used ? It's the very first line. There's an error that made the older versions bad ...
Not installed in a protected directory
So I take it's not in the C drive, or if it is, it's in the C:\Users\<username>\ -folders as everything else is protected. No don't answer if it's so.


Latest non-beta Weidu I believe, 23700. Let me check just be sure.


Yes, "WeiDU v 23700 Log".


Nah it's installed in C:\games\[...]. Everyone who used computers when DOS was a thing know to never install in weird directories. ;) For people for whom Steam = games it's harder haha.

#574784 HELP- Lag when web spell is cast

Posted by Dakk on 15 January 2015 - 09:30 AM in Mega Mod Help

Basically what kreso said.



BG2 Fixpack

BG2 Tweakpack

Rogue Rebalancing

Sword Coast Stratagems


Ding0 Quest Pack

Item Revisions

Spell Revisions

..and you've got a solid foundation. The "standard" install of BWP is somewhat of an abomination.


@kreso: What is it you like with Refinements? I don't see it at all... And it looks to be conflicting heavily with both IR and SR.

#574782 HELP- Lag when web spell is cast

Posted by Dakk on 15 January 2015 - 08:37 AM in Mega Mod Help

I'd absolutely avoid installing both SR and Spell Pack. While possibly technically compatible, in my opinion they're not conceptually compatible. The fewer sources of spurious extra spells you have the better, and no single mod will give you a more comprehensive, tested and balanced spell system than SR does (YMMV).


EDIT: That is an absolute shitload of romance-mods (just the word "romance" has 66 hits in that log) :lol2: Including Imoen-romance...

#574778 [Archived] Infinity Sounds v1.3

Posted by Dakk on 15 January 2015 - 05:28 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

The mod seems to be breaking my install. Whenever I choose a kit (so it doesn't happen for say, Monk or Sorceror) the game crashes. If I recall correctly this hints at some kind of corruption of dialog.tlk.


TL;DR: "Mute Reputation Loss Sound Effect" and "Mute Tooltip Paper Sound Effect" does not work on BGT and will cause a CTD when you choose kits.

Odd. It works fine on my install(s).

What, really?  :blink:


My setup:

Digital download BG1 & BG from Dungeons & Dragons Anthology: The Master Collection (from GamersGate)

No manual patching, as usual on digital download

English language

Windows 8.1

Not installed in a protected directory

Weidu-log as above

No biffing


The error is reproducible every time I drop any file named paper.wav in the override. Even tried other sound files, including empty ones.

#574767 [Archived] Infinity Sounds v1.3

Posted by Dakk on 14 January 2015 - 06:06 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

The mod seems to be breaking my install. Whenever I choose a kit (so it doesn't happen for say, Monk or Sorceror) the game crashes. If I recall correctly this hints at some kind of corruption of dialog.tlk.




I had 5 mods installed afterwards, and uninstalled one after one, starting the game after each one, and everything was finally alright once I uninstalled Inifinity Sounds.


EDIT: I've isolated the component: it's:
~!BINFINITYSOUNDS/SETUP-!BINFINITYSOUNDS.TP2~ #0 #12 // Mute Tooltip Paper Sound Effect: v1.1


Which is too bad, because that was probably my favourite component of them all :woot:


EDIT2: The component is commented in the .tp2 with "~Sorry, this mod is only for BG2.~". But is has the same predicate as the component above. Either way, that should work on BGT, no? As is happens all that component does is place the silent file "PAPER.wav" in the override. And when I remove it, all is well. That's.. weird. Note that the other component (REPDOWN) also breaks game.


TL;DR: "Mute Reputation Loss Sound Effect" and "Mute Tooltip Paper Sound Effect" does not work on BGT and will cause a CTD when you choose kits.

#574765 kreso's reccomended BWS mods

Posted by Dakk on 14 January 2015 - 03:07 PM in Mega Mod Help

Glad I could help. :cookie:

#574764 Question: Why block access to BG1 after transition to BG2?

Posted by Dakk on 14 January 2015 - 03:03 PM in Mega Mod Help

They are thieves and f**g plagiators ../.. NeJ3 for now introduces 3-4 times more content than begee


Who is not reusing areas and graphics???

Your arguments are absolutely hilarious. So you viciously cuss Beamdog as thieves and plagiarists, while defending your own use of professionally developed and copyrighted resources, that someone else made, with "who doesn't steal others areas and graphics???". Hypocrite.


It gets even better considering that Beamdog has paid for a license to use those very same resources and source code, while you just mooch.

#574757 kreso's reccomended BWS mods

Posted by Dakk on 13 January 2015 - 08:03 PM in Mega Mod Help

Is this the droids documentation you are looking for?

#574756 [Archived] Infinity Sounds v1.3

Posted by Dakk on 13 January 2015 - 06:26 PM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Installing right now on my BGT install! Looks super cool, now to find out if sounds likewise :D


No problem with Spell Revisions, what with the changing of casting animations and sounds?

#572493 BGT:EE

Posted by Dakk on 10 October 2014 - 08:08 AM in BGT Archive

Cool! Any linky to a forum or post?

#572491 Sorcerer spell choices?

Posted by Dakk on 10 October 2014 - 07:55 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Awesome post Monere.


For all those that post Find familiar as a lvl1 pick, I'm with Kulyok - Seldarine forbid!

#572490 BGT:EE

Posted by Dakk on 10 October 2014 - 07:50 AM in BGT Archive

And it would be glorious. Starting a new game = bad. Seamlessly transitioning from part 1 to part 2 = good.

#572489 Question: Why block access to BG1 after transition to BG2?

Posted by Dakk on 10 October 2014 - 07:43 AM in Mega Mod Help

I also romance Jaheira, Aerie, Viconia, Dace (first time), Yvette, Isra (first time), Nalia, Amber, Kiara, Kim, Saerileth, Tyris, Tashia, Skie (first time), Sheena, Fade, Ninde, Sime before going to Brynnlaw. :P

Quoted for fun.

#569240 Baldur's Gate Graphics Overhaul

Posted by Dakk on 02 June 2014 - 08:16 AM in BG Graphics Overhaul

Well done!

#569071 Question: Why block access to BG1 after transition to BG2?

Posted by Dakk on 29 May 2014 - 01:55 AM in Mega Mod Help

No answers from me I'm afraid; but a question instead ;) You got stuck Mr. Imp?


And what exactly was this mod of yours supposed to do - allow moving from SoA maps to BG1 maps?