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#463401 Shadowkeeper and Windows Vista...

Posted by Stardusk on 23 September 2009 - 02:54 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

I have emailed the Mudmaster and received no reply. Apparently everyone (including myself) with Windows Vista is having problems with Shadowkeeper; basically whatever changes you make with Shadowkeeper don't show up in the game; neither do edited games...does anyone else have this problem? Any help would be aprpeciated...

#463396 Making Kits?

Posted by Stardusk on 23 September 2009 - 01:31 PM in IE Tutorials

I would appreciate any help...

I just want to learn how to make kits; how can start or go about it? :cheers:

#463386 2 suggestions for mods I think would be very cool...Werewarrior

Posted by Stardusk on 23 September 2009 - 10:21 AM in IE Mod Ideas

This seems like a very good example of a mod idea, so, welcome to IE Mod Ideas.

[edit: doublepost lol, merging my own posts ftw]

Ugh, fine, have it your way.

Note that this is quite untested (I can only hope that the regen functions as intended), but it works as far as I can tell - you can shapechange back and forth, and the stat changes show up as intended. It stops improving at lv25, though. Anything that gains +6 natural attacks = big NO as far as I'm concerned. It also gets the standard fighter HLA table.

As I said in the pm, I think that the kit should be able to get grandmastery in his claws (however they are classed) just because they are his only weapon basically...and he only has 2 attacks per round even with boots of speed....giving him grandmastery and consequently normal attacks would cement this kit in my opinion...

And not being able to dual class? That is pretty harsh...all fighter kits are usually able to....? No...

Would weapon specialisation (grand mastery), normal attacks and dual classing be so unbalancing?

A side question though....you are aware of the ease of use mod? My whole idea for this mod came about through that thing...it was quite overpowered and I played a fighter/thief with the use any item and used it (borrowed from Cernd); unstoppable; too overpowered and weird anyway.....like no real explanation for the elemental resistances and such...but one thing that bothered me was the lack of claw progression, which was stuck at +3 (and some enemies were unaffected....I thought it would be a good compromise to have a kit like this but the dual classing and normal attack progression...is reasonable, no?

#463382 Werewarrior - a fighter kit for BG2

Posted by Stardusk on 23 September 2009 - 09:59 AM in Miscellaneous Released Mods

Posted Image

File Name: Werewarrior - a fighter kit for BG2
File Submitter: vilkacis
File Submitted: 19 Sep 2009
File Updated: 19 Sep 2009
File Category: Miscellaneous Released Mods
Forum: No Information
Readme: No Information

A fighter kit based on an idea by Stardusk on the SHS boards. It is open to all races and alignment and requires 9 STR. Nothing fancy here.

Kit description:

WEREWARRIOR: A fighter who has devoted all his efforts to learning and controlling the inner beast which dwells in everyone; he can become a werewolf that gains in strength and power over time.

- Can shapechange into werewolf form which becomes progressively stronger with time.
Level 1: +1 to STR/DEX/CON, +2 to AC, claws deal 1d6 damage and strike as +1 weapons
Level 7: +2 to STR/DEX/CON, +3 to AC, claws deal 1d8 damage and strike as +2 weapons
Level 13: +3 to STR/DEX/CON, +4 to AC, immunity to non-magical weapons, regenerate 1 HP/round, +20% magic resistance, claws deal 1d10 damage and strike as +3 weapons
Level 19: +4 to STR/DEX/CON, +5 to AC, immunity to non-magical and +1 weapons, regenerate 2 HP/round, +40% magic resistance, claws deal 1d12 damage and strike as +4 weapons
Level 25: +5 to STR/DEX/CON, +6 to AC, immunity to non-magical and +2 weapons, regenerate 3 HP/round, +60% magic resistance, claws deal 1d20 damage and strike as +5 weapons

- May not wear armour
- May not use missile weapons
- May not multi- or dualclass
- Can only become proficient (one star) in the use of any weapon

Click here to download this file

Wow, this really cool and I see your point about the +6 thing but one thing the werewarrior should get is grand mastery in his claws....no?

#462836 2 suggestions for mods I think would be very cool...Werewarrior

Posted by Stardusk on 18 September 2009 - 01:33 AM in IE Mod Ideas

1st idea:

This class is a fighter who can devoted all his efforts to learning and controling the inner beast which dwells in everyone; he can become a werewolf that gains in strength and power over time.

Werewarrior (Fighter Kit)

Available Race(s): All

Primary Attribute(s): Strength (9 Minimum)

Stronghold: The Werewarrior can acquire the de'Arnise Keep as his stronghold. See our Fighter Quests section for more information.


- Can shapechange into werewolf form which becomes progressively stronger with time:

1st level

- +1 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution

- -2 to armor class

- Claws: (treated as daggers for purposes of proficiency) 1d6 dmg, treated as +1 weapons

7th level

- +2 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution

- -3 to armor class

- Claws 1d8 dmg, treated as +2 weapons

13th level

- +3 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution

- -4 to armor class

- Claws 1d10 dmg, treated as +3 weapons

- Immune to non-magical weapons

- Regeneration 1hp/round

- Magic Resistance 20%

19th level

- +4 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution

- -5 to armor class

- Claws 1d12 dmg, treated as +4 weapons

- Immune to non-magical and +1 weapons

- Regeneration 2hp/round

- Magic Resistance 40%

25th level

- +5 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution

- -6 to armor class

- Claws 1d20 dmg, treated as +5 weapons

- Immune to non-magical, +1 and +2 weapons

- Regeneration 3hp/round

- Magic Resistance 60%

31st level

- +6 to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution

- -7 to armor class

- Claws 2d12 dmg, treated as +6 weapons

- Immune to non-magical, +1, +2, and +3 weapons

- Regeneration 4hp/round

- Magic Resistance 80%


- Cannot wear armor

-Cannot use weapons except for claws

- Cannot use missile weapons

- Cannot cast spells

-No weapon proficiencies (except for daggers and two weapon wielding)

Possible High-Level Abilities [ToB]

Critical Strike
Greater Deathblow
Greater Whirlwind Attack
Power Attack
Resist Magic
War Cry
Whirlwind Attack

2nd idea: less a kit mod and more a desire to see the possibility of the pc becoming a vampire (evil only) after completing all the tasks for bhodi, would have similar progression to Valen; what do you think?

#462057 Wasn't sure where to put this question but...

Posted by Stardusk on 10 September 2009 - 11:37 PM in IE Modding Discussion

There is a difference between "Energy Drain" and "Level Drain", but I guess you really men Level Drain.

There is also Dagger +4, Life-Stealer (Dagg20), with a 15% chance of draining 1 level.

Is this dagger part of a mod? Well, I think a weapon that invariably level drains 1 level isn't too overpowered...no?

#462015 Wasn't sure where to put this question but...

Posted by Stardusk on 10 September 2009 - 02:35 PM in IE Modding Discussion

powers? In the normal game there is only Gram's Grief which grants a save, the sword of mask which is 15% and black razor which is only a +3 weapon...any weapons out there that have a regular, reliable energy drain?

#461566 My thoughts on Longer Road

Posted by Stardusk on 07 September 2009 - 07:26 AM in Longer Road

It is Mendelson's "March to the Scaffold" - rather appropriate, don't you think?

Nit-picking.... shouldn't that be Hector Berlioz's "The March to the Scaffold" from "Symphonie Fantastique"?


I think it is great, just so difficult to redeem Jon..... :wacko:

#461565 The Mod for the Wicked!

Posted by Stardusk on 07 September 2009 - 07:24 AM in Mod for the Wicked

I recently installed Baldur's Gate II again and I had a few ideas...

Firstly, all the undead in Athakla. I'm not talking about the Twisted Rune, Bodhi's guild, Kangaxx or even all those random liches(!), but about the ghoul town. Now, while Ghouls in Second Edition(unlike 3e, despite that their typical behaviour hardly changes)have an intelligence of 5-7, /Ghasts/ actually have an intelligence of 11-12. So even if we write off other inhabitants of the city(which we could write off as simply being part of the spawning mechanics, like the lich); there could be an opportunity to do something beyond slaughtering a large number of ghouls. Now, in Dragon 252 and Dungeon 70 , a new type of ghouls are introduced; the white/shadow/true(depending on where you hear about them) ghouls. Now, the average intelligence of true ghouls is a whooping 15-18 and they indeed able to form form cities; if not more.

So if the idea of doing something with the ghoul town(''garbage disposal'', slave trade, necromantic research, a rival of Bodhi) appeals to you, you have a perfect excuse by introducing true ghouls.

Also, the Underdark. While you can wipe out all sides, there's not much else to do. For instance, it might be an idea to have the Illithid play a larger role. While I wouldn't advocate being able to just ''visit'' the Illithid city, perhaps you could be approached by an Illithid emissary in(or outside of) Ust Nastha. They could be interested in invading and subjugating Ust Nastha; they just need to overcome a number of ''obstacles'', such as that certain key figures need to be ''eliminated''. Some of these ''obstacles'' would already tie in with the main quest, such as the death of the Matron Mother. Perhaps they'd also want the Silver Dragon gone, as that would free the way for surface raids?

Would people recommend this mod?

#461564 I shouldn't have done THAT bad..

Posted by Stardusk on 07 September 2009 - 07:14 AM in Longer Road

Did you get as far as : I could not rest properly last night, and consequently my spells were not memorized ?

It is the talk 6, if you have count 12 it means you at least got to this one.

Yea,i m now at this stage.
Before resting my redemption counter is 32.
But after this talk it drops to -968 already......
what exactly should i say to him abt the dream encounter?

I tried CLUA to change his redemption score but it didn't work even though it was at 1000. He still took the soul and tried to destroy the Tree; AND all my good companions attacked me as well, even though I was good. This mod is rpg wise really hard. Also with me there was no Mala quest...just the Lich, who attacked me and that was it. It's soooooo hard....

#461451 Botched Deva Quest, Jon takes Sendai's Soul and all my good compan

Posted by Stardusk on 06 September 2009 - 12:19 PM in Longer Road

Well I did end up pulling them out fo my party and bringing them back in but at the end of the game they leave with no endings when the solar brings up Jon's gem. I really botched it all.... :wacko:

#461292 Botched Deva Quest, Jon takes Sendai's Soul and all my good compan

Posted by Stardusk on 05 September 2009 - 09:46 AM in Longer Road

So basically I should have read through the deva quest BEFORE starting it but I found out too late and took too long and the Bebilith died and Jon thought I was an oaf. Now I am playing a NG fighter/thief and I wanted to redeem him but it seemed impossible after that. I thought it was dependent on redemption counter so I set globalled it to 1000 just in case, hoping from what I read that he would not take Sendai's soul but alas he does but even worse Keldorn calls me evil and attacks, so does Amomen and worst of all, my pregnant girlfriend (Aerie) turns on me as well with only Saverok staying true. I have reloaded 3 times but every time they turn on me and my my entire game seems ruined because of it. Not only do I need them in my party but I really wanted to redeem Irenicus. Is there NOTHING that can be done? At least anything that will keep my good companions from turning on me? I guess I could leave them back in the pocket plane and kill Sendai and then pick them up again? Any advice? Cause I think I will just do that. I hope someone didn't write this exact problem down already as I don't want to repeat stuff but shouldn't the console global redemption counter affect what Jon does? Please, if anyone can help I will be most grateful. Cheers to all and this mod (apart from my foolishness) ROCKS, along with others. After nigh 10 years I have rediscovered my love for this wonderful game! Thank you.