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#568421 SHS Suggestions and Problems Thread

Posted by Bookwyrme on 11 May 2014 - 11:43 AM in Directives from the Director

Yes, but there is a whole list of buttons on the left ("content I have not read," "Last 24 hours," "last week" etc, and no matter which one I select, it always goes to "Last 24 hours." Hitting the View New Content button doesn't change anything. Is there some other mysterious menu I'm missing?

Edit to add: G3 has the same menu, and it works--if I click "New since my  last visit" or "Content I have not read" that's what I get.


#568431 SHS Suggestions and Problems Thread

Posted by Bookwyrme on 11 May 2014 - 01:27 PM in Directives from the Director

Every one of those links takes me to the same "Past 24 Hours" search for me.

Exactly. That's what's happening for me, too, and it has happened over several days and several browsers.

#568403 SHS Suggestions and Problems Thread

Posted by Bookwyrme on 10 May 2014 - 09:24 PM in Directives from the Director

I still can't perusade SHS forums to display "New since my last visit" only "Last 24 hours."

#568413 Baldur's Gate Graphics Overhaul

Posted by Bookwyrme on 11 May 2014 - 09:36 AM in BG Graphics Overhaul

No matter which of the time-period related sections I choose, it always goes back to "last 24 hours."

#567627 BGEE/2?

Posted by Bookwyrme on 29 March 2014 - 03:52 PM in Aurora's Shoes

I'm hoping for the best, Miloch!  Let it not be said that *this* Bhaalspawn died without her Aurora boots on.  Let me know if there is anything I can do to help out.


All things considered, she'd rather you ascended in them--it is much better advertising. You could get married in them, if you'd rather. Dying is overrated, even for heroes..

#568984 May I ask why aurora TOB is still "beta"?

Posted by Bookwyrme on 27 May 2014 - 08:00 PM in Aurora's Shoes

No problem!

I would be happy to have more crossmod with other characters--I like Aurora and enjoy the back & forth. Modding has just slipped onto the back (back, back) burner of late.

#568699 May I ask why aurora TOB is still "beta"?

Posted by Bookwyrme on 19 May 2014 - 01:17 PM in Aurora's Shoes

Mostly because I haven't updated it yet. Initially, I was waiting to see if anyone had any problem pat the one typo to report.


Now I've just gotten busy!

If you want to play, go ahead--no one has reported anything other than a single typo.

#568718 May I ask why aurora TOB is still "beta"?

Posted by Bookwyrme on 20 May 2014 - 10:15 PM in Aurora's Shoes

Thank you for help. Got a question: do you have a text file with all the crossmod banters for Aurora TOB?
I mean which npc-added mods she will have dialogue with.


There's really not much by way of crossmod dialog in the TOB version. The only currently active mod she dialogs with is Hubelpot. There's stuff for berelinde's upcoming Reyland mod, but that's about it!

SOA has a lot.

#568924 Dialogues with other mod characters

Posted by Bookwyrme on 26 May 2014 - 08:21 PM in IE Modding Discussion

The Crossmod Interest Thread over on Gibberlings 3 has an overview of various authors' opinions on others writing for their characters.