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#584764 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 05 January 2016 - 10:23 AM in Mega Mod Help

This error occurs even without M&G.

#584793 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 05 January 2016 - 04:08 PM in Mega Mod Help

Try putting this updated critical_hits.tpa in the item_rev/components folder and installing again.  Let me know if that fixes the problem.

Yes, for me Revised Critical Hit Aversion now installed without errors. Thanks.

#580375 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 09 August 2015 - 11:31 PM in Mega Mod Help

I had a discussion with Leonardo about the NeJs over PMs - the next BWP release will probably include changes to how the BWP deals with NeJ :) The BWP will only install the latest public version and it will most probably be marked SUPERULTRAMEGA EXPERT for extra caution :P

Good to know this. Then I leave NEJ unchanged. :P


Also, for the aTweaks mod v442, there did not appear to be any setup file downloaded, so I will use the earlier v4.40 beta 3 for my manual install.

You can rename any random setup-XXX.exe to setup-atweaks.exe and use it (I hope the BWS handles this :P)

Yes, the BWS automatically adds missing setup-XXX.exe.


I've updated the wmart.ini to point to a temporary package until CoM updates their main mod - please note that the same package can now be used by both BGEE and BGT :) I have no clue how to make the BWS understand that :P

If mod name and components have not changed, then nothing else to do. All should work well. :)


Also, I noticed what you meant by disabling the Web spell - if it means making it unavailable, it would be better to just mark it expert so we can still test installing it :cheers:

Then maybe it is worth adding some SpellPack's Web incompatibility (for example, with Spell Revision, as subtledoctor said), but with the possibility of ignore that incompatibility for those who like to experiment?


Also also, anyone have an idea of which component may be changing Imoen into a mage from the start? The search didn't find anything obvious.

I could be wrong, but it seems that SandrahNPC does it.

#580279 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 08 August 2015 - 08:00 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hi Quiet.
The Area Patcher will fail to install each component if its requirements are not met.
So, if you try to install the fix for Jarls BGT Adventure Pack, it will fail if you did not install Jarls BGT Adventure Pack Mod.
Same for the Shadows over Soubar and Never Ending Journey.

Yes, I know that, but anyway thanks for the explanation. Hopefully, now the problem is solved.

Problem with IWD:EE NPC mod alternative class selection: you can't choose any of the new kits introduced by EE. For example there should be an option to make Korin an archer.

I added a new components, and hope they will work as it should.

I'm in the middle of yet another installation using the most updated version of BWSetup and the BG2 Team EE Armor Pack error message is popping up again,

The fix in the current fixpack from github works fine. ;)

BiG-world-fixpack-master.zip ? Because that's what BWS downloaded for me this morning/last night.

Have just installed four BGTeam pack's (Armor and Weapon for BG1 and for BG2), and they all installed without errors. So I don't know what caused the error in your installation. Try to delete the old file with the mod and allow BWS to download it again.


Might I suggest marking this Web component from SpellPack and NeJ (all versions) as expert until someone properly tests it out and irons out all kinks :unsure:

SpellPack's Web now disabled.

Mark all NEJ versions as expert? Then it is better to remove the old versions, and keep only the last one, which is already marked as an expert. Meanwhile v6.8 is available as a standard because it is considered to be the most compatible with BGT. NEJ v6.91+6.94 is the latest available official version, so it is understandable why it is also included in BWP. And why v6.02 still in BWP I don't know (except that it's the only translated into Russian :)).

#580222 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 06 August 2015 - 11:59 PM in Mega Mod Help

As far as I could understand, the BWS has reported that failed to install Area Patcher because of had not installed NEJ or SoS?

Now this problem is solved. Download the new BWS (last night updated) and try to install again.

#585064 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 10 January 2016 - 10:55 AM in Mega Mod Help

It was added temporarily, until you add the appropriate fixes in BWFixpack, and stayed there for just one day.  :)
As for the rest of workarounds I can say that they were either taken from BWInstallpack or added to BWS in days when Yellow and Round was inactive on SHS (or not yet engaged BWFixpack, not remember).
I don't mind that you're even now removed all these workarounds from BWS, but on the condition that they will be corrected in any other way (there certainly all hope for BWFixpack), and not just for the sake of their there was not (especially it concerns mods that are no longer supported by the authors).


About the RPG-KP workarounds in particular, I think that kind of workaround should not be done by BWS. Instead we should just change the Type of the problematic mod to 'E' in the mod.ini. Since one of my recent changes, just changing the Type will automatically mark all of its components red and put them in the Expert pre-selection (no need to modify Select.txt).

And here I disagree. Expert we must mark mods that after installation (which implies that they should be installed through BWS under any conditions) may cause problems in the game. If mod or component for some reason cann't be installed (as it was in the case of installation Infinity Sounds after RPG-KP), we need to add corresponding conflict or dependence for prevent the occurrence of errors during installation (at least temporarily, until this issue is solved in any other way).

#585073 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 10 January 2016 - 03:20 PM in Mega Mod Help

Really? It still remains in Expert preselection. Mentioning the component 0000 we can somehow save the situation, but it is only as long as someone does not choose it manually.


No, if we know that some mods/components for certain reasons can't be installed together, we need to prevent the possibility of these reasons by changing the order of installation, adding conflicts and dependencies, patches mods by BWFixpack etc. Otherwise, why would we need this tool if it can't ensure error-free installation?


And to ensure that we don't forget about these errors, you have already created a good topic, where you can store the necessary records. By the way, is possible to submit the remaining workarounds and try to remember because of what they once were added, if we decide to remove them.

#585821 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 21 January 2016 - 02:10 AM in Mega Mod Help

Just a quick question.  I was running a "tactics" install yesterday and there were several instances where it prompted me to skip or install a component because another mod already included a similar component.  One example I remember involved monk fists and the mods Baldurdash, Sword & Fist?, and another one I can't recall.  I skipped the first option but then it didn't install Tortured Souls because Baldurdash was missing.  I think a tactics install has similar prompts with the AI mods like SCS.

This might not be the only reason ... As the BDash fixpack got a new name, it also renamed the .tp2 file, and as such, the NEJ's requirement for the BDash .tp2 name might not be the correct one, so the component that is required is not in the weidu.log cause it's simply wrongly named. This was previously fixed by the BWP Fixpack, but if the .tp2 name was changed, it's not likely applied anymore...

NEJ v691/v694 tp2 files do not reference BDToBv168 tp2.  v691 checks for Baldurdash indirectly by checking for an area BCS file.  v694 (which is a patch on top of v691) doesn't add any additional checks.  I also did a case-insensitive search in the BiG World Fixpack for BDToBv168 and found no matches except the BWP patches for Baldurdash itself.

"didn't install Tortured Souls" and it has request for Setup-BDToBv168.exe (If my memory serves me).

#585488 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 16 January 2016 - 12:41 PM in Mega Mod Help

Hey guys, I just got this error in my current fresh BWS install, can someone help me solve it? Or atleast tell me what to do? Because in my previous BWS installation I didn't get this error at all.
Installing [Revised Critical Hit Aversion] [V4 8 Beta]
Copying and patching 4283 files ...
ERROR: [M#PIRBAN.ITM] -> [override/M#PIRBAN.ITM] Patching Failed (COPY) (Invalid_argument("Str.search_forward"))
Stopping installation because of error.


Oh, I didn't notice it before:

note: in the attached logs is the error referring to M#PIRBAN.ITM again, this is because BWS didn't download the recently committed item_rev update and i forgot to check that fact before installing. will check tomorrow.

But until now BWS used a link to version of IRv4, where is still not resolved this problem. Now fixed.

#585317 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 14 January 2016 - 06:59 AM in Mega Mod Help

Actually, it has been updated a few days ago.


#585195 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 12 January 2016 - 11:57 PM in Mega Mod Help

* BWS:  Extract.au3 - Special treatment for Git master branch archives: for mods that have a 'Save=' filename in MODNAME.ini ending in '-master.zip', move sub-folders up a level after extracting and delete original folder (e.g., move BG2\generalized_biffing-master\generalized_biffing to BG2\generalized_biffing, then delete BG2\generalized_biffing-master)

Uh... This function has long been included in BWS and works fine.


Version of BWS was b692bec (~17:08 on 27/11/2015).

No one but me didn't bother that it was a version of almost two months ago? And since no one reported about such errors (despite the fact that mod has been fixed)? And that link to mod since then has not changed? And it's not the only mod that BWS downloads from github, but neither about one of them there were no such reports? So maybe the problem in something else? Because I tested without the latest commit and mod installed fine for me.


The ony issue was that the installation of Generalized Biffing failed for me (and the download of WeiDU was corrupted somehow, I needed to manually re-download).

And would like to clarify what failed: installation or extraction of mod? Because if failed installation, it is very strange that there were no reports from BWS about failed extraction.



I'm not saying that your corrections bad, just don't see any reason hasty correct something that already works well.

#580194 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 05 August 2015 - 10:51 PM in Mega Mod Help

I'm not sure which version I'm using, but the most recent changelog is July 27 by Tzarnal. I downloaded it about a week or so ago.

The last date of the changes look in Changelog-Mods.txt. 


I do have all three mods/patches downloaded (NEJ2 694, NEJ2 691 and SoS.) Clearly I've screwed something up here.

Something strange, NEJ and SoS no way connected. I'll see this evening.

#580168 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 04 August 2015 - 10:56 PM in Mega Mod Help

What version of BWS you use?


Er... it's version of the BWP (BiG World Project), not BWS (BiG World Setup). Do you use any programs to install mods or you install them manually? If you install manually or using BW Installpack, then you need to download the unofficial but most up-to-date version of the BW Fixpack, because only it has a fix for latest TeamBG BG2EE Armor Pack. BWS does this automatically.


cmorgan, thanks, link updated by Lollorian.

#576076 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 18 March 2015 - 03:38 AM in Mega Mod Help

There should not be any conflict. It seems somewhere in the code climbed unfortunate mistake and guess I'm know where. Will be fixed later.

#576905 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 14 April 2015 - 01:53 PM in Mega Mod Help

Six's kitpack is installed after refinements. Bug or intended? It seems like most of the other kits gets installed before it since refinements copies all kits installed before it.

This is BWP installation order, according to which after the Six's Kitpack main component Refirements main component cannot be installed any more.


from what i know Sandrah is for heavily modded normal BG game not for EE and as i read in "mod request template" forum Improved Archer should work with BG2:ToB am i right?

Yes (and Improved Archer added to BGT selection).


i don`t know if you(or anyone else) tried fixing the problem with dependencies i reported earlier but just to be sure in newest version they are still not working
Temporary solution: disabled some (less important) dependencies, to others (more important) to work correctly.


I just have to ask. I read in the QuestPack readme that it's AI component (which I use) has an alternate version named "Extended Vocabulary" which makes enemies say more things overhead I guess. Why is this component not available in the current BWS?

Because there is no such component, despite that said readme.

#575840 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 07 March 2015 - 01:34 PM in Mega Mod Help

Very cool! Would you please do this (if it is not implemented yet) for Gavin BG1 mod v9 beta with the german translation that is in the German Textpack?

Done. So now mod is not available in German as it is only partially translated?

#575830 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 07 March 2015 - 01:26 AM in Mega Mod Help

BWS is already uses the latest version of Ascalons Questpack and so I think the problem in BW Textpack which replaces the mod files its own.

Just fixed, download a new version of BWS.

#575791 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 05 March 2015 - 03:41 AM in Mega Mod Help

or should we download master.zip from ALien signature to have those incorporated?

Yes, use link from Alien signature.

#577263 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 30 April 2015 - 06:40 AM in Mega Mod Help

I downloaded the EET branch and Animus: Sentinent weapon is available for a normal (non ee) BGT install. Intended or not? It seems to be only for EE but maybe I'm wrong?
TeamBG Armour Pack for BG2 used to be removed from BWS because it caused a crash (too long cre name) with BGT. Now it is back again. Intended or not? The mod itself does not seem to have been updated as far as I can tell.

BW Fixpack makes this mods compatible with BWP.

I'm getting this error on the latest build (91a5014 ) when  i click on the "Choose Mods and Components" button (Tactic BWP Version)

I can not repeat this error. Try again with new BWS.

If I have a small homemade weidu mod containing a few custom kits, should I pause installation around the time other kit mods are being installed and add them in, or just wait til the end? (Ideally I'd like to add the kits so I can assign them to NPCs using the Level 1 NPCs mod, but it is not essential)
EDIT: Should probably mention that this is for a non-EE BG Trilogy megamod install

The first variant: pause during kits installation and install your own kit mod.


The Djinni Companion mod has been updated to v1.1.

From now on BWS can use the link https://github.com/A...hive/master.zip, which should always point to the latest stable version.

Thanks, link updated.

#577348 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 04 May 2015 - 11:31 PM in Mega Mod Help

Is it the same for "The Queen, by Domi" (component of Romantic Encounters)?


Because it used to be marked as incompatable with the Kivan and Deheriana mod because of a bug. Now it is not marked anymore. Intended or not? 

As I understand the problem occurs only when installing Kivan before RE. BWS offers to install Kivan after RE, so there should be no problem. If it is not correct, the conflict (and installation order) can be brought back.

#580143 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 04 August 2015 - 02:49 AM in Mega Mod Help

1) The Tyris Flare mod seems to be on an extra version that I can't find anywhere. Near as I can tell, the latest release is v6, not v7.


2) BG2 Team EE Armor Pack gives me an error message,
"ERROR: error loading [BG2eeAR/sto/cmtb2ees1.sto]
ERROR: Unix.Unix_error(20, "stat", "BG2eeAR/sto/cmtb2ees1.sto")"

Googling solutions led to a forum post from the author with a fix...that's already been implemented in the mod I had downloaded (specifically the "change the cmtbees1 to cmtb2ees1" bit.)

What version of BWS you use?

#577904 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 24 May 2015 - 10:13 PM in Mega Mod Help

Just in case I will say that the missing Ding0's Tweak Pack's components were added (although "NPCs/Summons Set Off Traps" will be automatically skipped by mod if it detects RR's "Shadow Thief Improvements"). Also has been removed Sandrah with Boo familiar connection and added the missing dependencies for Smiling Imp Cross Banter Mod.

#577577 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 14 May 2015 - 10:51 PM in Mega Mod Help

And for all this already exists "official" topics, where is possible doing bugreports or upload your fixes.



#577520 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 13 May 2015 - 12:02 PM in Mega Mod Help

I noticed this type for Game Over on Party Dead?

Thanks, fixed.

BWS currently has only two options available for installing TB#Tweaks component 3600 WSPATCK for all; there should be 3 options.

~TB#TWEAKS/TB#TWEAKS.TP2~ #0 #3600 // WSPATCK for all (Taimon) -> Everybody gets ApR from proficiency, only Warriors from level: TB#Tweaks, V 2.61 BWP Fix
is missing.

Which version of BWS do you use? In the latest updates it definitely is.


Also, Item Randomizer component #510 // Randomly not randomise items needs an input for percentage chance that items are not randomized; currently BWS offers no input option.

Just yesterday added.

#575786 BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

Posted by Quiet on 05 March 2015 - 12:09 AM in Mega Mod Help

Ser Elryk, thanks for your detailed report.


-- Problems During Extraction --
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Graphics Overhaul

If after this mod is installed properly, then do not pay attention to it.


-- Problems During Installation –

BG1 Unfinished Business:
Area Corrections and Restorations

Fixed (thanks to AstroBryGuy)


-- Problems During Installation –

BP-BGT Worldmap



** BG2EE **
Innershade - Components 0000: Colours of Infinity: Innershade, & 0002: Talks for original Bioware NPCs
The boxes are unchecked but highlighted green.

The answer to all similar questions: this is not a bug, so conceived.


Almateria's Restoration Project; The mod name is highlighted green, but all the boxes are highlighted blue.

Ding0's Quest Pack (Shouldn't this be listed under Quest Mods instead?)



Big Picture (Now an Expert Mod), is still checked in the Standard version along with several components)

Yes, a few components were specially marked as standard.


NPC Kitpack - Component 2500: Give Nalia Adventurer Kit, & Give Nalia a Mage Kit (2510: Abjurer), are both checked and highlighted green. (Wouldn't they conflict?)

No, originally Nalia has dualclass thief/mage, this mod allows you to make her an adventurer/abjurer, for example.





Sword Coast Stratagems:
Component ????: Treat mages' and priests' High-Level Abilities as innate rather than memorisable spells

Uh... what?


It also said at the end of installation "21918 files exist in your override-folder. The game may slow down if around 10.000 files are present. Thus please make sure the game runs fine. If that's not the case, load and install the Generalized Biffing mod."
(The Generalized Biffing Mod was not included in the MOD SELECTION section. Is it not yet compatible with BG2EE?)

Added Generalized Biffing. And about compatibility soon find out...


-- Just Some Minor Comments --

BG1EE "Recommended" version

T'was a Slow Boat from Kara-Tur is selected, but is highlighted blue.

Chantelame [EN]:
In-game text is not English.



*Big World Project* Standard version

-- Side Notes –

Ascalon's Questpack [EN] has some quest/npc texts which are either not in English or in very broken English

Mod updated (thanks to Jastey).


Silver Star NPC. The description says "You should always have Silver Star in your party if you install the mod. because if you don't do that, dialogues get scrumbled and it causes a faulty game."
Shouldn't this mod be changed to "Expert" with that in mind?

Hmm, maybe. We'll think about it.


"The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:
Mixed IWDII Fixes: The Mod itself (IWD2_sorcerers_fixes.7z)*
*  Cannot proceed installation without this essential mod."
I can't find this anywhere. Could you update the link, perhaps?

In the evening I'll try to update the link if until that time no one will upload it.


-- Side Note --
During (or after) installation, the T'Was a Long Boat from Kara-tur mod places a karatur folder in both my BG1EE Directory, AND directly in my C: Drive.

If mod does it himself, then I'm here cannot help, sorry.


About that

 ERROR: illegal 2-byte read from offset 1012322 of 8498-byte file SPWI317.SPL

ERROR: [SPWI317.SPL] -> [override/SPWI317.SPL] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("SPWI317.SPL: read out of bounds"))

 I just searched the "SPW1317.SPL" File in the "override" Folder and deleted it.

SCS puts in a new file during the installation and it seems to work

I have already tried to fix it, thanks.


One thing though: do we still need to manually replace 7zip with a never version, or this is already taken care of?

There is nothing to replace, everything is works fine.


There is a bug between Ascalon Breagar BG1 NPC (german translation [no idea if the english one is faulty as well]) and the Viconia component of BG1 NPCs at Beginning.

 If you have Ascalon with ya and meet Viconia at her new Friendly Arm Inn Spawn location, the Flaming Mercenary who is supposed to chase her will not spawn due to a new state (25/28, which triggers the spawn) in the BGVICONI.DLG with this action (which seems to be the old spawn location):

Thanks, I'll look.