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How do I kill Banco(?) -

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#1 Jude-The-Obscure

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Posted 13 July 2010 - 09:47 AM

This is the second time I've played the mod - but as my machine blew up before I got this far last time I haven't had to face this battle before. Before I ask for help let me say I simply love it - I've laughed out loud so many times my hubby thinks I've lost it :lol: I'm a fairly experienced player, but age and health problems mean I am not as fast or as sharp as I used to be, and my ability to do twenty things at once has long since vanished!

.I'm having problems killing the lich (I think his name is Banco).

I am playing a multi-mod game with Edwin?s romance, Berlinde?s Haldir and Tortured Souls (with a couple more minor mods). I?ve had no problems with clashes or hitches.

My line up is
Me ? Fighter 11 /Druid 13
Edwin - 14
Berelinde's mod - Haldamir (fighter 14)
From tortured souls ? Sime (cleric12/ ranger 11), Yoshi (bounty hunter 17) and Kachiko (kensai14/mage7)
Everyone has +3 weapons, and Armour Classes of 10 or 11 for the three tanks, -6 or -7 for the others.
I?ve got an extra Haldamir (courtesy of the helmet). Here?s most of the spells I?m using:-
Whole party ? Speed; Protection from Evil; Remove Fear, Chant, everyone has some kind of psychic protection such as mind shield or chaotic commands
Edwin ? Stoneskin; Ghost Armour; Vocalise; Fire Shield Blue; Improved Invisibility; Spell deflection; Protection from Magical Weapons; Chaotic Commands.
Kachiko ? pretty much the same as Edwin
I have a party member with true seeing.

Following the advice I?ve seen in another thread I send all my fighters in to beat up the wizards fighters. I then attempt to attack the wizards ? but I can?t. Even with true sight plus dispel invisibility I can?t target any spell on them ? including all the heavy duty remove spells I?ve got learned up. If I wait for their sanctuary spells to wear off the lich just removes all of group spells (such as speed) and then peels away Edwin?s protection ? and I get creamed long before I can touch the lesser wizards let alone the lich.

So pretty please can anyone help me? Am I trying to do this battle too soon? Have I missed an obvious step? Or (hangs head in shame) should I resort to CTRL Y?

#2 Jude-The-Obscure

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Posted 16 July 2010 - 07:55 AM

After numerous attempts I finally did it - having collected some more XP, and lot of potions and scrolls, and turning the difficulty to it's lowest setting.

#3 Aliya


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 06:38 AM

Frankly, after installing SCS with those stupid overpowered liches, this encounter with Banco turned to me like a vacation. Truly, even for a low-level party this fight is fairly easy, you just need proper buffs and equipment. Or maybe, because I've played with this mod for a *fairly* long time. :D

Some strategy guides, that I use.

1. Buff your PC and Edwin with following spells: Spell Immunity: Necromancy/Protection from Magical Energy (lvl 5/6),(to live through the Horrid Wilting), Haste (to run fast/attack), Defensive Harmony, Protection from Evil (to resist Thayan Knights Attacks), Stoneskin (if apply able) and etc. But these are the basis.

2. Give him a Contingency with Stoneskin/PFMW.

3. Leave him at the range of 30' and give him missile weapon.

The mages have spell immunity: divination on them, so true sight is pretty much useless. Try Ruby Ray, or double remove magic (or triple in spell sequencer ^_^) They are so scripted, that they DON'T use other PFMW spells, so after 24 seconds, you should chop them to pieces. :D

#4 -Snargelfargen-

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Posted 24 April 2012 - 06:26 PM

To add to the advice above, Summon Nishruu is very useful in this fight, as they are immune to magic and are in fact healed by magic damage. They do a great job of distracting the mages and Banco, letting the rest of your party concentrate on the knights.