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Known Bugs: BGT-WeiDU 0.99 BETA 4

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#1 Ascension64

  • Modder
  • 5983 posts

Posted 13 September 2005 - 10:54 PM

BGT-WeiDU 0.99 BETA 4 released! See Known Bugs: BGT-WeiDU 0.99 BETA 3 thread for changes.

Check here regularly for updates. Please DO NOT post bugs in this topic, else they will be moved or deleted.

Status: Available (download thread)
Last Updated: 10 December 2005

UPDATE (23/11/2005): BGT-WeiDU is moving out of BETA! The next version will be labelled BGT-WeiDU 0.99 ZETA, as the final 0.99 version to be issued. As you can see by the huge slew of bugfixes and changes below, this promises to be almost completely bugfree (when played standalone)! Watch this forum over the next week or two for further updates pending release...

UPDATE (29/11/2005): Not much of announcement, but this is to remind people that a hotfix is available for Ike not appearing in Durlag's Tower. The particular bug fix is bolded for easy reference.

UPDATE (10/12/2005): BGT-WeiDU 0.99 ZETA released! Check here for notes on the new version. This topic will no longer be updated.

Fixed Bugs
-Major! STATIC_PEASANT_WOMAN_MATTE is a corrupted animation
-The Xan at level 2 now has the correct 3 1st level spells memorisable instead of 2, for being a specialist mage
-Minsc now has proper ranger proficiencies, with two stars in two weapon fighting
-RICH_BG1 random treasure row, linked to RNDTRE10.ITM, was not working
-Fetching the cloak for Delainy would not remove corresponding journal entries
-Nadine would not give a PC with reaction FRIENDLY_* the reward for finding Euric
-Gorpel Hind's enemies would make the bartender and commoners hostile
-The meeting with Jaheira and Khalid could result in the same dialogue chain occurring
-Having a familiar produced errors in the Gorion's death cutscene
-Having a familiar allowed the player to kill Erik and Jondalar
-All NPCs during Shandalar's Quest that attack the party now begin with neutral allegiance
-Denkod did not disappear after Sarevok was killed
-Journal entries would not be updated if Areana's situation eventuated into the summoning of Tor Lobo
-Inside the Duchal Palace, the guards would ask for invitations and could go hostile even after invitations have been shown or the coronation has taken place
-Gorf the ogre should have started neutral
-Arkanis and Deder could follow the party into the cave leading to Candlekeep exterior, then become hostile when the party fights Prat and his party
-Fixed problem with resolving Jalantha Mistmyr's quest for the Tome of Understanding (Note: due to a previous patch, if you use the Tome of Understanding, there still is a way to resolve her quest, but you will have find that out yourself...else your party will not be cured of poison unless you charm Marek)
-Emissary Tar was named 'Body of Emissary Tar'
-Small dialogue error with Xan
-Fixed an exploit were two Child's bodies could be obtained
-Tenya no longer gives the player the Child's Body when they have not found out about Varci and Tremain's plight, but rather will become hostile if the player demands reward (Note: be careful with this one; when this happens, the party will not be able to be cured of Marek's poison, because Jalantha Mistmyr cannot be summoned to remove the geas spell from Lothander, unless Marek is charmed; also, the player will no longer be able to retrieve the Child's Body)
-Vay-ya in the Low Lantern was male instead of female in gender assignment
-The thieves who ask for the password follow the player around when you have answered correctly
-Vai's enforcers now leave with her
-Marek gives an erroneous journal entry when threatened about pursuing the Iron Throne
-Imoen, Edwin, Jaheira, and Minsc sometimes would not update their soundsets when imported into Shadows of Amn
-Silence would not call her guard properly if the player does not pay her for 'sanctuary'
-Changed GLOBAL variables for levelled NPC spawning so that they do not conflict with other mods, and may fix the problem with Imoen and Garrick not appearing
-Torlo's house (AR3100.ARE) is now accessible
-The incorrect textscreen will no longer play if you enter Nashkel Carnival before Nashkel
-Reduced frequency of CTDs in Beregost (AR6700.ARE)
-Corrected all area links in the world map contained in the installation package
-Sub-areas are no longer listed as master areas
-All remaining stray journal entries given titles and will be properly removed
-Major problems with the fight between Dynaheir, Edwin, and Minsc
-Spiders, boots, and wine quest journal entries not being removed when quest completed
-Dialogue loops with Gandolar Luckyfoot
-Officer Vai would buy all Misc. items
-Firewine Bridge journal entry being given at the wrong time
-Leaving combat training with hostiles present will cause them to follow you outside
-Edwin and Minsc will not give player the quest to rescue Dynaheir is she has already been rescued
-All Jovial Juggler items could not be purchased
-Typo in popup message when wanting to start a game from Shadows of Amn
-The map marker for the windmill in Nashkel had incorrect StrRef, because hex offset patching was incorrect
-Dialogue is disrupted after Ramazith tells Abela the Nymph to stand in the corner, causing the quest to be broken
-Dynaheir has some badly assigned soundsets for Area_Forest/Dungeon/Night
-Ike and the tourists would not appear in Durlag's Tower as normal, breaking the quest unless the player buys the wardstone off Delsvirftanyon and enters the tower him/herself (hotfix available to place in override directory - right click here and select 'Save Target As...')
-Minsc's banter dialogue had the unrenamed sounds assigned to them
-Melicamp had incorrect dialogue if you spoke to him directly after Thalantyr transformed him back into a humanoid
-Kissiq would still talk about Melicamp the chicken even after he has been brought to Thalantyr, leaving a permanent journal entry
-Polish BGMain.exe has different offset for starting XP (workaround while waiting for complete Polish translation by providing a 'Polish' English installation language)
-Critical! Imoen not appearing in Spellhold when playing a BG2 only game

Gameplay changes
-Major! Ulgoth's Beard and related areas are now accessible BEFORE the death of Sarevok; the transition altered for consistency
-Removed joinable NPC excuses for leaving during the transition; they just 'disappear' before the cutscene starts now
-Branwen, Eldoth, Skie, and Xan will now leave upon transition to Shadows of Amn
-Geography of the Sword Coast altered to more closely reflect classic Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast
-Worldmap downsized to remove redundant graphic

Installation changes
-Code optimisations
-Compatibility with 'old' BG2 Baldurdash (SCRL3I and MISC83 renamed)
-Complete overhaul of dialogue installation system
-Pre-made characters from Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast are now imported
-For English installations, Baldurdash Game Text Update 1.1 is used for dialogue importation
-Compatibility with TDD-WeiDU v1.04 or above (this means that earlier versions of TDD-WeiDU are now rendered incompatible with BGT-WeiDU)
-Compatibility with CtB v1.6 or above (earlier versions of CtB are rendered incompatible)
-Compatibility with TS v6.0 or above (earlier versions of TS are rendered incompatible; WARNING! Be careful with using this in the mega-modification context. It has not been confirmed compatible)
-Not really a 'new' feature, but TDD and SoS support REMOVED from the world map, since it was getting redundant (i.e. based on very old versions of those two mods); therefore, Yacomo's Worldmap MUST be installed for TDD and SoS compatibility, not mentioning that it is the same for CtB and any other mods that add to the world map
-All tweaks removed (use DEF JAM instead for XP reduction)
-Dynamic menu screen system (courtesy of KD)
-Developer's Documentation v0.5
-Fixes of classic BG bugs catalogued

Edited by Ascension64, 10 December 2005 - 06:22 AM.

Retired Modder
Note: I do not respond to profile comments/personal messages in regards to troubleshooting my modifications. Please post on the public forums instead.

Baldur's Gate Trilogy-WeiDU and Mods
Throne of Bhaal Extender (TobEx)

Contributions: (NWN2) A Deathstalker (voice acting) - (IWD2) IWD2 NPC Project (soundset editing) - (Misc) SHS PC Soundsets (voice acting)
Legacy: (BG/Tutu/BGT) Beregost Crash Fixer 1.9 (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Enable conversations with charmed/dominated creatures (18 Jul 10) - (BG2) Experience Corrections (18 Jul 10) - (Misc) Platform Conversion Utility RC2 (13 Feb 10)