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I have a MoD suggestion

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#1 Bruno

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Posted 22 January 2005 - 06:28 AM

Hey there, fellas.
I have been wondering how easy the ToB battles are. I only have to put my mind to work with Improved Sendai (even Ascension is easy when you know the tactics).
On the other hand , certain challenges in the game should be easy to keep up the world balance . I mean , how can all of the drow in Sendai Enclave have enough XP to use high level abilities?

My conclusion is :
Game too easy= Game gets Boring
Although it will still be easy if you just try to improve the battles by increasing the enemies' level and combat abilities . Now here's my suggestion:

Large Scale Battles

It has been done before on a mod or two and I must say I liked it because even when it's easy , it's still fun . Fighting a real army before facing Yaga-Shura would be really fun cause , even if those low level soldiers can't possibly defeat you , fighting about 100 of them will provide a very LotR-like feeling.

Another example would the Ritual quest . I mean , your party can have 6million XP each , but you will always have fun with it because it's a large scale battle and you can't rest .

That's my suggestion . Tell me what you think.

#2 Seifer


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Posted 22 January 2005 - 11:52 AM

And what game sections have you identified that are suitable for lagescale army deployments?

how come you always look so damn cool in every photo I see you in?!?

Speaking of modding, I listened to IER 3 yesterday, so you can have another quote for your signature: how come you sound so damn cool, as well as look it? It's unfair. Seriously.

Still a cyberjock, still hacking the matrix, still unsure of what that means.

TeamBG member - http://www.teambg.eu

#3 Oni

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Posted 26 January 2005 - 12:15 PM

Actually, it'd be more interesting if the PC's had common soldiers on their side as well (as in they were a smaller part of a larger force) and they could help with planning and troop deployment decisions before hand that would change the specifics of the battle (more/less enimies, how many/what kind of allies you have. Such as one plan might be to summon a bunch of dangerous monsters into the middle of the enemy army to destabalise them and so when you and your troops attack there'd be your side, the enemy side and a bunch of monsters attacking both sides). If done right it could be interesting.

As a side note, has anyone thought of doing a ToB Extension pack? You know, something to add quests to it and make it an all around longer experience?

#4 jcompton

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Posted 26 January 2005 - 02:06 PM

As a side note, has anyone thought of doing a ToB Extension pack? You know, something to add quests to it and make it an all around longer experience?

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There certainly are already mods that add on to the TOB experience. But there are two very different schools of thought about modding TOB.

One is that it's so bad that it doesn't really feel terribly satisfying to augment.

The other is that it's so bad, modding it creates great value, since the content is much easier to notice as a major improvement. (Compared to, say, SOA, where it can get "lost in the shuffle.")