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Armour Description Formatting

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#1 SimDing0



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Posted 22 October 2005 - 07:59 AM

I'd like to propose some changes to the descriptions for armour and shields, which I think would improve clarity.

Currently, there's no space between the description paragraph and the STATISTICS section (same with SPECIAL ABILITIES where that applies)-- and with armour especially, the STATISTICS section is obscenely long.

I'd suggest armour descriptions might follow the format of, for example:

~In his aging years, Baron T'rachie coveted the wife of the lowly foot soldier Libol.  Instead of openly pursuing her and causing a scandal, he instead created this suit of armor.  He gifted it to the soldier.  This armor's curse sickened Libol and hideously disfigured him, and his wife fled from him in disgust.  Libol, trapped in the armor but not certain of T'rachie's treachery asked to be sent to the wastes for a dangerous tour of duty against marauding ogres.  He never returned and Baron T'rachie was free to pursue Libol's widow.  This armor is cursed and requires powerful magic to remove.

Armor Class: -2
Damage Resistances:
  Slashing: +30%
  Piercing: +20%
  Crushing: +5%
  Missile:  +20%
  Dexterity: -2
  Movement Rate: -10%
  Spell Failure: +35%
  Pick Pockets: -70%
  Lock Picking: -40%
  Find/Remove Traps: -40%
  Move Silently: -75%
  Hide in Shadows: -65%
Weight: 35
Requires: 12 Strength

  Reduces Charisma by 5 points and Constitution by 2 points

Not Usable By:
  Beast Master

This seems a lot more readable to me, and is fairly consistent with other items in the game. Notice also that I've moved AC up to the top of the list, since I think it's too important to be hidden half way down. Additionally, in the original description for the above item, the Movement rate penalty was mentioned twice; I've consigned it to the Penalties section, which seems like a good place to categorize reductions based on armour type.

What do you guys think?

Oh, incidentally, does anything happen to my ability to set traps if I put on Full Plate Mail?

Edited by SimDing0, 22 October 2005 - 08:00 AM.

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#2 the bigg

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Posted 22 October 2005 - 08:29 AM

Set traps doesn't get changed for now (may ba changed, of course - I wonder why nobody [including you] noted this while the mod was in production, but it's not a biggie to change of course, so NP :) ).

For the descriptions, I think you'll have to wait for Littiz (as he chose the prototype and made all the work). One thing that I'd note in 'your' style is that Weight and Requires lines go to the bottom for similarity with other descriptions in-game.
Erm, that is also in our style, so..

BTW, Littiz originally posted his thoughts here: http://www.shsforums...ndpost&p=220613, while you're waiting for him to appear and debate more extensively.

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#3 Littiz

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Posted 25 October 2005 - 04:02 AM

Nothing against a revision of the format, only problem being time.

I say we should wait to have some more things to add/change (like more items from mods) before revising the whole thing :)
We might even receive some feedback about the functionality of the system, after all. ;)

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