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The Big World Project: an unauthorized mirror

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#41 Kamui2040

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Posted 09 December 2007 - 04:36 AM

Of course Leonardo should have asked for the permission of the modders in first place

I am not the guy that made these packages or installed that server!
After I have posted my first install order about one year ago in a German forum, someone else created these packages and updated them until now. I like this service very well, however, I have nothing to do with it, so don't make me responsible!

Sorry i missunderstood you. I've been to the german forum now and since i speak german i've noticed that you weren't the one to post those packs.
So it resumes to that someone else made the packs that Leonard is getting the blame for, but either way i would love to see more modders actually posting their opinions here, and make a statement whether they would support this project one way or the other or not. I mean the actual bugfixing here.

Edited by Kamui2040, 09 December 2007 - 04:37 AM.

#42 quinlan

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Posted 10 December 2007 - 08:26 AM


As a mode player i post here.

BUT - I don't have to understand everything. No matter the motivations, ideas, or even the online personalities of a modder, they have spent hours and hours of their life building, tweaking, and testing stuff to make this come into being. For that reason alone, it is a gesture of respect to read the ReadMe file, and to (if the modder is still around) ask them if it is ok to redistribute their stuff.

Maybe if we lived in a perfect world things would be different. By perfect i mean a self-sacrificing one, a community-only one, where the need for personal acquisition never arose to anyone. Here money has no interest. They are making programs and we players play them. Yet even without economical considerations, some modders demand respect. You cannot demand respect, you can ONLY receive it. Otherwise it has no meaning. The downside is that it won't always work out well. You may never hear a thank you. So what?! To tell you the truth, my opinion is that some people need to have control over something, need to own it and have other people come every time and ask for it. It is a very basic urge and i don't mean to condemn it or agree with it. I like ownership, but i like it because when i decide to give something of mine, it makes me feel good that i have contributed. Not all people are like this, to want to give for the fun of it and have no need for repeated knocks on their doors afterwards.

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#43 theacefes


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Posted 19 December 2007 - 02:49 AM

I haven't been around for a week or two and I was tipped to this thread.

Whoever maintains this mod, I ask that they please remove my mods from this compilation, my reasoning being that although the technical components of the mod are not mine, the original content (writing, voicing, music) is. I will express that I would have preferred to have gotten at least a PM regarding this. I do not need help in hosting my mods, so adding my mods to this is not doing me any favors. I'm sure it won't kill people to type in G3 in their browser to find them if they really feel like adding yet more NPC mods to their already staggering install.

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#44 -Guest-

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Posted 22 December 2007 - 07:06 AM

I don't know if anything anyone says will get them taken down. From what I've read I understand that the person who made the packs doesn't come to this forum. You could try over in whatever German community site they're talking about though.

#45 Kulyok

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Posted 22 December 2007 - 07:14 AM

The mods had actually been taken on the next morning after I posted this topic: I reported abuse both at Rapidshare.com and fastshare.de.

(An interesting fact: I actually only reported abuse for several of these downloads, since I don't have anything to do with, for, say, TDD - but even those I have not reported had been taken down, as well).

Really, it wasn't an especially clever move: Rapidshare doesn't allow plugins such as Flashget, making a possibility of a corrupted download go up. I could understand if another IE-oriented mirror sprang up, such as Dragonshoard or IEGMC, but this was just random.

#46 Bloodtitan

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Posted 23 December 2007 - 12:28 AM

you file abuse reports for downloads you have nothing to do with just because someone maybe could take offend in that mirror ? without having consulted the responsible persons on either side ?

speaks volume of you.

#47 Salk

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Posted 23 December 2007 - 12:32 AM


Kulyok said that she reported abuse for only a number of mods but that others had been taken down as well by the host's initiative.

Edited by Salk, 23 December 2007 - 12:33 AM.

#48 ronin

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Posted 23 December 2007 - 01:54 AM

you file abuse reports for downloads you have nothing to do with just because someone maybe could take offend in that mirror ? without having consulted the responsible persons on either side ?

speaks volume of you.

LOL... I agree, pretty damn childish.

#49 Ascension64

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Posted 23 December 2007 - 02:06 AM

If insults continue to be hurled, this topic is going to be over.

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#50 ronin

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Posted 23 December 2007 - 03:19 AM

If insults continue to be hurled, this topic is going to be over.

That would be the best thing that could happen to this topic.

#51 SConrad


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Posted 23 December 2007 - 12:50 PM

you file abuse reports for downloads you have nothing to do with just because someone maybe could take offend in that mirror ? without having consulted the responsible persons on either side ?

speaks volume of you.

LOL... I agree, pretty damn childish.

No, that's not what happened - please see Kulyok's post again.

Kulyok filed abuse reports on certain specific files because they contained material under her copyright. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that - it's completely in her right to make such a request.

The host then decided to, in addition to removing her files, take down the files she hadn't reported, as well. That's their choice and can't be blamed on Kulyok.

In the future, please check the facts by actually reading the post you're attacking before you spew abuse at someone. To emphasize what Ascension64 said; if this topic can't carry on without insults, it's going to be over.

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#52 ronin

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Posted 23 December 2007 - 01:51 PM

That would be the best thing that could happen to this topic.

see above

#53 -Guest-

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Posted 23 December 2007 - 01:58 PM

Hi! I lost the argument, so I think this thread sucks and it would be best if it were locked!

#54 Psykotik

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Posted 27 December 2007 - 05:13 PM

I recommend you use the same approach as does the APT command in Debian Linux and derivatives. Basically, it will scan a series of hyperlinked repositories for updated packages (via a configurable sources.list file), present that list to you so you can select which you want to install, resolve any conflicts or dependencies (i.e., you can't install both mod A and B, or you need mod A to install B), then download the packages and install them. In fact, I sort of thought this was the goal of the Big World Project.

That was going to be WeiGUI/WeiDB. Of course, I never got around to actually doing it, but this may change soon: I'm going to write them as my graduation project - if it gets accepted as a valid project, that is.

So, any good news, the bigg ? :whistling:

#55 Votum

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Posted 28 December 2007 - 09:31 AM

LOL You guys are a bunch of children, LW is doing a good thing, and your pissed off because your IMAGINARY copyrights are infringed upon? I would go as far to say that none of you actually have a copyright. When you write "Copyright -modder- 2006" it dosen't make it copyrighted, and so your bitching moot points. Has any of you whined to torrent sites because I guarantee you there are some compilations on them, I have all the mods for my mega install on a CD and a folder on my desktop, I dont care if they are out of date, they work together and thats what matters, Are you going to bring a suit if I give the CD to a friend or email the folder? I think not, because you wrote a piece of material which is not copyrighted, and you uploaded it onto the web. That makes it free game as far as I am concerned. Does anyone here use linux? Are you familiar with the Ubuntu or Gentoo styles of updating apps? They have databases with 15-20 thousand files maintained in them, you open a command line, type the update command (different for every distro) and hit enter. BAM all of your files are updated. You dont need a gui, gui is for weaklings anyway. Seriously though, stop your BS over fake copyrights, are you really going to lose sleep because some out-dated version of your mod is up for download on some polish (african, aborigene, britiish, honduran) website? If you say yes, your a damn liar, and everyone knows it, so just stop the political child's play, and it is child's play because your stupid arguments stem from the fact that it makes you unhappy, you don't write mods to make yourself happy, because they wouldn't be on the internet if you did. Knock it off please.

#56 kovarex

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Posted 28 December 2007 - 10:42 AM

Hello, I understand your worries only partially

I'm building unauthorized mirror of mods, and I have big black title "Unauthorized mirror" on the page, isn't it enough? :)

As the mirror is part of my database, that contains readmes, components their descriptions and install order of these components, I have to update the database with every new version anyway, so why wouldn't I have there these files (packed all the same way with 7z) also?

I don't know if you have something like list of mirrors/ppl to send new versions, if so you can put me there, or I can email every modder and give him access rights to the database (limited to his mod) so he can update his mod there.

You can look at the growing database at http://www.kovarex.c...mes/baldur/mods and the customizable installation autoinstaller generator at http://www.kovarex.c...ateInstallation

#57 ronin

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Posted 28 December 2007 - 11:10 AM

Dont worry about it.

What are they going to do, sue you? lmao

#58 Kulyok

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Posted 28 December 2007 - 11:46 AM

Yesterday, I went to a restaurant, not far from my home. The food was superb, but the waiter took her time - it took her about fifty minutes to bring me my change. She also short-changed me half a dollar. (Wages here in Russia are about 1/5th of American ones, so you can call it three dollars. Whatever).

I came home and registered a complaint at the restaurant's website. The next morning, a manager called me, apologized, and assured me it will not happen again - the waiter in question got disciplinary action.

When I saw that someone dumped my mods into a package, I treated it as pretty much the same thing. I wrote to the site's management, and I notified other modders that their work was treated like garbage. I might well do it again, and will.

If somebody wishes to act differently, it is his mod and his copyright. This is mine. Do not mirror my mods without my permission.

#59 Kaeloree


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Posted 28 December 2007 - 02:08 PM

One more abusive post in this thread and it will be locked. Last warning.

#60 ronin

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Posted 28 December 2007 - 02:12 PM

I said it before and I say it again, lock this post because its freaking meaningless and utterly rediculous, no disciplinary action can be taken against anyone that posts a mod done by someone else.