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Member Since 30 Jun 2003
Offline Last Active Jul 04 2003 05:04 AM

Topics I've Started

armor restriction

01 July 2003 - 12:37 PM

If anyone knows:...
I've made a thief kit for my NPC designed to be a fighter thief. I want the kit to be unable to use any armor (or maybe just a cloak, haven't decided yet). Appropriate protection is done with the clab file as she levels up. Now for the NPC that is easy enough, I created an invisible and undroppable armor in the appropriate slot. My question is if someone wants to play this kit as PC. I couldn't find anything in clab files for kensai, WS, mage, etc that has an AP spell concerning armor. I know the items that come with game have items as unusable for appropriate kit/class but this doesn't solve problem of imported items not correctly made. I'm trying now to make undisplayable armor item and AP spell (createiteminslot...) for clab file. (Bombing out if at level 1, probably will have to be at level 9). But this does not solve problem if I want to allow kit to wear cloaks, but only cloaks. Is this unsolvable ("hard wired in game") or does anyone happen to have any suggestions. Thanks, David