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Member Since 06 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 06 2011 02:35 PM

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In Topic: NPCs Instigating Crashes

06 March 2011 - 02:25 PM

I don't think your crashes have anything to do with my mod. The "small buildings crash" (which is a widescreen mod issue BTW) happens the moment you try to enter a small building, and it's an area problem, it's not related to NPCs. Anyway, to be sure it's not my UI, you could uninstall my mod and try to talk to mebbeth again (don't worry, If you re-install afterwards at the same resolution, it will be OK -EDIT: JUST DON"T SAVE THE GAME WHILE YOU"RE AT IT !).

Now, what you're talking about sounds mostly like something you should search about in the fixpack forums. I think I've read reports before, about the game crashing when initiating dialog with certain NPCs, but can't recall specifics.

Will do, thanks for your response.