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Member Since 31 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2022 03:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [MOD] Sub-Zero Companion

04 December 2021 - 11:12 PM

Sub Zero. Lin Kuei clan. And... Bi-Han...


Very cute. Reminds me of the old days when the original games first came out and everyone was excitedly trying modding NPCs of various quality and levels of cheese. At least this one doesn't take up a party slot so that's an improvement.

In Topic: Atweaks and Sword Coast Stratagem

06 November 2021 - 10:13 AM

Readme from latest version of SCS still states:



aTweaks was designed to function with SCS, but is now quite out of date (and not currently maintained). It is designed to be installed after SCS. (This is an exception to the usual rule that SCS should be installed last.) At the moment I'm fairly sure its Fiend components are at least partially incompatible with SCS Smarter Mages and Improved Fiends; to be safe, use one or the other. Its other components are probably compatible with SCS.



i.e. Use at your own risk. Nothing in the readme about any sort of fix addressing aTweaks Fiends components.

In Topic: aTweak and Stratagems Test

06 November 2021 - 10:12 AM

DavidW, the author of SCS, seemingly fixed this bug in SCS 33.4.


Readme from latest version of SCS still states:



aTweaks was designed to function with SCS, but is now quite out of date (and not currently maintained). It is designed to be installed after SCS. (This is an exception to the usual rule that SCS should be installed last.) At the moment I'm fairly sure its Fiend components are at least partially incompatible with SCS Smarter Mages and Improved Fiends; to be safe, use one or the other. Its other components are probably compatible with SCS.



i.e. Use at your own risk. Nothing in the readme about any sort of fix addressing aTweaks Fiends components.