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Member Since 21 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 08 2013 01:23 PM

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In Topic: Purpose of these two effects on the "Enhanced Jester Song"?

23 September 2013 - 05:52 PM

Thanks very much for the response, Any idea of how i can change the order of effects with Near Infinity without having to delete them one by one?
NI does not have that functionality.
Edit: Also why is it only the Enhanced song that has them instead of the normal songs?
RR#BJS04 is lingering song. Its effects persist for longer than 1 round, unlike the normal or enhanced Jester songs. If lingering song was cumulative, it could potentially stack with itself up to 3 times from just a single singing Jester. Normal, round-long songs don't need to be non-cumulative because the effects expire before they can accumulate.



Aaah, Yes, I saw that it was the lingering song, It makes more sense now. Again thanks to Avenger and you for the amazing mod. Still loving it after all this time :)


And yeah thats what i feared about NI, I couldnt find that feature



 Thanks very much for the response, Any idea of how i can change the order of effects with Near Infinity without having to delete them one by one?
NI does not have that functionality.

I think you can sort of emulate it by cutting and pasting effects (they will move to the bottom).


Yeah thats sadly what i was doing before but thanks for the help anyway :)

In Topic: Purpose of these two effects on the "Enhanced Jester Song"?

22 September 2013 - 07:10 AM

They make the song non-cumulative. At this level, the song has several blocks of effects with different saving throws, hence the different saving throws on these two effects. Note that the order of the effects matter. These two effects are located after the relevant other effects and won't prevent any preceeding effects from affecting the target.


Thanks very much for the response, Any idea of how i can change the order of effects with Near Infinity without having to delete them one by one?


Edit: Also why is it only the Enhanced song that has them instead of the normal songs?