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Member Since 24 Sep 2021
Online Last Active Today, 01:16 PM

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In Topic: Sylmar - Elves vs Orcs Battlefield

19 January 2025 - 06:07 AM

No, there are no plans to update this mod further.


At least, not for a long time, as many other mods take precedence.

In Topic: Sylmar - Elves vs Orcs Battlefield

07 January 2025 - 11:12 AM

Attached File  Syl.png   1.15MB   11 downloads


It work on BGT (screenshot).


For BG2 you need to replace ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~bg2 bgt~ by ACTION_IF GAME_IS ~tob bgt~ (line 90 in tp2)


And after that it should work for oBG2 too.

In Topic: Sylmar - Elves vs Orcs Battlefield

20 December 2024 - 02:26 PM

map loading = crash.

The map don't crash on my side,you should try on a clean game without your previous installations.


Attached File  eee.jpg   165.92K   23 downloads



Also french installation proposed, why? there's no fully french translation.


Why not ? Like mentionned this draft is not a release, it's the beginning of an update and the beginning of a translation.

In Topic: Sylmar - Elves vs Orcs Battlefield

10 December 2024 - 09:17 AM

I have started to update the mod long ago before having much modding knowledge.


This archive will not crash anymore.


Also it is traified and with BWP little fixe.



I think battle scripts should be revised for some creatures, but this version should allow players to play the quest.


I didn't test it enough and wasn't confident enough at the time to propose something final.


If Deratiseur or other want to do some tests and give feedback.



Anyway there is still some work to do on it.




Attached File  1SylmAlphaUP.part1.rar   2MB   26 downloads

Attached File  1SylmAlphaUP.part2.rar   1.79MB   22 downloads

In Topic: Paladins of Faerun Quest Pack

14 March 2024 - 01:00 PM

Hello !


Paladins of Faerun is reasonably stable and should not create issue with the rest of the game.


But it's not ready. I proceed quests by quests and the review is not finished yet. (the main quest is not reviewed yet...)


Some areas will still have some glitchs, not much and not gamebreaking but still.




Its official status is currently work in progress.


So I cannot encourage to integrate Paladins of Faerun as it is in a playtrough.


Of course if you not afraid to try feedbacks are welcome.




I am sorry to be so slow, between translations and others mods it's not always easy to find time, also my motivation is a little low lately for certain reasons.


There is no finish line at sight actually, but the work goes on and PoF will be updated.





The english translation need a big proofreading, (If anyone is interested ...)



EDIT : If someone want to test the work in progress, use the master version !!! (Green Button "CODE" then Download ZIP)