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Member Since 17 Nov 2002
Offline Last Active Jun 07 2009 10:21 PM

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Seeking writers

04 June 2005 - 10:16 PM

You probably like to involve chains, unless I miss my guess. ;)

Since I just stumbled upon this thread in my search for the Ultimate BG2 Build (aka. "modded to Hell and back and then to Hell's Half-Acre for a picnic"), I haven't yet looked at your mod, but if I had more of a sense what Stivan was up to...and just who Stivan is...I could throw together some simple bits for you to peruse. It'll give me a chance to feel like I'm contributing to the community even though I haven't successfully gotten a mod past the 50% mark on my own (coding is my Achilles' heel).

I'm not totally altruistic, however. I see this as in insidious way to potentially recruit your particular talents in the future... :ph34r: