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Member Since 03 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2009 01:33 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Code for advancing quest

23 August 2007 - 10:28 PM

Thanks a lot, i'll try that.

In Topic: Big problem

09 October 2006 - 07:19 PM

Well, for some reason the check doesn't work as it should, cause he doesn't disappear at all. He stays as long as i stay; actually, in the Gate area of Baldur's Gate, i have two dogs spawning; if i Ctrl-Y him, next time i enter the area, he spawns again.

In Topic: Big problem

09 October 2006 - 01:32 AM

Well, i wandered with Cuchy a lot, did a lot of quests all around, and in the end i did the Daerthmac castle quest; i'm not sure i exceeded the 10 days limit, but sure as hell did a lot of quests in lots of areas before going to Daerthmac. After finishing the quest, Cuchy left my party allright. But the dog keeps spawning in each area previously visited with Cuchy in party.

In Topic: Irenicus dungeon

09 October 2006 - 01:28 AM

Yep, sorry. There was another key i didn't see, obviously named "Portal key". Thanks.

In Topic: DSNTotSC WM6 Version Running Bug List

04 October 2006 - 09:55 PM

There is also a bug i found :
After speaking to Nadalin who gives me the fire salamanders quest, the worldmap doesn't update with Northern Coast location, so i had to CLUA myself there.

Also, in the Otho nephew quest, there is a cave (you reach it from the area looking like the end of Naskhel mines, where Mullahey was -- but not inside Mullahey's lair -- and exiting around it and to the right) where if I rest, it always spawns a "fell ghast", I kill it, and when i try to sleep again in that place, the game ALWAYS crashes with black screen and everything. I can rest in any other place, though.