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Silver Raven

Member Since 30 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 17 2005 12:44 AM

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In Topic: Bloody Thieves

12 December 2005 - 10:58 AM

Nalia ring aswell (couldn't confirm , not in my party, but she has an unremovable ring)

In Topic: Priest reaching lvl21+

12 December 2005 - 09:50 AM

U can delete all the spells u think u'll never use...but don't touch spells that some monsters casts...it's messy job but the spells deleted directly don't appear any more.

which ones ?

so far i only removed earthquake (a piece of crap imho)
but when the cleric lvl up & rested she got the spell back (for info earthquake is used by one type of monster in SoS, deletion didn't prevent to get the spell back)

i understand why there's the ranger-cleric glove now in BP, whish pure cleric can use them.

In Topic: Priest reaching lvl21+

12 December 2005 - 04:02 AM

You could use SK and delete some spells you know you dont use then load your game and level up.


k i tried this, but unfortunatly the game gives me back the spell i removed

was max lvl 7 spells, removed 1 with SK
then lvlup at lvl24 picked up one new HLA and rest
after i rested the game gave me back the spell i removed previously and so pushed out of the page the last spell writen at the bottom right.
and yes the spell pushed out is still present in the spells list , but not accessible from the book

although if edit the save game after lvled up, that's works, i believe i will need to do this every lvl the cleric will gain <_<

In Topic: Bloody Thieves

12 December 2005 - 02:45 AM

Imoen doesn't have her belt after the Asylum (well that happened to me)

unremovable item not given back (those from my party members)
-Edwin's Amullet -> MISC89
-Abyssina's Necklace (Valygar necklace) -> VALNECK1

well i edited my savegame with SK to get them back.

In Topic: Priest reaching lvl21+

10 December 2005 - 01:05 PM

no clue.
as far i know each time u gain a priest lvl u get all spells regardless this lvl and as i saw tdd adds some spells the cleric / druid / ranger the first time they lvl up (depends the ranger's wisdom though, if u look at Minsc, eh, he won't get any spell at his first lvl up :P), The idea , although would be convinient.

number of priest lvl7 spells + tdd spells = 14 , yikes, that let 2 slots for quests spells ....