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Member Since 13 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 06 2006 12:32 AM

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In Topic: help... i cant get oldman to talk to me? 1st area

06 February 2006 - 12:26 AM

Edited by Ascension64 @29 January 2006 10:10PM: fixed quotes

ERROR: Sys_error("BG1D/IMOEN2Ja.D: No such file or directory")

Weird. It seems that your pre-installation setup screwed up somehow. What is your BG1 directory, and what did you type in to the prompt?

anyway it come up fine at the end of the 4 part install

this happens after you do preinstall and then do main install and it says something about being a 4 part process
What do you mean by a 4-part install? And if there is an error, it is not fine to continue. I would try to install from scratch?

....i loaded it and when to very start of game (candle keep) so i go all over candle keep and go up to my old man...and he doesnt want to chat so i can leave the 1st area.

What version of BG1, BG2:SoA, and BG2:ToB did you have before you started installing BGT-WeiDU? What languages are they for all those three mentioned?

Have you installed any other modifications BEFORE BGT-WeiDU? What about AFTER? If you answer yes to any of these, EXACTLY what was installed

[color=#3366FF]nothing else has been added or mods of any sort

i have now been able to get out of candle keep and prob now is minsic doesnt chat.....

nothing has been installed before or after
what was installed......bg1 in c:/bg2.....and tsc....then bg2 and tob...... was installed in same directory then.....i installed bgt preinstall then bgt install
bg1 is the 5 disc set
bg2 i dont know what version...
bgt is weidu version

In Topic: help... i cant get oldman to talk to me? 1st area

29 January 2006 - 01:41 AM

Edited by Ascension64 @29 January 2006 10:10PM: fixed quotes

ERROR: Sys_error("BG1D/IMOEN2Ja.D: No such file or directory")

Weird. It seems that your pre-installation setup screwed up somehow. What is your BG1 directory, and what did you type in to the prompt?

anyway it come up fine at the end of the 4 part install

this happens after you do preinstall and then do main install and it says something about being a 4 part process
What do you mean by a 4-part install? And if there is an error, it is not fine to continue. I would try to install from scratch?

....i loaded it and when to very start of game (candle keep) so i go all over candle keep and go up to my old man...and he doesnt want to chat so i can leave the 1st area.

What version of BG1, BG2:SoA, and BG2:ToB did you have before you started installing BGT-WeiDU? What languages are they for all those three mentioned?

Have you installed any other modifications BEFORE BGT-WeiDU? What about AFTER? If you answer yes to any of these, EXACTLY what was installed?

[color=#3366FF]nothing else has been added or mods of any sort

i have now been able to get out of candle keep and prob now is minsic doesnt chat.....