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Member Since 20 May 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2006 03:36 PM

Topics I've Started

BGT and Polish fonts

28 August 2006 - 07:44 AM

Hey guys.

I have this annoying problem - i've recently decided to do the BGT Mega-Install. All went fine, i start a new game, and notice that all polish letters are screwed up. (yeah, both my bg's are polish versions)

Well, not "screwed up", more like replaced with other letters. I wanted to get to the root of the problem, and first thing that came to my mind was checking out the dialog.tlk file. So i did, and i noticed that only the text imported by BGT from my BG1 was "corrupted". I cut out the "corrupted" text, and fixed it. But when i try to run the game with the modified file it crashes. I guess it's due to some checksum error, or, more likely, i screw up some dialogue strings when i manually modify the text.

Anyway, the question is - what do i need to do to apply the changes i made and do it so the game won't choke up on them? I tried toying with various weidu options, but couldn't figure it out, it's black magic for me.

Someone please help me. Pretty please, with sugar on top. :)


20 May 2006 - 12:45 PM

Hey people.

I want to translate some weidu mods and custom npc's to my native language (polish), for my personal use. I have some questions related to my endeavour.

First of all, are the .tra files the only files i need to edit in order for the translation to work (that's in relation to, say, item mods like Sorcerer's Place Item Pack), or do i need to edit other files as well?

Second, where do i begin with the translation of npc's? Is it the same as in normal mods, or do i need some extra tools or somesuch?

Oh, and please excuse my noobishness and don't get angry if i just asked questions you guys had to answer a million times. My connection is crap atm due to b-band limit and i can't afford/don't have the patience to scrounge thru hundreds of topics and forums.