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Member Since 10 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2007 01:48 AM

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In Topic: Female Romance mod

26 June 2007 - 05:49 AM

This WIP is continued here

In Topic: Female Romance mod

19 May 2007 - 12:31 PM

Hi, and thank you for your thoughtful reply - I need comments such as these to help me with my writing and to keep me on track :-)

I think I am aiming my mod in general at women who enjoy RPG mods with romance in, as there seem to be lots of ladies who want them (cf. the NWN 2 forums and the Baldurs Gate ones) but pitifully few mods written for us. Most of what is out there seems to be for male PC's....I kinda got sick of whinging about it and decided to do something instead. What I'm trying to do is capture the atmosphere of those two Baldurs Gate mods, as I have never read anything like them before or since and would like to make my work similar (although it is many, many miles from being identical) I am expecting most players never to have played BG, as it has been out for some years now.

> "Tsujatha who???" That's an exact crippling drawback of the crossovers that you are making worse by building the character's background on an obscure piece of AU lore,
Grin - there is only me and readers of these forums that actually know that piece of obscurity. I never mention anything about that in the actual mod, other than he got dragged across from another plane. I thought it would be like an Easter egg for any BG players out there to go "ah - hah!" over, if you see what I mean :rolleyes:

> Don't you think that a female concieved in the Morrowind setting deserves to romance first and foremost a character that is derived from that very setting, the character thatr does not do *my* setting is sooo much cooler than yours so my author went into special troubles to import me!"
There is a missing piece of information here.... the mod I'm doing is actually a complete re-write of a mod called "A Drow Story", which was a romance for male PC's, that never seemed to do particularly well (Before anyone shouts plagarism, the author of this states that anyone can do anything with his mod <_< ) I'm using this original quest to re-hang a new story on (I am completely new to computer programming, so needed something to get me started....a kind person overhauled the original, slightly buggy script for me). This original never gave any reason why this Drow has suddenly appeared in Morrowind, so I'm kinda inventing one. The story, as it develops is turning out to be one of alienation - the PC is a "stranger in a strange land", as is Indwell, the Drow.

Any other suggestions/discussions are most welcome, especially from anyone has experienced "A Drow Story"


In Topic: Female Romance mod

19 May 2007 - 10:03 AM

Here's some screenshots of the hero
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In Topic: Female Romance mod

19 May 2007 - 03:40 AM

Tsujatha had a half drow son??? :blink:
Are you sure you aren't thinking of Bioware's epilogue for Viconia and the pc?
Yup - there are several different epilogues for him, one mentioning this half-drow son. I don't know whether this was a back reference to a (at the time) unsuccessful flirt he had with Viconia. I think this is the epilogue for the non-romance, friendship path ...SLIGHT SPOILER


The character I am writing isn't the half-drow mentioned, but another son by the same woman.. he got drawn from Myth Drannor to Tamriel by a powerful mage

Managed to contact the authors of the Anomen flirt pack, so Kulyok, you can stop worrying <_< As I suspected, I got a prompt, full answer. I hope this is of interest to other writers thinking of doing a similar thing.
They said "Thank you for asking, but no, in general I do not approve of our content being lifted wholesale and used in other places. As you say, if you adapt it beyond casual recognition, nobody's going to be the wiser. But just dropping it in and changing the word "Anomen" to "(your character here)", no please"

Makes sense to me - I work as a college lecturer and if any student handed in an assignment containing a direct download, I wouldn't be at all happy! However, if the piece in question is rewritten using the students own words and the original author referenced, it is then OK and becomes "research" . I suppose if we couldn't build on one anothers ideas, mankind would never have progressed :wacko:
I have only used three lines from Anomen so far (out of about 280 of my own!) so I've now re-written them in my own words, but hopefully captured the essence behind them. When I'm in the mood, I'll start on re-writing the Tsujatha intense romance scenes, interweaving them with my own ideas, but once again, attempting to capture the atmosphere and essence behind the original.

My objective is to write a good romance story for women...and in my humble opinion, Anomen and Tsujatha are the BEST out there (willing to listen to other suggestions here!!!) They bought me so much pleasure (and good, honest escapism!) I'd like players who like mythic romance to experience the essence of these characters, but set in a different universe. Perhaps they will then go back and appreciate the original all the more.

In Topic: Female Romance mod

18 May 2007 - 10:16 AM

At present, I have mainly added a few snippings from the Anomen flirt-pack.

Um, why are you asking about using dialogue from Tsujatha, but you're all right with using Anomen's flirtpack without the authors' permission? It is the same situation: it has been done and copyrighted by someone else.

!!Its not out yet anywhere, apart from on my computer!! I'm in the process of asking for advice before I put it out, and the writers of the Anomen flirt-pack are perhaps more active. I am at present searching for the forum related to that one. If the answer is no, obviously, I will change what I use....... One has to start somewhere :devil: