Just found this.
09 November 2015 - 04:54 AM
Just found this.
04 November 2015 - 05:08 AM
Hmm yeah, that might be it. Thanks for looking into it so fast.
04 November 2015 - 03:32 AM
I've reproduced the Nishruu attack in my game installation, but haven't noticed anything unusual? Do you have selected Afaaq's active combat script? With his passive and semi-passive scripts he doesn't actively attack opponents. Unless the Nishruu has been improved by some mod, its attack shouldn't affect Afaaq's ability to talk as well. You should only see a decline in his memorized spells, that will be restored after a rest.
Another issue: I had Afaaq take a lot of damage from a Marilith, but he stayed near dead thou he was taking a lot of poison damage.Periodic poison damage has a chance to interrupt his death scripts. Have you tried to fix it with his dialog option "You are behaving oddly. Care to fix it?"? If it doesn't work, can you attach your save? I'd like to take a look.
Regarding the Nishruu it should only be modified by Spell Revision (perhaps also by SCS). I had his passive combatscript active, but the issue also made him act as if he was forzen, ie I couldn't even move him.
Regarding the poisondamage: I didn't think of the dialogue option - will try next time. And I was clumsy, so no savegames
Will be better regarding saves from now on.
04 November 2015 - 12:15 AM
I don't know if it is a bug or a feature.
Another issue: I had Afaaq take a lot of damage from a Marilith, but he stayed near dead thou he was taking a lot of poison damage.
27 September 2015 - 06:59 AM
Hello Yovaneth
I ran into Ceinwen troubles again. She's no appering in the (admitted) crowded Government Building with the Cowled Wizzies. NoCeinwenAtTheGovernmentBuilding.jpg 24.69K 397 downloads
Don't know if anything is to do about this, but I'll try to find a way to CLUA her in again.
If you ever get to find the time I have but one wish: make the travelling time between Govt. west, and the rest of Athkathla 0 and not 8 hours. That would be swell
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