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Member Since 07 May 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 19 2007 09:37 AM

Topics I've Started

Fighting after leaving Brynnlaw

18 June 2007 - 09:18 AM

After leaving Brynnlaw aboard the boat, we are waylaid by the Githyanki, but instead of a cutscene where I get in trouble and hte boat sinks, taking me to the Sahaugain city, a fight breaks out between the pirates and the gith. This goes on until everyone is killed on both sides except the gith captain, who then can not be killed. He gets to 'near death' status, then jsut keeps fighting in this state. Talking to the human captain doesn't help, as it replays the last bit of dialog from Brynnlaw, where he insists on giving you the silver sword that is attracting the gith in the first place.

Anyone else ever have this?


New Issue, Video Freezes when I fight wyvers

16 May 2007 - 10:34 AM

Everybody was really helpful with the last issue, so here's new one. When I tried to go to the last section of the cloakwood, I triggered a "you have been waylaid by enemies, and must defend yourself" that included wyverns. The screen froze, but I could here the fighting continuing, and in fact I could pause and unpause, so the game was responding, but it froze on round two and then I died.

Well, no big deal, I'll just reload.

This time, no encounter, get to the wyvern cave, save game, enter to fight them and bam, end of round two, the screen freezes. Again I can hear the battle going on, I can pause and unpause until everybody dies, then I have to shut down the computer and restart. Happened a few times.

Finally, I just skipped the cave.

So far I'm on my way to Baldur's Gate officially, with no real problems, but I wonder what the connection is with the wyverns, and if this will come back later when I have to fight dragons.

Anybody seen anything like this?


Main Character Stops attacking

07 May 2007 - 07:49 AM

I played Baldur's Gate years ago and decided to redo it linked to BG2 with your mod.  Works great ,but one weird thing I've noticed is that my main character stops attacking if he gets hit by an enemy.  I have to click on him and re-attck the target.  I'm early on, so its only a hassle, but later, when losing a round to reacquire can be the difference between victory and defeat, and enemies will be hitting almost every round, this could be very, very bad.

Any ideas, or am I the first person to have this happen?
