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Member Since 12 Apr 2003
Offline Last Active May 02 2009 08:01 PM

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Question about appending .2da file

30 January 2004 - 05:55 AM

Is it possible to add a new row to a 2da file (which contains reference to a new string, which is supposed to be installed) in a way less destructive than this:
APPEND ~tooltip.2da~ ~SW1H16 -1 13138 13139~
APPEND ~tooltip.2da~ ~SW1H16A -1 13138 13088~
APPEND ~tooltip.2da~ ~SW1H16B -1 13087 13088~
APPEND ~tooltip.2da~ ~SW1H16C -1 13088 13089~
APPEND ~tooltip.2da~ ~SW1H16D -1 13139 13140~
APPEND ~tooltip.2da~ ~SW1H16E -1 13139 13089~

STRING_SET 13087 @20 //string orginally containing name of book11
STRING_SET 13138 @21 //string orginally containing description of book11
STRING_SET 13088 @22 //string orginally containing name of book12
STRING_SET 13139 @23 //string orginally containing description of book11
STRING_SET 13089 @24 //string orginally containing name of book13
STRING_SET 13140 @25 //string orginally containing description of book11

COPY_EXISTING ~book11.itm~ ~override/book11.itm~
  SAY NAME2 @26
  SAY DESC @27
COPY_EXISTING ~book12.itm~ ~override/book12.itm~
  SAY NAME2 @28
  SAY DESC @29
COPY_EXISTING ~book13.itm~ ~override/book13.itm~
  SAY NAME2 @30
  SAY DESC @31