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Member Since 17 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 22 2013 06:59 PM

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In Topic: NPC Idea: Marcos Corvus

24 July 2012 - 08:02 AM

Not all NPC ideas pan out, but I can't help thinking that part of what killed this idea was too much feedback. You had a lot of people chiming in with their 2 coppers, each of them dampening your enthusiasm little by little. I know, I was one of them, too, so I've got no right to get all analytical now.

Ultimately, we all have the same number of hours in each day, and we all find time to do what we enjoy doing. We don't usually stop until it becomes un-fun, and it sounds like that's what happened to poor Marcos. Maybe it would have been better to just write the darned thing and figure out later what to tweak to make him fit better with the game world. Maybe it would have been better to vet the idea with a smaller focus group who could have offered feedback without becoming overwhelming. Maybe I should mind my own business.

Anyway, if you really have lost interest, these things happen, but maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to leave the files where they are and come back to them some other time. At the very least, revisiting the files later may provide private amusement (or embarrassment). I look back on a lot of the stuff I wrote years ago and wonder what I was thinking.

Whatever you ultimately decide to do with Marcos, you had fun with the creation process. That has to count for something.

Thanks for the comments, but it actually wasn't feedback. I enjoy feedback and, honestly, rarely get it for my work. Although, the advice of how to tackle the mod was getting to me a little, but since it was from experienced modders, I knew you/they were telling me these things with good reason, it wasn't a damper. It was rather that I work full time and attend school full time, so with all the hours in the day, Marcos was not at the top of my priority list of projects. So, basically, I don't have time for him and won't have time for him until 2015, when I finish school (again).

I really hope this mod makes it to release. Heck, it might end up being ready before my NPC mod is ready, and I don't even want to figure out how long I've been working on it! Stnemele, if at any time you feel inspired to poke at your mod files some more, that might be all it takes to get you interested in further development. If you find that you want it to be completed, but don't see any way you could work it into your schedule, you could always present the concept and existing files to the "Orphan Characters" forum, in case someone else is willing and able to take the reins.

Best wishes!

Thanks. I may put Marcos in there, should I never have the time to come back to him when all is said and done. I have fiddled with him some since I posted the discontinuation of the project. I haven't completely abandoned things and I'll certainly put up any progress I make in here :D

But thanks for the encouragement. It helps to know that people were interested and are willing to help (even if it's by staying out of it) :D

In Topic: NPC Idea: Marcos Corvus

02 June 2012 - 07:11 AM

Thanks so much to everyone for their comments, encouragement, and interest.

However, I do not have the time or inspiration to continue/finish this mod. Although I had his character, I was having trouble putting him into the story and making him compatible with multiple PCs. As a full time student and worker, I also do not have the time to learn the coding necessary for this, although there are great guides out there.

So, my apologies to all those who expressed interest in this or who were looking forward to it. But I am not going to be that modder that says something is "in progress" when all it really comprises of are a few files on my computer that I haven't opened in months.

Will I work on this later? Potentially. No promises since I haven't picked this up since my last post in March, nor is it on my immediate 'to do' list. I enjoy the modding community very much, but now I understand how difficult it is to write a mod. I was having fun, certainly, but that only goes so far to keep one going.

Thanks again to everyone for their comments and support!


In Topic: NPC Idea: Marcos Corvus

05 March 2012 - 01:15 PM

Thanks for the advice! I'll take that into consideration. My only "issue" is that I was contemplating a base character shift (not alignment), which essentially would have him show his good side more easily and often, for the romance track. Frankly, I'd rather get this right than simple, but this is me talking without having even started scripting/writing anything yet. But, as always, we'll see what happens when I get there (Prediction: it will be to come running to the veterans and begging, "helpmehelphelpme pretty please?").

But the point that all talks, no matter what, are friendship talks is completely valid. I wouldn't date someone wasn't my friend. No point. :P

In Topic: NPC Idea: Marcos Corvus

04 March 2012 - 01:47 PM

Taking a break from NPC banters (since I rather got stuck on HD) and moving on to the friendship talks. I'm currently satisfied with my banters other than HD (currently incomplete and current draft not posted) and Jahiera (no change since last post), but feedback is still welcome on all of them.

Outlining the talks; figuring out the scripting for it
Estimated number:
10 (6 core, 4 additional if not romancing)

Question to experienced modders/anyone with an opinion: Will it be better for a character to go through the friendship track and then branch into the romance track or have the friendship track branch off at a certain point to become either the romance track and the advanced friendship track? I want to know what's better, not what's easier (because I know which is which).

In Topic: NPC Idea: Marcos Corvus

19 February 2012 - 04:35 AM

For the moment, I'm keeping Cernd's banters as they were.

Edwin's updated Banters:

//Edwin Banter
IF ~InParty("S#MARC")
THEN S#MarcB EdwinBanter1
~Are you planning on causing me as much trouble as the rest of your kind, Odesseiron?~
DO ~SetGlobal("S#EdwinBanter","GLOBAL",1)~
== BEDWIN ~I don't know what you are talking about, guardsman. (Fool has better things to do than annoy me.)~
== S#MARC ~The Red Wizards are nothing but trouble. If I didn't respect <CHARNAME>'s judgement, you would be hanging from a noose right about now.~
== BEDWIN ~I do not have time for this! Leave me be, boy.~~
== S#MARC ~I'm watching you.~
== BEDWIN ~I shall keep that in mind.~

Working on Haer'Dalis's. Hopefully after a week of moving, being sick, and other very stressful/not cool situations, the creative juices will return in full swing... because this -->   :crazy:  <-- is how I feel right now. Maybe it's a good time to write Jan....