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Member Since 19 Apr 2003
Offline Last Active Jul 26 2006 04:07 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Why should Mazzy become a paladin?

12 August 2004 - 06:46 PM

But alot of Mazzy's personality is built around the fact that she wants to be a Paladin, but can't be.

In Topic: Changing Kits

28 July 2004 - 03:55 AM

ReallyForceSpell means that the spell is cast instantly and is always succesful. SpellRES means it uses a resource reference (ie, a filename) rather than a SPELL.IDS entry.
You can, from memory, attach a script to the protagonist by EXTENDing PLAYER1.BCS .  Don't quote me on that, though.

To do it in dialogue, you use a line of this format:

IF ~stuffhashapped()~ THEN DO ~makemorestuffhappen()~ <TRANSITION>

You will mostly just use AddKit() and AddSuperKit(), I *think*, although if this is the case, I cannot think what NPCKit would use the spell casting for...

In Topic: A question about the / function in WeiDU

23 July 2004 - 05:23 PM

The standard in most languages is to take the integer portion of it only - that is, 0.1 becomes 0, but 0.99999 also becomes 0.  However, WeiDU *may* add 0.5 before the integer is taken, hence achieving the mathematical rounding.
As for a hex editor, I use http://www.chmaas.ha...xvi32/xvi32.htm , although it only runs on Windows.

Was me.

In Topic: How do you put a portrait in the game

15 July 2004 - 07:16 PM

You don't need the large portrait - rather, the medium one. I can't remember the size for it offhand though. The naming conventions (*L , *M, and *S) do NOT matter - they are simply a conventional way of grouping portraits that are the same person, just different sizes. The only pattern it needs to match is *.bmp - and it might not even need that.  It simply needs to be the right size (if it isn't, the only harm is that it will look very strange) and be saved as an uncompressed bitmap.

In Topic: Need help with a mod

13 July 2004 - 06:18 PM

Johanobesus, I think the Medium portrait is on the record screen,  while the Large portrait is shown at character creation, and in the epilogue.