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#429360 Sorcerer spell choices?

Posted by neostalker on 10 December 2008 - 12:41 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

That must be it.
Thanks for the clarification.

#427457 Sorcerer spell choices?

Posted by neostalker on 28 November 2008 - 11:45 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Thanks for your helpful replies, now I know what I shouldn't choose.

#429358 Sorcerer spell choices?

Posted by neostalker on 10 December 2008 - 12:34 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Thanks for the tips.
Had a great time with my sorceror, but decided at the beginning of ToB that I wanted to play a kensai/mage instead.

Now, I have dual-classed it to mage when my kensai was level 9. But my kensai part stops levelling completely even when I've reactivated it?

Dual-class character advance both their classes even after dual-classing from what I know?

#427412 Sorcerer spell choices?

Posted by neostalker on 28 November 2008 - 08:21 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

I would like my sorcerer to be able to hold his own in as many situations as possible. Against mages, vampires, beholders, Irenicus... you name it.
I'm not going to solo, but I like the option. What spells should I go for, and which should I avoid?


#429530 More NPC integrity

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 01:49 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Now that my revised plans turn out to be realistic, I might start soon with the mod.

Just want to know, do you think this is a good idea for a mod? Would you use it yourself if you ever did a re-run?
I will probably make it even if you think it sounds bad, because I love the idea, still interesting to hear your opinions.

#429523 More NPC integrity

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 12:54 PM in IE Modding Discussion

Everything is doable. The question is, how much work it will take. Because IE is not adjusted to do what you've suggested.

Don't know if you're referring to my first post or the last. If you mean the individual NPC gold and item-part, then I can see that it might be a bit too advanced.

But occasional money demands from certain NPC's, they refusing to part in isolated areas (like Underdark or other Planes), and more direct actions to reputation changes maybe is within the limits of what IE (and some dialogue/interjection modding) is capable of?

#429552 More NPC integrity

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 03:49 PM in IE Modding Discussion

It isn't the mod I would play, personally. It doesn't really affect ME much, if you see what I mean. It doesn't add an amazing amount, and as I usually solo, I don't see the gain of me dragging a few NPCs behind me for it.


I hear you. :-)

Well, at least I will have fun with such a mod.

#429608 More NPC integrity

Posted by neostalker on 12 December 2008 - 03:05 AM in IE Modding Discussion

I, too, would not play it. It adds a bit of realism, certainly, but I'd end up feeling annoyed by it. A curious question, however: If you're going to make it anyway, for yourself if for no one else, why ask anyone whether it's a good idea or not? You obviously think it is, and worth the effort and work also. :)

Because I still think it's fun to have other peoples input.

why ask anyone whether it's a good idea or not?

Why not...

Now, if you Neostalker can make the NPCs to be more 'in character' then it could be good, as in if the Charname meets Edwin and then has Minsc all the way, I could see conflict coming even without Edwin in the party, especially then... so let's not concentrate on the negative side of the game mechanics, but on what this all can bring to us and then you'll have a good mod idea. :whistling:

Something like that I had in mind. More realistic NPC behaviour, and of course it will be made individual for original NPC's, rather than some general rules.

With realism mods it is always difficult for me to say whether it is something I would play. It would be similar to ask if anyone is interested in an NPC "eat or die" mod or a "make sure you change your underwear everyday NPCs" mod. (Okay that was a bit of a stretch but you get the idea.)

Yeah. Except this doesn't add any new mechanic like eating or changing your underwear, but enhances the already existant NPC behaviour. But I hear ya.

#429504 More NPC integrity

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 11:18 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Just about anything money-related is doable, at least in theory. There comes a point, however, when you're creating a lot of script for very little payoff.

You can add item checks to the various NPCs scripts, and to the game script, baldur.bcs, but players will hate you for it, since it creates a lot of lag. You can make NPCs demand payment at regular intervals, and destroy the money. About the only thing you really can't do and have your mod be even remotely compatible with other mods is add a line to player-initiated dialogue where the PC can ask to borrow money.

Thanks for your clarification!

Maybe NPC-specific shopping is a bit too advanced and CPU-demanding. And NPC-specific items maybe isn't necessary, as it's feasable that they just are content with getting money.

So, basically. Money demands from some NPC's, like Korgan and Edwin, and inability to leave NPC's in certain areas without conflicts, is fully doable?

I also think that NPC's should be more in-character when it comes to actions of the party. Not just act upon reputation. If you kill an innocent peasant, a good character should react instantly.

#429744 More NPC integrity

Posted by neostalker on 13 December 2008 - 03:04 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Thanks for your constructive answer SConrad, glad you think it's a good idea for a mod.

I guess there are (generally speaking) two kinds of players.
Those that want a really powerful character and as few restrictions as possible, and those that want a more challenging and interesting gameplay.

#429493 More NPC integrity

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 10:29 AM in IE Modding Discussion

1. Personally, I like the function. But if it's not doable, that's another thing.
2. No, you don't meet any NPC's. But you may leave NPC's for various reasons (you think you're powerful enough and want more experience), or you just get tired of their banter.
3. Not going to respond to your negative attitude. People who would want such a component are those that prefer interesting interactions rather than having as much "virtual" gold on their character as possible.

#429483 More NPC integrity

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 09:39 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Just some thoughts. I don't know if the engine allows this, but here goes:

1. NPC characters do not share their inventory as freely. If they have original equipment they don't let you take it, and they also want a share of gold and items that goes strictly to them. Conflicts may occur between NPC-NPC and NPC-PC regarding who should have what.

I really miss that aspect when I'm playing Baldur's Gate. Dissent caused by greed.
This of course needs some manner of individual NPC economy. There will be a shared gold bag, but every NPC will also have a stash in his inventory with the gold he has earned.
You cannot use this stash except for things that are bought directly to the NPC, and these transactions must be approved by the NPC.
Viconia for example, wouldn't want to buy a Potion of Master Thievery. She wouldn't need that.

This makes the game focus more on the PC, and enhances the feeling of the NPC being independent people that just happen to team along.

2. NPC characters do not let you leave them in certain places, such as the Plane you travel to with the Planar Sphere, or The Underdark. They simply don't tolerate being left alone in such a dangerous and inaccessible place, and they will fight you if you insist on leaving them anyway. Or they may get out of there, show up later and get revenge.

3. If the gold and items gained are not enough, some NPC's will demand that you pay them in return for their continued services.
I always found it strange that Korgan, for example, was willing to risk his life for you even though he never got anything out of it.

So, do you think this is doable?

#432965 Questions for a simple mod

Posted by neostalker on 05 January 2009 - 01:29 AM in Oblivion Modding Discussion

Sounds kind of interesting. Not changing how fast you level because I think it's too fast in vanilla. But making a point in speed or acrobatics have less impact, or maybe lessened impact they higher they are, would increase the combat and realism value in the game since people wouldn't move all over the place.
I too would be interested in hearing how to achieve that.

By going to "Gameplay -> Settings" and then changing "iLevelUpMult", you can get more points for each skill you've leveled.
And if you go to "Character - > Skills", you can change the rate of skill advancement. In the Construction Set of course.

#429448 Fighter/Mage, with focus on fighter?

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 06:24 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

So, I've recently soloed SoA with a sorceror (well, I needed a little additional help on the Irenicus fight).
I then created a kensai/mage to solo with, but I think I dual-classed it too early (level 9).

I want to have more focus on the fighter aspect, and less on the mage aspect. At what level should I dual-class, do you think?
I don't need any super high-level spells, I just want to use magic to protect and aid my fighter without completely relying on the magic part.
And I want to have full proficiency (or close to) in two weapons.

Using ToB's experience cap.

#429484 Fighter/Mage, with focus on fighter?

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 09:46 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

Thanks. Those are aspects to consider.

Don't really know what to choose. :-P
I don't care about the level 9 spells though... as I said I just want some basic spells to aid my fighter (not kensai) in his battle, without getting too "magey".
This won't be an all-solo character! I will have Edwin as backup.

#429472 Fighter/Mage, with focus on fighter?

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 08:58 AM in Baldur's Gate Series

I suggest using multi instead of dual then. You'll only miss kensai's +3 damage bonus.

But that gives an "even" balance between fighter and mage, doesn't it?
I want the fighter part to be higher level than the mage.

Optimum levels for dualing a Kensai are 9, 13 and 15. 9 for a proficiency and last of your D10+CON HP, 13 for another 1/2 attack per round and 15 for another proficiency. For a caster mage, 9 is optimum. For a fighter-focused dual, 15 is better, as you want the most from your fighter class.

Spells like Tenser's Transformation, ShapeChange and weapon spells are best for a F-F/M. The downside of Tensers makes no difference, while the perks are a real boost. Also, Stoneskin you have a whole new use for, and you can soak damage with PBAoE (Point-Blanc Area of Effect) spells like SunFire in Contingencies and Triggers turns you into a powerhouse.

Also, disabling spells are better, over damage spells. Free-Action and Web is a fairly deadly combination, as is Greater Malison -> Emotion (Without SR). Remember that Improved Haste is probably going to be among your favourite spells, and that Sleep and Charm is better than Magic Missile, in this game.


Thanks. That's kind of what I have in mind too. More combat-effect spells and less damage spells. I'll let my sword do the damage.
I'm playing as a mage, and will dual-class to fighter, btw. Not the other way around. :-P
The reason for that is because I'd like to reach a level with the mage where I can say "this is enough", and then go for the fighter-aspect.

So, when I'm playing a mage, when should I dual-class in this case? :-P
Sorry for making this over-complicated.

#429512 Fighter/Mage, with focus on fighter?

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 12:02 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Well, the Kensai/Mage will solo practically everything.

Magey is good. You get better the more Magey you get, while Kensai start off sweet but don't do much afterwards. And TimeStop is by far the best thing you could ever use for a Fighter. Autohits! How much better does it get?


Thing is. I like playing characters more from a "concept" perspective rather than a "power" perspective.
And I like the concept of a full-bred fighter who can dabble with some basic spells (up to level 7 or something), but is mostly combat oriented.
I have the mod for casting spells wearing full armor btw.

#429516 Fighter/Mage, with focus on fighter?

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 12:16 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Well, you aren't looking to start as a Mage, because you lose the main benefit of being a Fighter: HP.

I would think that simply playing a Multiclass would best suit your needs.


Okay, if that gets me closest to the character I have in mind, then I will go for that.
Thanks for your help!

#429609 Want to start modding, some initial help?

Posted by neostalker on 12 December 2008 - 03:14 AM in IE Help

He's your responsibility then, guys ;)

Still, I'd go with already existing graphics, maybe a few tweaks at most.

That's what I'm going to do actually.
I will focus on dialogue, character interaction and quests.

But it's good to know all this if I want to implement some graphics in the far future. I was merely curious though.

#426895 Want to start modding, some initial help?

Posted by neostalker on 25 November 2008 - 04:21 AM in IE Help

So, I've been a fan of the IE games since Baldur's Gate.
After playing the games again after many years, with mods, I figured I too would like to make some mods. Mostly I would like to add new quests, dialogues and NPC's.
I've heard that with WeiDU it has become easier to mod the IE games.

I have no prior experience from modding, and only know a bit C++ from some courses I took 2 years ago.
Tell me, do I lack too much experience to mod IE, and if not where should I start?


#426902 Want to start modding, some initial help?

Posted by neostalker on 25 November 2008 - 05:19 AM in IE Help

Tell me, do I lack too much experience to mod IE, and if not where should I start?

No, I don't even have that, and I can mod few things... The starting point is always the tutorials. If you want to do NPCs, this is the one I used. This might help also with dialogs. And quests are just dialogs that use variables etc.

WeiDU just installs the mods so you don't need to change the games own dialog etc. files with every time and with every mod by hand.

Thanks for your answer, those tutorials seem to cover most of it.

So WeiDU doesn't make making mods easier, but rather prevents hard-to-reverse conflicts by not changing the actual game files?
But I've read that all WeiDU-mods are compatible with each other, but maybe I read wrong and there is still a risk for conflict, just that it's easier to fix?

#429563 Want to start modding, some initial help?

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 04:59 PM in IE Help

Okay. I have no problem with the idea of concentrating on one specific area.

Actually, I don't have an artistic vein at all when it comes to graphic design, was just curious. I'm mostly good at writing (not code), and making up stuff that could happen in a certain scenario. That's also what interests me most. Dialogues, interactions, choices and consequences. Not how powerful your sword is or anything like that.

#429551 Want to start modding, some initial help?

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 03:46 PM in IE Help

Yeah, it's something like that I have in mind for first project, something small.
But I had rather thought of something like a dialogue that has some consequences.

Question: Is it hard to design entirely new areas? Is there any toolset for that or do you have to draw each building by hand?

#429455 Recommended mods? Non-TC

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 07:27 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Want to expand the gameplay a bit.

Right now, I have Ascension, Valen, Tactics and G3 BG2 Tweaks installed.
Though they are a nice addition, I would like even more content, without unbalancing the game too much.

Especially looking for new quests, areas and items.

Thanks in advance

#429474 Recommended mods? Non-TC

Posted by neostalker on 11 December 2008 - 09:06 AM in IE Modding Discussion

Well, Fishing for Trouble is supposedly quite good (I haven't played it, yet) here at SHS. QuestPack and Unfinished Business over at PPG are also good for more content.


Thanks, gonna check them out.

By the way. Of all the threads I've created, you've been the one to answer them all.
Is it just you and me here? :-P