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#546022 Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

Posted by KIrving on 03 September 2012 - 02:42 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

What's with the dichotomies? I didn't say I'd prefer old and ugly romantic options. Just because you're not some unscarred flower doesn't mean you're hideous, and looking older than 18 doesn't mean you're a crone. I personally wouldn't consider Jaheira super attractive and super young, but she's got a pretty viable romance, even if being a fighter means she's probably got some nasty scars. So the assumption that a romanceable female has to be elvish and a mage because nothing else is good enough -- never mind that armourless mages can get pretty knocked around also -- is kind of silly. (Yes, Jaheira's a half-elf, but that was probably for multi-classing purposes rather than because it means she's hotter. Also, Harpers and half-elves go together.)

You're implying that only I think Elfs or Mages can be "attractive or viable romance options" Which I never said or implied...All I said is that most people would want them to be cute / pretty / hot /youngish etc...Personally, I find Jaheria quite attractive and not just because she is half an Elf. Also, the scars would not bother me either on her or anyone else most likely.

When I said "Old" I meant like 50 + (in human years at least) I am talking Keldorn age like here...

When it comes to what anyone finds attractive I think saying "most people" is never a good idea.

They could have shaken things up a bit and had a romanceable female orc for once. :) Even a full fighter class female of any race would have been a nice change.

Neera's portrait was drawn based on the picture of a friend of one of Beamdog's employees, so that face belongs to a real-world person. I don't recall anyone complaining about that when it was done for BG1. Just for your information.

Maybe it's just me but I find the idea that they based the portrait on a woman they know somewhat creepy.

#548527 Comments on Pillars of Eternity (aka Project Eternity)

Posted by KIrving on 16 October 2012 - 04:07 PM in General Gameplay

The live stream comments/questions are, unsurprisingly, really creepy and sad.

Still it's good to see how well the fundraising is going. I upped my amount to $55 last weekend ($35 digital tier plus $20 for the expansion). With Wasteland 2, Dead State and now this I think I've hit my limit for Kickstarter games.

#557786 Torment: Tides of Numenera

Posted by KIrving on 02 May 2013 - 02:28 PM in General Gameplay

From what I understand, strongholds are now a GO!


That's correct, it was confirmed by Brian Fargo on Twitter. :)

Yay! :)  I liked that in PsT the nameless one had a room where he could store stuff he wasn't using, like previous body parts that he'd been attached  :naughty:  to.

#556826 Torment: Tides of Numenera

Posted by KIrving on 05 April 2013 - 01:17 PM in General Gameplay

Please reach 4 million, please reach 4 million.....  :D
It did that already, as technically even thought the kickstarter now says it to be 3.95 mils, it's actually 4.15 mils as Brian Fargo has put 100,000 and Steve Dengler put the same amount as the kickstarter pot went so well.

The Brian Fargo and Steve Dengler contributions are definitely not going to be included in the tally.  The paypal amounts count towards the total tally and stretch goals though. :)  Kickstarter amount just went past 4.057 mil. and paypal is around 130 thousand ish (I think).  4.25 is doable but 4.5 mil might be pushing it now with only 2 hours to go.

#550629 My thoughts on BG:EE

Posted by KIrving on 01 December 2012 - 07:00 PM in Baldur's Gate Series

Cuv, thank you for nfo. This is what I wanted to hear about BG:EE. Now, I think about buying it.
I don't know how much you are allowed to say but I have 3 questions:

1. What stuff are now being externalized?
2. Will it be too hard to convert existing mods into BG:EE?

And last one, hehe, when are we gone see some new mods from you? :-)

Return to Windspear!!  Probably not going to happen but I can dream. :)

#560021 Steam Summer Sale 2013

Posted by KIrving on 14 July 2013 - 09:36 PM in General Gameplay

Yep, the steam sale would have to happen when the Aus. dollar drops below the Us, darn it. :)  Resisted a lot of stuff and mainly went for things that my husband and I had been interested in, possibly, getting at some stage like XCOM Enemy Unknown and Counter-Strike (complete package).  Also got two other games mainly because they were cheap, Hitman Absolution and Just Cause 2. 

I'm waiting for Dishonored and Deus Ex Human Revolution to drop even more in price before thinking about picking them up and that's about it at this stage.

#560709 Steam or Nexus?

Posted by KIrving on 05 August 2013 - 06:17 PM in Elder Scrolls Series

No. I mean that it's easier to find what I'm looking for, the mods there (at least the big ones) tend to have good documentation and F.A.Q's, there's plenty of screenshots, I tend to scan through the comment section to make sure there aren't any big problems, et cetera.

This is exactly what I do before installing any mod and I'm familiar with the Nexus, although the, relatively, recent changes to the way comments are laid is a little confusing. 

I've skimmed through the Steam Workshop a few times but I feel like a dog trying to learn new tricks.  Also I'm not a fan of auto updating when it comes to mods.  I still manually download, install and patch Nexus mods.

#553926 NWN 2 now on sale at GOG

Posted by KIrving on 25 January 2013 - 03:05 PM in NWN Series

For those who care, GOG.com is now carrying Neverwinter Nights 2 (including Mask of the Betrayer, Storm of Zehir, and Mysteries of Westgate). 


At the moment, it is on sale at $14.99.  Be aware it is large (6.9 GB)



Thanks for the heads up on this, Bri! :)  It's finally motivated me to join GOG.  I've been looking for a decently priced copy of the main game and in particular MotB for a while now.

It's a big download and my connection is a bit iffy.  Does anyone have any experience with the GOG downloader?  Does it help with such large files or is it dodgy?