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#609083 Imprisonment deletes character names...

Posted by Bloodtitan on 24 April 2020 - 09:55 AM in Mega Mod Help

I have the same problem that imprisonment cleared the long name and short name on two of my characters. The problem is that I'm playing a Multiplayer Game and the characters are not NPCs.

Shadowkeeper is unable to find any string for their old names.

How can I restore the names, step by step please?

#609152 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 03 May 2020 - 07:18 AM in Mega Mod Help

So I have "decided" to reinstall and start everything from scratch.

Long story short: DLTCEP is the only tool able to fix lost character names in a multiplayer game with created NPCs. But it will break the baldur.gam and make every save and every new game have the map- and container-state of your old party. The game becomes unplayable. If imprisonment deletes character names in a multiplayer game, reload. Don't. Ever. Fix.


My last installation was old and based on BWS. I have not been following the forum for a long time since I just played, almost everything worked as intended.

I have tried to catch up and understand that BWS is abandoned, respectively turned into an exclusive EE tool by someone ... uncooperative.


Please don't tell me I have to download every mod manually (classic game and BWP)?

Please tell me there is a link list at least, featuring the ~ 3 big modding sites since most mods used to be hosted there?

Is there an overview or documentation presenting most of the mods in a nutshell?

#609154 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 03 May 2020 - 09:49 PM in Mega Mod Help

I had tried that before posting, it is an installation manager and cannot download or hint sources.

#609155 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 04 May 2020 - 12:46 AM in Mega Mod Help

Is chosenofmystra down or has it moved? What happened to their mods?

#609162 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 04 May 2020 - 07:08 AM in Mega Mod Help

My Mistake, I had no download folder chosen. So, I manually have downloaded all mods I found in between. If I point PI to this folder now, will it delete or overwrite the content of the folder or will it sort and classify what can already be found there?

#609165 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 04 May 2020 - 07:49 AM in Mega Mod Help

You can find them here. ;)


#609167 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 04 May 2020 - 07:52 AM in Mega Mod Help

My Mistake, I had no download folder chosen. So, I manually have downloaded all mods I found in between. If I point PI to this folder now, will it delete or overwrite the content of the folder or will it sort and classify what can already be found there?


If you extract all mods the PI is able to detect them, it wont delete anything or overwrite already existing directories.


I have download two mods I had forgotten with PI. They were downloaded as folders and not packed, and no Setup.exe file included. Is that intended? Being used to BWP, packed mods are normal... And I'm unsure if I should use BWP 18.2.5 or PI now… which one will give a better (if applicable) installation order result?

#609171 BWPv18 released

Posted by Bloodtitan on 04 May 2020 - 01:43 PM in Mega Mod Help

I'm getting an error using BWP 18.2.5. BWP says it was not started from inside the BG2 folder but that's wrong.


" It seems you have started this file outside the game folder.
   The "BiG World Installpack" file and folder must be inside the
   "BGII - SoA" Folder."


I cannot get it to acknowledge...


This is after a second attempt to install. The first attempt failed because BGT could not find my BG1 Installation folder.



1. How can I repair the status of the Big World install.bat?

2. How can I get BWP to skip step 1 (preparing)… it says I have to prepare an installation before installing, but I did that.

3. What is the correct spelling for installation paths? " " or not, and do I have to include the actual game folder or not? Will it be F:\games\ or F:\games or F:\games\Baldur's Gate or "F:\games\Baldur's Gate" or "F:\games\Baldur's Gate\"?

#609172 BWPv18 released

Posted by Bloodtitan on 05 May 2020 - 01:24 AM in Mega Mod Help

Solution: uninstall bg2, delete the original installation folder of bg2 and reinstall bg2. And have the BiG World Downloads folder and Baldur's Gate folder NEXT to the bg2 installation folder, not inside.

#609186 BWPv18 released

Posted by Bloodtitan on 06 May 2020 - 09:47 AM in Mega Mod Help

@ ChitownWillie


Your installation is nearly complete. Let's see how o finish it.
The "validate" message comes from that part where the IDS files will be corrected. The only mod that really still needs to be installed is Generalized Biffing. So the easiest way is to skip the BWP installation and install Generalized Biffing manually. However, this way you will miss some processes that may not be really important. The clearest way to finish the installation is this:
Open the BiG World Installpack\install\individual.bat respectively the BiG World Installpack\install\process.bat and delete all lines between 1. CORRECTIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS and Call .\%BWIPI%\close2.bat at the end of the file and save it. Start the install.bat again and it will continue where the installation was aborted. If the error hapens again then open the BiG World Installpack\install\close2.bat and write rem at the beginning of the line Call ".\%BWIPS%\trim_IDS.bat" and Call ".\%BWIPS%\trim_IDS.bat" and save the file. Start the install.bat again. This way the installation will be finished as intended.



@ Greenhorn

Thank you for the hint


This solution is still working and needed for BWP 18.2.5 and Windows 10 Computers. Cheers!

#609202 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 07 May 2020 - 09:49 AM in Mega Mod Help

I have a working installation now... well, almost. I have a very specific problem of playing BGT with an english SoA/ToB and a german BG1/TotSC. The result is I have no text in BG1 dialogues except mods.

I chose english as my BWP Installation language and EN GE as preferred languages for mods. If I install with german as BWP language, I have no text in SoA/ToB core.


Does anyone know how to fix this?


EDIT: checking with NI, BG1 creatures have english dialogues, I just do not see them.

Attached Files

#609204 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 07 May 2020 - 11:38 PM in Mega Mod Help

It's not hard to pin down, it must be something done by BGT or BWP. Also, the combining of these two base games in different languages has worked flawlessly till at least 2015.

#609210 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 08 May 2020 - 10:10 PM in Mega Mod Help

I found the culprits... I have ~5.5k empty .dlg files in my override folder. The problem is when I delete them and start the game, creatures that initiate dialogue have no dialogue at all. I can see them trying to start a dialog but nothing happens.

Also, it seem to be .dlg files from or changed by various mods. The unchanged core dialogues of bg1 work, allthough in english now. That's perfectly fine.


That would mean to me that BWP is the cause of this, not BGT.

#609212 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 09 May 2020 - 01:31 AM in Mega Mod Help

Going a different way right now, deleted everything and reinstalled the core game, ran BWP unpacker and fixpack and manually installing every mod according to the sequence in BWP as well as my former weidu.log.


I still think that BWP did what you say because I started a game and immediately three of three mods in candlekeep had no dialog... too bad quota to have this caused by every mod itself.

#609213 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 09 May 2020 - 04:28 AM in Mega Mod Help

I found something during the installation: 1pp GUI enhancement has an option that does not go to weidu.log which is changing fonts. This option has a warning regarding foreign languages. It could be that.

#609217 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 09 May 2020 - 08:53 AM in Mega Mod Help

I have an installation without the dialog bugs now. At least NI shows that. However, ToBEx does not start the game. I see bg2 in the taskbar for a moment, and closing without error message immediately.


Anyone having an idea about that?

Attached Files

#609220 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 09 May 2020 - 01:26 PM in Mega Mod Help

I've chosen the option that was used by BWP before, and the game started back then. Now I see the game starting but immediately closing. ToBEx takes long to load, yes. Are you sure this isn't a ToBEx problem?

#609224 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 09 May 2020 - 10:28 PM in Mega Mod Help

I can re-run it, no problem, but remeber this smaller option was picked by the automated BWP installation...

Hate to not find it anymore but two days ago I saw a thread on one of the modding forums (not this one) where ToBEx was reported to crash all megamod installations because it automatically tries to patch all mod files to the latest weidu version. In that topic it was said that the update process to weidu 24600 will hang for a lot of mods because a change that was made compared to 24300 will not forgive using a certain variable anymore.

I do not know how BWP avoids that loop when installing ToBEx but I definitely ran into it. I had to close the ToBEx installation because it hung during the auto-update process. When I re-ran the setup, the update-checks did not show up and I began to install normally.

Is that what causes ToBEx to not work correctly and how does BWP avoid this loop?

#609225 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 09 May 2020 - 10:46 PM in Mega Mod Help

I have biffed everything now and the ToBEx starting time has decreased a lot. However, I still see ToBEx trying to start the game, BG2 appears in the taskbar but disappears immediately without generating a game window. No error message and I never "leave the desktop".

#609228 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 10 May 2020 - 12:06 AM in Mega Mod Help

found the topic meanwhile:



EDIT: all mods were installed with 24600

#609230 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 10 May 2020 - 02:21 AM in Mega Mod Help

So, since I picked the components and installation order (aside from 5 mods by lava that require the bgt-worldmap) that BWP picked, and yet my game refuses to start. What could it be? It looks ok in NI...

#609232 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 10 May 2020 - 03:26 AM in Mega Mod Help

-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sat 09 May 2020 18:34:18)
-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sat 09 May 2020 18:39:05)
-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sat 09 May 2020 18:46:47)
-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sat 09 May 2020 18:50:26)
-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sun 10 May 2020 08:43:07)
-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Sun 10 May 2020 12:44:59)


Just starting Messages in ToBEx.log...


I will now uninstall the GUI mod and/or Widescreen, since no window is generated.

#609235 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 10 May 2020 - 03:11 PM in Mega Mod Help

I have reinstalled everything and left out TDD Kits. I remember those were a problem even before BWS or BWP existed.

0. Clean patched ToB

1. I used BWP install to unpack the mods.

2. I manually used BWP Fix batch

3. I manually installed every mod and component in the same order that was used by BWP, and always picked EN as language.


Game is running now.


What remains:

a) The starting screen music and probably all SoA/ToB music is played faster, maybe an issue with 1pp HQ music.

b) The game is lagging in combat and inventory even in a new game. I have a pretty fast machine which should very well be able to handle any (modded) bg2...

#609237 Starting anew

Posted by Bloodtitan on 10 May 2020 - 11:41 PM in Mega Mod Help

Graphics problem solved, had to enable 3D in bgconfig. 2D mode does not seem to be supported by my gfx anymore.

What remains is the pitched up BG2 Music.

#609238 High quality music plays to fast?

Posted by Bloodtitan on 11 May 2020 - 12:33 AM in 1PP

Bumping this. I have a megamod installation including CtB. I have learned here that CtB uses IWD music and that having it will cause the bg2 HQ music to play too fast. Is there any fix to this?