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#451340 BwP Install Stuck

Posted by d2freak on 04 June 2009 - 05:37 PM in Mega Mod Help


You have this. So remove the 3.909Kb's setup-*modname*.exe's and copy one of the others(one that should take 508Kb) and rename them as the once you deleted. And next time, do not use the v2.1 Widescreen mod with the BWS/P installer. It works fine, if you manually install it later, but it still makes the bug, if it's used with anything else.

No i don't. I opened up my process list and noticed two instances of: Setup-A6XPPATCH.exe running, i killed both and restarted the process.

Now i just got this popup error:

The program or feature "\??\D:\Applications\Black Isle\BGII-SOA\override\XM2WAVE.exe" cannot start or run due to incompatibity(yay typo in application) with 64-bit versions of Window. Please contact the software vendor to ask if a 64-bit Windows compatible version is available.

Do i just ignore this?

Hey, i just bumped in to say that i also got this exact error at the exact same place, as in your first post (and i neither had the widescreen mod in there) and i solved it by pressing CTRL+Break when it happened. It then asks if i want to abort the operation (y/n) i choose No and the installation continiues as normally. I havent encountered your other error, or any other error by doing this. So you might want to try it :)

i snapped this solution up from some other topic i read in here that i cant remember...

#451037 Will installing new scripts for the followers break something?

Posted by d2freak on 03 June 2009 - 08:44 AM in Mega Mod Help


Well, the BWP does install the SCS2 and with it the "Ease-of-use party AI", to actually use them you need to start the game, go to the character window, and click the "Customize" -> "Script" -> Select one -> "Done"... and then push the lantern at the right lower corner so it's lightened if it wasn't.

Hey jarno. Well, i did try theese already - they does not seem to work correctly? the AI is "on" the scripts is choosen in the customize section...i tried the new ones including SCS and easy of use - they do not seem to make the NPC cast spells on there own? (they just have bunch of hotkeys for casting buffs automaticly and such)

or did i miss something?


[edit] well...not working would probably be the wrong word. its more like i think they arent really meant for being able to cast spells automaticly and such... if this is correct, i need new script :)

#450985 Will installing new scripts for the followers break something?

Posted by d2freak on 03 June 2009 - 12:35 AM in Mega Mod Help

Hello. First post here. I just want to start out with saying that thank all of you for still supporting this great game after so many years with mods and such.

I just tried the BiG world installer by leomar. GREAT tool! works brilliantly on the reccommended setting. spices up the game alot. to me there only remains one problem: scripts for your followers

Now, this does not bother me so much becouse i like a little micromanaging, but the thing is, my girlfriend loves rpgs and is funnily starting to get into D&D thanks to this. Long story short she loved neverwinter nights 2 and so i tell her that baldurs gate is way better.

I think everyone that has played never winter nights 2 knows what im talking about by now - it is a game that is designed to be much easier in general than games such as baldur's gate. Micromanaging is not required *at all* - you just have a mage in your party with spells memorized and swooch when you get close to enemyes meteors just start blasting all over the place. they do everyhting automatic.

Point is that i need something similar for baldurs gate beocuse otherwise my girlfriend can not handle it. And besides, such behavior does make you appreciate the other aspects of the game as well, as well as making it bit more realistic.

And even though there is some new scripts installed that you can assign your followers, after installing BiG world reccomended version - none of them are especially automatic. they require key pressing to work as expected, and the mages will *still* simply walk up to the enemys and start to hit them in melee without casting a single spell. So my questions is...

1. can i install custom scripts to my BiG world 7.0 recommended installation without it breaking something?

2. if yes, where can i find such scripts that i need (read above)? any recomendations?

3. does the script files have to be designed for BG2 (and if so, will they make NPCs in BG1 behave correctly?)

I ask this becouse i found some scripts on google but all of them are very old, and it seems i need proffesional help in choosing form you guys since i have quite alot of mods installed thanks to BiG (id hate that she plays throught he entire game just to find out in the end that something does fataly not work becouse of the scripts) - and also becouse the scripts i found, that seems to do what i want, requires you to put files in your ovverride folder...which leads me to believe there could be conflicts. ( good example: Baldur's Gate 2 AI uScript (Universal Script) by Rich Martel @ http://www.sorcerers...dex_editors.php - seems to be PERFECT (one script for all followers) but requires bunch of files in override )

can someone shed some light?

thanks alot!